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Chapter 1457 1457. Moment Of Peace

"Fifteen crates of healing potions, various tiers. Twenty crates of mana potions, various tiers. Then lastly, we have the unique potions that will be handed out by each of the squad leaders of the powerful groups facing tougher monsters or demons."

Remey had come to meet Walker at the cathedral. Staff from the alchemy guild had brought many of the crates before she had even arrived. "This is a lot. Are you sure there will be enough for the other armies to take when they pass through here" Walker felt that it would be unfair not to supply the elves, dwarves, and demi-humans with crates as well.

"Oh, there\'s no need to worry about this. I put some fire in everyone so they won\'t stop making potions. The newer members were very excited to have unlimited access to herbs so they can train for weeks straight." Remey had been sure to tell them that they would be gaining the herbs free so that they would not stop making the basic healing and mana potions.

"As long as you aren\'t hurting the guild just to rush everything." Walker knew that this would breed many powerful alchemists in the future. Those that trained diligently right now might just rise to the top of the alchemy guild faster than expected.

"Good! Walker, Remey. I have already sent three people to outposts. The tamer\'s guild will be joining the battle at the border. I have multiple tamers ready to leave with the demi-human army when King Rorick is prepared." Elise had been dropped in front of the by Stella. The two seemed to be full of energy.

"As long as it is safe to send them, we will not turn down the help." Walker was grateful. He knew that every representative on the Genesis council would be happy to hear that the tamer\'s guild was joining the efforts.

"You understand that it is not just the tamer\'s guild sending out additional forces. I have just set up patrol quests for high ranked adventurers. They will join the border to assist fleeing demons. They will also be able to work directly under army leadership." Clara seemed to have been leaving the cathedral. It was clear she had caught a few of the other council members to relay this message too.

"Then the tamers and the adventurers will work together. Very important things." Elise grabbed Clara and dragged her off. Walker wasn\'t even sure if he had to say anything. This had become fairly strange.

His walk with Midnight led him toward the empty back garden. It was a peaceful place to stop for a moment and think before he started to inquire about a few other things. Midnight didn\'t stop him from sitting down. He sat next to him and used him as her own personal pillow. Without even realizing it, the two had fallen asleep in the gazebo, the only sounds were their soft snores.

When Walker felt himself being pulled up, he didn\'t know where he was. His eyes opened to sunlight that was too right to see through until a shadow crossed in front of it. The curious face of Alice seemed to ask a little more than just what he was doing there.

"Alice! You\'re awake. How do you feel? Wait, don\'t answer that. Just rest your voice." Walker rushed in to a million questions before he felt Alice put a hand over his mouth while trying to stop herself from laughing.

"You know I was worried…" Walker felt defeated. He could only stand there while Alice recovered herself from her moment of amusement.

She took Walker\'s hand and sat next to him. Midnight was still snoring nearby but she had moved in to the rising sun. Walker wasn\'t sure when she had done so but it was a quirk that Midnight and Onyx shared. The two would always find the warmest place to rest.

"I know you aren\'t going to just let us go by ourselves. You and the other healers will come and join the border. But you need to remain resting while we move. I won\'t let you use your voice or get in to any trouble." Walker was adamant about this and Alice was not about to argue with him. She just nodded along.

"It will be different than any journey yet. I know we will see more demons fleeing their homes. More people hurt. More corrupt demons that need to be taught a lesson or even defeated. I promise you that we will do our best." Walker wasn\'t so much saying this for Alice as much as he was saying it for himself.

p Yet, when he said it, he saw Alice become even more determined. It was a feeling around her that she had decided to fully commit to this adventure. This mission to free the demons sooner than later. She wanted to see them coming with the other races to be healed at the cathedral or just to enjoy the music. She wanted to see them smiling like everyone else was able to.

When she had seen the demons hurt because they couldn\'t even live in their own homes, it had spurred something within her and the other healers. She was not the only one that was currently preparing to leave Genesis. Every single healer that had gone with her was pulling their friends together to leave and help others. They knew that they could only get there sooner.

"Do you want to get food? We can take the time to eat before we have to prepare to leave." Walker felt that this was all they could do. If they didn\'t eat together now, they might not have the chance to spend some peaceful moments in the next weeks.

At the single mention of the word food, Midnight perked up her head. She looked at Alice and Walker before pushing herself off her sunlit spot. With that, the three moved back inside the cathedral to see who else could eat with them.



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