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Chapter 1507 1507. Found You

"Wait, so you had to free multiple villages along the walls before you came here? Why didn\'t someone tell you the plan before them!" Walker wasn\'t sure what Scylla had been doing. She had more than already joined the effort.

"Oh, my soldiers grouped with the worst hit section and started to divide. There was no balance if I left them the way they were. You should understand this."

"I did the same." Alma and Scylla had good points but it was rough. Walker felt that it had wasted a little time. Although, the more he calmed his thinking the more he understood that he was just on edge. He had to calm himself more before he got himself in a twist.

"I even came all the way here. For nothing but poorly made demonic armors and weapons. How can I make use of this? no dwarf would waste the time on these things." The king of the surface was unhappy with what had been confiscated from the demon prisoners being escorted away by his golems and a few of the elves.

"Walker, these two are the direct advisors of the stone king and the dark queen. The stone elves had been in reclusion with the dark elves. Their differences have melted away over the years and they have officially come out in to the world again. This is also, Gil an official elf, Su the draconic guardian, Remey the alchemical brawler, Onyx the abyssal serpent, Alice the voice of light, and Midnight the true dragon champion. They all have many other titles but those are what people might call them more often."

Alma\'s introduction made Alice most of all shaken. She had never heard anyone call her the voice of light. But it made sense. Her voice literally brought the light elemental mana together. It was just a lot to accept.

"We have heard some about all of you as we journeyed. The demi-human general had expressed a great drive to see what else you become."

"I agree. There has been a lot of hope and desires placed on your names. Those that spurred a new form of living for multiple races. We will watch carefully." both the dark and stone elf did not automatically accept the party. It was a process that seemed like it would take some proving.

"It is a pleasure to meet you. But before we speak more, I want a quick word about why we came to this spot." Walker knew that passing on more information was detrimental to their further march. "There was a magical creation that caused the acid lord slime to become multiple slime spawn. It was broken over and over theoretically until the lord slime was no more."

"Magical device? Show me. I will take it to my dwarven smiths. They can figure it out." The king of the surface took all the parts and sent his golems searching for more. His mind completely focused on what he had in his hands. Walker wasn\'t sure what to make of it but trusted the judgment of one of the three dwarven kings.

"It appears you have what you need. So explain to us why only one of your representatives came to our home." The dark elf looked at Walker carefully. She was testing him.

"There are lives at stake. You and your people may be important to the growth and return of a unified elven race, but it is not all I must think about. I have to stand up for the ideals I have built. If I throw them aside to get one race over the others...who am I? I can not live up to the true hero title I possess. I can never be the person I wish to be." Walker didn\'t even need to think.

"I see, so you are exactly the person we expected when we were told of you. And you don\'t even seem to be draconic at all." The two elves laughed a little before becoming confused at why Walker was taking in a long breath.

"Oh, cover your ears." Alma and the others covered their ears. Even the king of the surface had his hands up before Walker released a loud roar calling for the attention of all around.

"I didn\'t think a noise would matter now that we have such capable warriors around. The more demon soldiers that come knocking the more we can remove from the villages." Walker\'s roar had caused two dumbfound and slightly scared faces to appear on the two elves. "Also, Midnight is my little sister. We share a bond much deeper than many."

Not to be forgotten, Fleur left the eternal orb chest plate form and looked at Walker in the eyes. "And this is Fleur. She is my family as well. She is a nature spirit and one day is going to be a world spirit." The looks of shock grew even more on the two elves\' faces. Too much was true and too much was hard to believe.

"Please stop causing my new allies to become lost. They have to remain rooted in the ways of the world." Alma giggled a little seeing that others were surprised for once.

"I would like to say this is a good time to catch up, but the dragonkin have caught up to us again, meaning that the last village we helped is empty. Now we can push forward more." Su was not going to wait around. They had to keep their movements quick.

"I have no reason to hold you back. We will take the larger village ahead. There are going to be a lot of demon soldiers and a commander or two there." Scylla had not forgotten the list of villages on the maps. She wanted to free the largest village nearby for the fights that would come from it. It also took her closer to the battle for the demon capital.



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