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Chapter 1551 1551. Elves United

Once the meetings had finished, Walker and the others took a walk to the elven areas of the city. There was a much larger tree growing that Walker had not noticed. A tree that clearly would rival the mage tower for height in a few years.

"This is a tree I was given by the forest elf queen. It has many unique traits. One of such is increasing the spiritual connection elves have to nature. It is also one of the oldest tree seeds I have ever seen." Alma was staying with the group to explain how the ceremony would go. However, she had to point out that the tree was intentionally there and served a purpose.

"That means you have brought your forest here officially. That\'s so sweet." Su was struck by the fact that the tree being from the forest elf queen was an important fact. It was a direct continuation of the forest for Alma to hold herself.

​ "You should see how the other areas have developed. The water elves are working with the merfolk to create little streams for bringing goods through the city. I guess the worn canal would be better used." Gil pondered this while they passed by such a canal that was currently dry. It was a great idea to help the water fairing citizens travel.

"I heard that young merfolk are better off in the water because of their skin. If this helps them then I am all for it." Walker\'s support was mirrored by Leon and Current. Having the royal dragons walking behind everyone made them all feel strange. Yet, when Walker tried to have them walk ahead they all ignored him. Instead they were speaking quietly about Rise coming.

When they all managed to get to the open space set aside for large events in front of the largest tree in the elven park, Walker was amazed. The elves had gathered in many places waiting for everyone to arrive. There were no chairs, instead, there were places to sit in the trees the water fountain, and blankets. It was a more natural way of holding such a large meeting of the elves.

This was also being supported by the new dwarven technology that allowed light crystals to transmit the image through rune patterns. It had been improved which was an amazing idea because the dwarves were aiming to be able to do away with basic communication crystals which were harder for the elves and dwarves to make. This would be a welcome alternative if they could expand it.

The space for the representatives to stand was the same stage where Alma would be speaking. This made everyone feel a little off because this was a moment for the elves. However, once Alma spoke they understood.

"Here before you are the representatives of Genesis. The royal dragons of the dragon race and the founders of Genesis. They have come to witness one of the largest moments for the elven race in generations." The silence through the trees was heavy. Everyone waited for her to continue.

"I have traveled to your villages, my family has traveled to your villages. We have seen some who were in need while others were building walls. Some were plagued by evil, and others were led by a false ruler. None of you have done wrong in my eyes though."

"You have stood to represent the culture you believed in while you pursue your elemental affinity and that is noble. What I stand here today to say to you is simple and overused, but it remains true. You are not alone! These elves around you may have different elemental affinities. They may have different ideals. They may have a different past. Yet when I look at them I see elves all the same."

"The history of high elves has been ignored. They were revered until they disappeared. That to me, is a tragedy. Who is to say that our high elf race is gone? The blood flows within you. How can it be any different? Because of your elemental affinity? NO! We are the high elf race and we are finally united again to create the wondrous natural magic. The elven race is here to birth sages. To all of you, I welcome you home to Genesis where every elf is equal to everyone. No matter your affinity for the elements within and without the cycle of nature."

The last words were what Alma had learned from Walker and the new information about the library. Knowing that there were more types of affinities and magic was hard to grasp but something that was better to accept now. If they researched as a city, then it would become common knowledge.

"Now, as the representative of the elven race, I welcome you to show yourselves to nature and celebrate the return of who we truly are!" This finally caused the elves to move. In the matter of moments, mana gathered in incredible density.

The elves were bringing their mana together. This was a ceremonial gesture to show that they were all the same. The elves with the same affinity would do this to illustrate their connections and power. This was a ceremony that was the same for every single elf everywhere regardless of how far they had gotten from the other races. A singular connecting factor to remind them of their history.

"Let me help a little."Walker could feel the manas coming together. He and Fleur both knew that the balance would be reached faster with their addition. Since Walker had the help of Fleur, a nature spirit, not a soul stopped him. Nature was very important for the elves. Having a nature spirit join them was an honor.

The mana that was gathered slowly became combined more and more in to natural mana. Since there were hundreds of elves working on it of all kinds of affinity, the mana was flowing smoothly. The only thing that Fleur and Walker had to do was give it the last little push to balance itself.

The moment that the mana balanced, it spread through the city. The sight of this caused many people to stop full of smiles. It was a warm and welcoming feeling. This was the symbol of a race reuniting. Of families being born. Of a new future being written.

"Celebrate who you are and show the world who we are as a race!" Alma stood with the widest smile she had ever worn in her life after speaking. The moment that anyone realized one of their greatest dreams was always a moment that would be engraved in their soul.

"This is why I wanted Genesis to exist." Walker couldn\'t help but be just as happy as those around. He had not imagined that the elves coming together would be such an outstanding moment.

"You know, this is more than just Genesis. This should be everywhere. There\'s already proof that another continent exists. Why not become allies with them?" Gil spoke as if this was something that everyone already expected to hear. He was not wrong.

"No forcing things along with fists. We can use the things we make to create a bond." Remey of all people had just said that she didn\'t want to use her fists.

"Brother, sister and I think this is a good moment. Why not share it?" Onyx and Midnight had held back a little after Walker had returned. They were upset with him for not bringing them to the light dragon village. Yet, they still took the time to share their opinion on a matter greater than their feelings at the moment.

"As a final announcement, Please honor the one that is bringing together our dagger techniques. Digging through our history to revitalize another piece we have thought lost." Gil froze in place. He had not expected that Alma would call him in this way.

"As Alma has just said, I have been looking through the books, stone tablets, and theories to rebuild the high elf dagger techniques. I believe that some history is better off being left alone while others are better off seeing the light of day again."

The arrows we make, the magics we use, and the relationships with elemental spirits change. They will be different. However, the dagger techniques, swordsmanship, and pure hearted attraction to nature will always reign true." Gil\'s words inspired many more of the elves to share what they have known with their pairs in other affinities.

"I wonder when he is going to realize that he is just as much a representative of the elves that Alma is?" Walker laughed a little while watching Gil get crowded by multiple elves that had heard of him but not fully met him.

"I may have wanted him to speak just to keep everyone from me." Alma giggled a little as she watched someone she truly cared about enjoy the things they had worked for.



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