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Chapter 1513 1513. Demon Captain

"Attack!" The roar of demon soldiers rushing from the nearby building we met by a roar from the three dragonkin warriors that were on the same street. Walker saw this and jumped in to the battle as well. He was using the multi buff skill to help those around him and also making sure that he had everyone healed.

The demon soldiers had managed to get themselves a little more organized since those that had been asleep were now awake. Many of them had already forced their way in to homes to take over as their own.

"Onyx, show them what your tail can do!" Onyx had used the smaller size he had to sneak behind the demon soldiers. In the matter of an instant, the shadows released his full form. The tail smash cracked the stone street as the demon soldiers were sent flying toward the dragonkin warriors. It was the perfect combination attacks between Onyx and the dragonkin.

There was a lot of movement around him the more that the demon soldered woke up from their drunken slumber. Many just attacked right away while a few seemed to have the brains to gather their fellow soldiers. Those demons were the ones that slowed the path to the largest building in the demon village.

However, those were also the ones that were falling from windows as Mordant\'s dragonkin assassins moved through the homes. Su had been escorting small groups of demons from building to building which also slowed the party\'s progress. But that wasn\'t an issue, they were being freed.

"Hey Walker! Coming your way!" Remey punched a demon soldier while his partner charged at Walker. The heads up from Remey made Walker pull one of the two handed hammers from his storage and slam it down.

The resounding clank and crack of metal armor was quiet compared to everything else that was going on. Waker wanted to feel bad for every hit. Every attack that hurt or defeated a demon soldier. Unfortunately, this was not how he was feeling. The further in to the village they went, the more terrible things they found.

The fear on the innocent demon\'s faces. The homes with doors pulled from their hinges. The attempted businesses burned to the ground. There was much more wrong that the party saw, but it would take them their entire day to report just half.

"Good attack." Remey came up next to Walker. She had just started using her fire affinity knuckles and sparked the alchemy fire that drifted around her. The alchemy fire spirit was an entirely different being right now. The anger it had for what it was witnessing in the village proved that not just a intelligent races could care for the well being of others.

"Remey, are you up for a push down that street to the main square of this village?" Walker saw that Remey was more than warmed up. The alchemy fire was the staple skill she had been improving. If they went to push through now then it would be much faster. Walker also saw that Su had returned from the last run back to the entrance made in the earth walls.

"That shouldn\'t even be a question." Remey looked down the street at the gathering demon soldiers. She had noticed them a moment ago but now that Walker was directing the focus, she was glad to help take them down.

"Midnight, start a little fire from the sky. I will help you keep it from the buildings." Walker wanted to cause the fifteen organized demon soldiers and whoever was commanding them to break apart. Fire could do that.

With a harsh growl, Midnight was jumping in to the air. She had been flying better and better when it came to takeoffs as her muscles trained for it. Now she burst up from the ground also pushing off of buildings to get just above the roofs.

A single deep breath and red fire was released moving down from the roofs toward the heads of the demon soldiers. Walker used his skills to manipulate the fire elemental mana that was released. This caused it to rain down specifically on to the demon soldiers while completely avoiding the buildings.

There were screams from the demons but they were nothing that the party allowed to deter them. These were beings that had terrorize their own people. Monsters that were not afraid to breed more evil. "Let\'s go!"

The call from Remey revealed the deep scarlet flames that she was allowing to grow. The alchemy fire spirit and Remey were perfectly in sync while she stuck out toward the demon soldiers. The flames wrapped in wisps before strengthening.

The fore affinity knuckles were coated in alchemy fire causing them to appear to have larger spikes. The same happened with the gloves that went all the way up Remey\'s arms to attach to her shoulder armor. They were made this way to protect her but had become the base for her skills.

It was an intimidating sight to see the alchemy fire becoming partial armor around Remey. She could be called a monster herself in the eyes of the demon soldiers who were currently being burned and beaten down. Their pain causing them to try and flee.

"So that\'s what she was hiding. She had the ability to make those flames her armor. I wish we could have seen it in the coliseum…" Scylla sounded bloodthirsty while speaking but she had complete control of herself. The adrenaline just made her sound rougher before charging in to the fight beside Remey.

It was a matter of minutes before Midnight, Scylla, and Remey had completely beaten the soldiers blocking the way. Remey had left many with alchemy fire burns in the shape of her affinity fire knuckles.

"I didn\'t want to show that skill to you all that way, but that was an advanced skill of alchemy fire wrapping. It\'s called alchemy armor. A skill only battle alchemists can use. Apparently there are battle alchemists." Remey was still breathing hard while Alice rushed up to heal her as well.

There were only small burns on Remey from the fire. She had learned to control them much better than before. Now the alchemy fire had almost no chance of harming her compared to the first time she used the flames to wrap her arms.

"Good job, we need to get their captain out here and beat them. That will be the best way to end this all. The demon\'s morale will crumble." Walker was dedicated to getting the demon captain out of that building. Unknowingly, the demon captain had just seen his soldiers get thrashed. He was also dedicated to crushing his new enemy.

"You dare to touch what is mine! I own this. This is the village I have claimed as my personal belonging!" The scream of rage from the square the group was moving to was clear. It was someone stronger. Someone that was waiting to tear them apart for invading what they thought was theirs.

When the square around the large building was clear to see, Walker saw a larger demon carrying a spiked mace. Brutal was the clear tactic in battle for him. "So you\'re that worthless captain here!" Su used the taunting skills she had to bring the demon closer. She was not going to take an attack from the large spiked mace, but her tactic was distraction.

"Humans!? That\'s what came to touch what is mine!? How pathetic. We left your little city standing and this is what we have to deal with? Pathetic, that Pride was never a real general. He should have learned from Wrath and Greed about how to truly handle a battle."

Hearing that the captain idolized Wrath and Greed made them all know where his strengths were. They knew that they would have to handle this idiot differently compared to the other battles.

"You will never own the people that live here." Walker reached out and used some of the residual fire to burn up a small set of barrels along the side of the building. It was a small act in the grand scheme but since the captain seemed to value everything as his own…

"You dare touch what is mine!" The rage from the captain built and he finally sprinted toward the party.

"No no no, that\'s not a good idea!" Scylla had used the taunting as time to get behind the demon captain. Her single punch out sent him tumbling forward. Right in to the clenched fists of Walker and Remey attacking together.

The third combination was Su coming with a powerful shield bash. They could not let up against a more powerful opponent. That was why Midnight had already fallen from a roof with her claws ready to rend when she landed on her target.

The demon captain seemed to feel this coming as he rolled to the side. There was rage building in his eyes. "I will not let you take what is mine!" The guttural roar from the demon captain caused everyone to stop for a moment. They saw that there was a strange build up in mana around him.



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