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Chapter 1482 1482. Wrath Approaching

"Let\'s shape the ground a little." Walker was more talking to himself than Fleur who was still not responding to him. He felt that the state of the ground between the demon lands and the walls were making her unhappy as well.

The first thing that Walker thought to do was make a long trench. Not only would it make things harder for armies to march and climb the wall, but it would allow for water to gather and pool up. From there the water would absorb in to the soil and hopefully allow plants to grow better.

"This doesn\'t look too good." Walker was surprised when Gil came up next to him.

"I thought that you would stay on that side and help out?" It seemed to Walker that Gil might be avoiding work.

"I was going to but the adventurers are already grouping up with healers, the soldiers are focused on their tasks, and to be honest, the patrols are already figured out. I am pretty much useless since I would just be on the look out. I thought I might be able to help you here. And for the way it looks, you need to plant some things."

"I know, the space from here for some time is barren. It\'s because of how many times the demons have attacked or demonic monsters have run in to the walls. Look at the walls themselves, they have cracked and dents from the things thrown at them." It was crazy to think that monsters had run right in to the walls to cause such damage. The walls were not weak structures.

"So what you\'re saying is that you think we should do more to stop people. Got it. I can set a few snares to catch people\'s feet. They work better for rabbits but I think I can tweak them." Gil moved away from Walker and grabbed some of the sticks around the ground. With some string and a few well placed rocks, he was setting snares between the trench Walker was making and the walls.

As Gil had said, they would trip someone up but that was all. Yet, a second like that in battle could make all the difference. Walker could use magic to easily capture someone who had fallen and was unable to defend themselves.

For an hour the two worked on their snares and traps. Walker started to leave the walls a little to create pits that he left completely open. It would force demons to jump them or move around them. Overall it would make anyone running change how they moved and slowed them down.

The roar in the distance was enough for Midnight to let Walker know that he had to return. It was easy to see Ventus landing with her three children so he put some extra speed in his steps. When he jumped to get in the air and climb the walls he found that he was looking at more than just a few of the soldiers staring in awe.

"All of you need to keep moving. You didn\'t react that way when I got here so just keep on with your work." Walker didn\'t want Ventus to be unhappy with the people looking at her like she was some sort of oddity. He knew that it could anger dragons.

"I was a little later than I had planned, but there was a strange demon I wanted to watch for a moment." Ventus was completely ignoring anyone but Walker. Her children were already occupied with Midnight which was perfect since Midnight had been quick to capture their attention away from the others around.

"I feel like you may have seen Wrath then…what does he look like?" Walker wasn\'t sure what he would do with the information other than pass it on to those who might need it.

"Strange. That demon does not look like it should. I would say the muscles are formed poorly. Almost forced. The actions are random and completely caused by what I assume is anger. I watched him smash four of his own soldiers in to paste. It is clearly part of their power. despicable. " Ventus knew that no dragon would ever lower itself to rage and pointless destruction.

Even the dragons that remained intellectual would not go around destroying for no reason. The only ones were the rogue dragons which were just monsters and not even proper dragons any longer.

"That\'s worse than I thought. I know that for Greed, the skills he had forced him to exist differently than other demons. He was basically a monster that was forced to exist forever on the mana around him. Maybe Wrath is similar, forced to do things based on the title skills he has." Walker felt a little bad but it did not change the things that needed to be done.

"I see. These sin title holders have never run against the dragons. From what I know they are only within the demon race. I count that as a blessing of the world." Ventus did not wish to see a dragon abused by the title they held. Many dragons had held titles in the history of the dragon trace. However, none had been unfortunate to suffer because of the titles they had.

"I hope that one day we can find a way for the next sin title holders to counter the negative effects. The world would not create a title unless it was for the development of the world. I expect that there are counters to the titles. Some way to keep their negative effects balanced." This was still not the time for such things. Walker could only focus on the immediate issues that he might be able to deal with. "Let\'s get everyone ready. Wherever the commander is, I will have him send out the supplies."




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