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Chapter 1517 1517. New Allies

The notice of strange potions that were not potions traveled through the communication lines at extreme speed. The harpies were proving their superiority to other communication methods. The communication crystals couldn\'t send enough details and came at a high price. This alone was the major drawback to using them. These different groups would need so many that they would use too much mana activating them.

There was a great commitment of the harpies to become a properly represented race. Their desires were slowly but surely paying off as they met every group in the line. The groups of multiple races working together showed them and the others that they were not monsters. Harpies were a race that deserved a space like the goblins and the grey haired spiders that had fought to be more than what they were.

That was why, when Walker and the others saw that the harpies were heading toward them in a group of six, they knew that something was happening. Their message had already been out for an hour, but it was enough time for it to spread and come back.

"Brother, the harpies say that the other groups encountered the same. One even encountered an abandoned village with ten potions. They lost the village but found more demon soldiers with power obsessions." Onyx was able to communicate this message faster than the harpies could land and pass the note. Therefore, they didn\'t need to stay long with Onyx\'s help.

"That\'s not good. If there are demons so obsessed with power that they are consuming these so called potions, we need to get to the source." Walker was worried that this was spelling much worse events to come.

"That\'s not the problem we should be worried about. We should be worried about why all the demons think they need to take their villages and have the most power. Wrath was the same. Power hungry. It can\'t mean anything good." Su made a good point that this dynamic was radically different from the way the demons had been in the past.

The borders had always dealt with demons and demon soldiers. Yet, in the past months things had gotten worse. More brazen. The demons would lead more attacks and more of them were fleeing their homes. This could be a sign that worse was happening in the demon lands.

"I think there might not be a demon lord." Alma\'s theory stopped everyone from moving. They had just barely stepped outside the village before the harpies had come to them with notices. The harpies were even still waiting to see what they had to say since their group had more leaders in it than most.

"I know it sounds odd., but would the demon lord just give away the land and power he had? No way. But what if the demon lord lost power? He could throw the demon lands in to chaos while he regained it. Pulled his powerful troops close and let the others stay weak." This idea didn\'t sound too crazy. It was a solid theory.

"But what about this Envy title holder? Envious people are rarely loyal. They would take this demon lord\'s position if they could. From what few interactions we have seen and I have been briefed about, Envy is able to control enough to take down a weak leader. I believe there is another plan. Something that makes the demon lands and these soldiers useless." Scylla trumped Alma\'s idea but saw the merit it had. She would not throw it away so easily.

"Onyx, have them send word that there is something strange happening and that every demon soldier needs to be apprehended quickly before they get a potion or anything. They might just be pawns to keep us at bay. There\'s something more." This would slow the groups saving villages but it would save lives.

In the grand scheme, it was better to have more unharmed troops make it to the demon capital than less. They had to be able to make it there to claim the demon capital and save the people. They also needed their strength to properly imprison the demon lord along with the last title holders.

Before Walker could watch the harpies fly away, the world spoke.

\' The Harpy race has proven their right to be recognized as an intelligent race. Through desperate times they have acted as an integral part of every race. They had integrated themselves in to a role that no unintelligent monsters could claim, The world smiles upon the Harpy Race.\'

This caused the harpies to fly oddly for a moment before they reclaimed their wits. There had been a slight change but not as dramatic as the goblins and grey haired spiders that had fallen unconscious as they received their revelation, the key reason was that the harpies had been living with the demi-humans for years already. They had gotten as close as possible to being a race without actually being one.

The caws of excited harpies lasted a moment before they drifted off in the sky. They had been recognized because they had trusted and joined the other races finally. It was an act of trust and respect to join them in battle. Everyone in the armies knew this. Everyone that was near a harpy looked at them with true respect.

"My king will be very proud. He has waited for this day since the harpy queen came to settle in our home." Scylla looked back toward the wall. She knew this would happen one day. However, this was the best day. This was a day that had started the path for freedom of another race. Now they would be able to stand with the other races and say that they were there when they freed the demon race from oppression. The harpies could say they stood as equals with all the other races to help others.




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