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Chapter 1515 1515. Accepting Nature's Guidance

Mana was something that literally made up an elemental spirit. However, they were more than that. At some point, they used the elemental mana that made them create something more. Something that powered every living being above even natural mana.

This became the voice they gained. The voice they learned to use with the elemental mana. The voice that allowed them to speak with other elemental spirits and become stronger. Finding such a voice was rare but many of the older high elemental spirits had it.

The next step would be for a high elemental spirit to become a grand elemental spirit. Something that could require a lot of time and elemental mana of a specific kind. Or, it could require something more. Something that improved this thing that made them intelligent.

They would need a stronger soul.

Fleur was not sure how she knew what she knew. She knew that she had come to be after multiple elemental spirits had agreed to come together in balance to be partners with Walker. She had an innate connection with him after this. She was without memories but full of pride for who she was and the choices that she had made before she was who she was.

These feelings had made her take the time to understand Walker and the reasons he desired to become stronger. The things she saw were what she felt nature was. There was a lack of speech that she chose. It was better to remain silent and enjoy the nature she felt was part of her. The mana that made the entire world turn.

This natural mana had more to it than she knew though. It was connected to a greater network of living bearings. She was not the forest, nor was she the last nature spirit to exist. She was just one of many in the great history of existence. The small whispers that connected natural mana to different things flowed through her. The more she understood about natural mana the more she would be able to change and influence the world. That was the essence of a world spirit; what she strived to be.

"Earth and fire. Rise to be blessed by the world." the words that Fleur spoke were something that she was not fully able to comprehend either. She felt that a greater source of natural mana had come to her. Had come because of the interruption in natural mana being caused.

All of those present knew that the massive amount of fire elemental mana from a volcano did not belong in the demon lands. There were lava lands. They existed and the fire mana would spill in to other places in nature. That was how it should be. But not condensed mana from an extreme part of another environment.

This imbalance allowed for the natural mana to surge and fix such a balance. " The position of grand fire spirit will be renewed. Show your might; Azar. Rise and show your solidarity as the next grand earth spirit; Alvaro."

The words that Fleur spoke were not simple. It was more than her making these names. It was something so powerful that the natural mana itself reacted to them. It was the work of nature itself flowing through Fleur before she reached out her hands to bring the earth spirit and alchemy fire spirit\'s manas towards her.

In a single connection, Su felt that she was one with the very ground she was manipulating. The earth dwelling shield crumbled in to dust as her spirit mark changed. The ground moved up to wrap her completely as the spirit mark patterns of earth melded with her body and the earth walls became layers of protection surrounding the demon captain.

Remey was wrapped in a brilliant crimson flame cocoon. She was feeling the burning of a new spirit mark taking shape all over her body. The fire elemental spirit feeling the mana coursing through the new connection. The fire elemental mana being held back from exploding in violence from the volcanic slime core.

Walker could feel all of this around him. His connection with Fleur brought many visions to his mind. He saw the previous grand fire spirit leaving to ascend to the fire elemental plane. He saw a vision of an earth spirit melting in to the earth through a strange patch of soil. This was the ascension of the earth spirit that had come to Genesis. These visions were brought to him through Fleur\'s spirit marks.

"I refuse to let you blow this place up!" Rmeey roared in pain as the flames burst away from her. She was coated in alchemy fire as if it was her armor. The tendrils that rolled off seemed sharp and hot at the same time.

Su stomped and the dirt fell from her. She wore armors of solid stone. But there was a difference. The scale patterns mixed with the earth spirit mark patterns. "You will never get past my shield!"

The two caused a profound mixing of mana, both earth and fire. It fused with natural mana and in an instant, the explosion that shattered the earth was forced upwards. The earth walls constantly replenished as the explosion released more mana. The flames jetted toward the sky with Remey\'s control.

\'The world recognizes the new avatar of fire and the new avatar of earth. The grand elemental spirits have been named. The grand fire elemental spirit; Azar. The grand earth elemental spirit; Alvaro. Rejoice in the balance of nature.\'

The world spoke through everyone\'s systems. To everyone\'s very being. It was a pleasing motherly voice that made everyone feel that they had witnessed something closer to nature than they could even comprehend.

When the meted walls of stone were revealed and the smoking remains of what had once been a demon captain, there was no one to witness it. Remey and Su had fallen unconscious with the spirits retreating to the spirit marks. Walker was following suit with Fleur resting on his chest. Nearly devious of mana.

But there was one last whisper from the natural mana moving toward Fleur. \' you shall rise to be the one that balances this world.\'



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