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Chapter 1539 1539. Gale Apples

"Are you sure you don\'t want to turn around and go back to Genesis?" Alma was very worried that Gil was making the wrong decision. She had been worried since Gil got angry after Walker left.

"No, he left without telling everyone so I will do the same. He can just wait for us to get back. Then when he apologizes I might tell him what we did." The angry face that Gil made was definitely scarier than normal. Unfortunately, Alma found it adorable and had a hard time taking him seriously.

"That fool! He just left without a word. He is going to throw himself in front of dragons or monsters or whatever without everyone else. I don\'t know how Midnight and Su could accept it!" the grinding of Gil\'s teeth was almost audible through the wind that was whipping past them.

"You are going to have to accept it at some point. Mordant would not take Walker somewhere that he would get hurt or die. He is also there to help Walker. Trust in the royal dragons." From above, the somehow soft voice of Ventus came to Gil and Alma.

"We apologize for our bickering lady Ventus. As you can tell, Walker has taken a great many things on his shoulders and his family is unhappy that it is continuing." Alma had reached a very fruitful deal with Ventus and her children.

They would help bring the elves to the light elf territory. In return, the forest elves would be growing the gale apples that the wind elemental dragons loved so much. It was a fair deal since they could assist the growth of younger wind affinity beings.

"I can tell that as a human, Walker has branched out in to a great many hearts. As a royal dragon, he is doing his duty. I am here showing my children how to interact with other races. They learned to stand above others. They learned to protect. That is my duty as a mother. As a royal dragon, I am using my power to represent all dragons and the strength our race has. Remember it, representative of the elven people."

Ventus was not a cruel royal dragon. She was sharp when she needed to be and calm when she could be. The wind had many forms and everyone knew that it had the potential to tear apart a mountain. But because she had the power to be calm, she was able to understand how the other royal dragons were operating and match them. She also knew how to get the greatest benefits for herself this way too.

"Now, I have brought you here at a great speed with my children. You and your representatives can rely on yourselves to return home. I will be going to my village to get you the seeds your people will be growing. Remember, you will hold them for delivery for five years at the least. After that, a new deal can be made."

Ventus used the wind to release Alma, Gil, and the other elves brought with them. Her children roared a farewell while Ventus glanced back. She had more than decided she liked the joining of the races. There was too much to like about it.

"So this is it." Alma stood tall. She was looking at the plateauing mountains that Ventus had taken them to.

The journey that would have taken three or four weeks on foot had been made in just a day. The strength of a being that could control the wind was too much. Ventus had even commented that she and her children were moving slowly to keep a bubble of wind to protect them. But to say they had moved slowly was astounding.

The light elves had made homes similar to how the light dragons did. They liked the flat mountains close to where the sun shined. However, that was the end of the similarities. The light elves were bound by their own unique culture. One that didn\'t match the same kind of arrogance that the light elemental dragons possessed.

"Alright. Time to focus on some elves that don\'t want to properly join Genesis. Let\'s find out why." Gil changed his attitude. If he was going to be here beside Alma, then he would have to act the best that he could. Walker would be dealt with later.

"They are completely focused on light and what light means. They do not concern themselves with other things and they do not usually respond to much when it comes to other elves. They also have incredible healing capabilities and even believe that all life comes from the light. They are hard to handle." Alma knew this to be the way that the light elves lived.

"Then it will be hard to get them under our wings. I think they will change their minds when they speak to us though." Gil tried to be positive, however, he noticed a shimmering in the sky that changed what he had seen.

The previously flat plateaus were now filled with stone houses. Small but peaceful. There were many white robed elves walking around. Some had feathers that were pure white in their hair. Others had small animals with them, mostly avian monsters that could fly to the high plateaus that they lived on.

"It is rare that we get guests. Can I ask you for your names?" The voice was pleasant. However, the light that moved around them with sharp intent was not pleasant.

"Greeting the next queen of the forest elves and the representative of elves on the Genesis council with attack magic is a poor choice. But greeting the avatar of the wind, hero, friend of the goblins, and founding member of Genesis is also dangerous." Gil spoke calmly but around him the wind whipped up causing a large gust to make everyone shiver.

"Gil, I am sure that they know we are here to speak with their council of elders. They would have attacked if they felt we were here with violence as our intentions. Although, if they have gone against the history of elves and relationships with their own race…" The blue ivy showed itself around Alma\'s arms. The other elves also showed their readiness to draw weapons or cast spells.

"Then the council will see you princess of the forest elves and representatives of Genesis. But I must ask, do you truly intend to be on the same status as this human?" The elf seemed to be questioning them more than necessary.

​ "I see no human here. I see elves. All elves. Especially the hero that has dedicated a great deal of his time to the elves when he was not born from the elves. Unfortunately, you and your light elf brethren do not know this. The letters sent to you must not have reached your elder\'s old eyes." Alma was giving off more pressure than Gil expected. He had never seen her so harsh yet eloquent before.

"Follow me and welcome to the humble village of healing and purification. Killing is not allowed here. If there is any bloodshed you will be dealt with swiftly." This was a rule of the light elves. They did not eat meat at all and believed life to be sacred. It set them aside from other elves that believed more in the flow of nature.

The many light elves that watched them pass were all calm. They didn\'t smile nor did they frown. They just watched things as they happened. Gil was clearly unhappy with how this was going. It wasn\'t that the light elves were mean, but they were acting as if they were not the same as the other elves in the world.

The large open space that they were brought to had one single table. It was made from pristine white marble. It was perfect in every aspect. Even the five chairs around it were made of the same perfect white marble. The older elves sitting in the chairs were also too perfect. They wore white robes that seemed whiter than any cloud Gil could say he had seen.

"Elders, these are the guests that have come in the wind. They are here to speak with you." The elf that had met them walked away while there were no guards left in sight. However, the enforcers with Alma and Gil as their protectors knew that there was danger everywhere. Controlling light to heal and to attack was what the elves here learned from a young age.

"So young, and you come here to speak with us as if you are in charge. How have the other elven cities fallen?"

"Fallen? They sent us letters. They just thought we would join some battle or war. They even wanted us to leave our homes."

"We ate better off with peace than chaos."

"The light shines on all regardless, if it is meant to be in this life then we will join hands under the sun."

The first four elders all spoke their opinions while the fifth looked silently. He was the one that Gil knew would be the most trouble. It was the look in the fifth elder\'s eyes.



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