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Chapter 1564 1564. Past And Future Beliefs

"My partner was exploring and saw you all come in. so, I am here to greet you." Remey was standing taller with her head high as if she had prepared some amazing gift.

"Are you sure it\'s not just because you don\'t want to be doing any more work?" Walker had to tease her a little. Unfortunately, his comment rewarded him with a punch to the arm.

"You really don\'t know how to let me show off, do you?" Remey was understandably annoyed. "You bring another royal dragon here for the first time with my fellow alchemist guild masters and you just have to act up." Her cheeks puffed and she looked like she was about to go in to lecture mode.

Over the years of taking care of her fellow orphaned little siblings, Remey had gained a lot of skill when it came to giving lectures. Su may have the top tier lecturing ability because of her natural motherly personality, however, Remey had it from experience.

"Well, to make it up to you I brought Rise because I wanted you to be able to show off the light affinity potions. Onyx already told me that they are great. But he didn\'t forget to brag that they helped all the hatchlings gain better strength. Alice and Aurora definitely had the same results too."

"Good! They should be happy. I made that one potion for Onyx and only him. Once he has it fully consumed he should be able to get much stronger…" Remey trailed off realizing that she had broken the secret to Walker in front of both the light and dark elemental dragons that would want the best of the best.

"What potion did you and Onyx make that we don\'t know about?" Walker was already pushing. Both Trish and the old master alchemist backed off a little.

"Miss Rise, please allow me to show you the potions we have here. I will answer any questions you have.

"I will be your guide today Mordant. Let me show you what new things we have created." The old master alchemist was slightly more mischievous because he already knew that Mordant had developed an interest in the potions already.

"Well, you see… When Onyx and I were alone together in the lava lands we were able to gather some better ingredients for the affinity potion testing. We may have made a dual affinity potion that he could use to become much stronger after some secluded training. And he might have planned to do that training this week with the hatchlings and Alice so that\'s why you might not be able to find them for a day or two."

The reason that Remey had spoken about the potion in the first place was because she had believed that Onyx had told Walker about it already because he had started his training. That had made things easier on her so that she would be able to try and get more help making these potions along with also being able to hear about the current results so far. She had been wrong though.

"Then I won\'t go to bother them. I know there has been a lot of thinking and talk about the abyssal serpents and the heavenly serpents. Onyx has started a lot of people on the path to discovering their origins. I just wonder what will be found." Walker felt that this was all a good thing. The more history that could be dug up about the two monsters the better. Onyx would be able to learn about his species so that when they became an official race, he would be able to tell the stories.

"What was the potion like?" Walker waited to hear about the details. Naturally, Remey did not hold back and told him about the process along with ingredients used. She felt a little bad for hiding this from him but it had been enough to start Walker\'s mind on another theory.

"So what you are telling me is that with the right kind of balance and ingredients of higher quality…you could make a natural mana affinity potion." His statement was bold. So bold that Remey had not truly considered it. She was still too weak in the world of alchemy to be thinking about such a grand goal. How could she create a potion that most people would not even be able to dream of?

"Yes. that should be correct. I want to try and punch through that level and make a grand potion. The entire alchemy guild is working on that. You know that the goal is a grand potion. That would be the highest of the high grand potions. I just need to figure out the how and where for the herbs I need. Then the process…" Remey started to ramble to herself before Trish finally brought Rise back to them from the shelves nearby.

"And now that you have seen the high quality potions, I would like Remey to show you the awaited light affinity potions. For now there are only low, mid, and high potions of this variety. I desire to see the grand light affinity potion one day. Unfortunately, the only high light affinity potion we have is kept for education. Later we will have ingredients for more. Especially with the light elves uniting with Genesis. That will create the perfect road to higher quality herbs."

Trish had not been holding back. She was an expert at sugar coating things. She could make the worst of the worst sound great. Thus was how she had to work when she was in the forest elven city. The older elders needed to know that they were getting the best of the best.

"I desire to see this. Your fellow alchemist has described a potion that would be able to improve even my great understanding of light elemental mana. And from what I was listening to, you already have higher goals." Rise had put just the right amount of pressure on you to make her desires known. She was not going to budge when it came to these potions. She had the same desires of all the other dragons.

"Of course I can show you them." Remey moved and opened a single secluded closet that had special runes on it to ensure the safety of potions over time. The potions within were the higher quality or the rarer potions that would need the better protection while in the lab.

"That is a mid tier light affinity potion. That should be what you need to gain back the light elemental mana and then some you used to travel here." Walker finally jumped in to the conversation. He had picked up the energy that Trish had started and was going to make Rise understand how great Genesis was.

"This is…" Rise was suddenly at a loss for words when the potion was placed in her hands. Until this moment she had still not seen anything in Genesis that made her want to attach herself to it. Nothing that made her want to go against her ways and put any sort of effort in to helping it, let alone, wanting to allow it to remain as it was.

Now in her hands was a potion that made her feel it would change her world. Not only could she feel the small amount of pull from the light elemental mana towards it, but also that it was somewhat better than any potion she had ever seen. It was perfect for her and her elders to use to gain strength.

"Do you understand why I and the others have become so attached? Not only do they have a place where the mana we need is condensed, but they have the knowledge to make it easier for us. The dragon race has long ignored these potentials. The other races did not. They are completing us while we are completing them. We have power, they have knowledge. I do not wish to sit idle and lose the chance to maintain the pride of the dragon race." Mordant was honest with Rise. he did not wish to hide his intention in the least.

"If the entire dragon race wants to be equal to the other races, I can promise more. I can p[romise that every race will grow and exceed the beliefs they had about their strengths." Walker\'s solemn promise made Rise come out of her trance like thoughts.

"I have been proven wrong for the first time in many years. I do not like this. The dragons should be the only ones to have such ability and power. Yet we pushed it aside. I wish to be alone." Rise lept the potion because Remey insisted, however, Rise led herself for the room with a contorted expression. She was clearly struggling with what she had come to face. Her own emotions were muddled.



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