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Chapter 1441 1441. Fist To Fist

"I have to admit, you look tough." Remey was looking at the demi-human with much more muscle than she would ever have. The gorilla traits made him slightly taller than the average man, therefore, the demi-human stood very tall over Remey.

" I must look as such to take my father's position as vice guard of the west gate. I have come here to expand my knowledge in combat and show that the best are not always within the blossoming city that everyone speaks of." There was pride in the demi-humans voice. He wasn't being arrogant but truly loved the city he was born.

"Then you picked a good match to start with. I know you saw me as the alchemist and one of the guild masters of the alchemy guild. But I'll tell you this, I hate the guild master title. I prefer the name the world gave me through my system; alchemical brawler." Remey slammed her fists together and alchemy fire blossomed on her gauntlets.

"No point in holding back their alchemical brawler. This elite guard will show you a thing or two." The gorilla treated demi-human took a hard stance to receive any attacks that Remey attempted to send his way. There was no arrogance between them. Just solid wills with anticipation.

"Now that is how a battle should look. Two real fighters waiting to see the best of the other." King Rorick wanted to brag about one of the younger up and coming guards, however, he was more spurred on by the sight of the two acting with perfect sportsmanship.

"I would have to agree with you. It makes my blood boil. I want to see them battle!" Clara didn't oppose them this time. She too found herself wanting to see what had changed since the last time she saw the party she managed fight. She had spent way too much time locked away within an office lately. It was too dull.

"Well, Remey has made a breath through in her alchemy fire control. She isn't even feeling what from that. Notice that she isn't relying on the runes she has on her gear." Walker could feel it from where he sat. He was sensing the control that Remey used to keep the alchemy fire from damaging her or the gear she wore. What was even more impressive was the fact that the alchemy fire spirit wasn't acting just yet. It was still reading within Remey's spirit mark.

"Weak flames!" The demi-human elite guard stepped forward and swung out a solid fist. He had no need for weapons. His body was his weapon. His skin was his armor. The gorilla traits he had didn't just increase his physical strength, it also improved his physical defenses.

The fist that flew toward Remey was not something she knew she could easily block without taking damage. But that wasn't what she had in mind. Remey arched her back and let the elite guard take a solid upwards kick to the jaw. "You didn't really think that I could only punch, did you?"

Remey had purposefully misled the elite guard so that he would go in to a frontal attack thinking she could only battle with her fists. The shock he was in gave her the chance to not only mock him a little but also to throw out a proper punch to his ribs.

The elite guard jumped back. He did not let Remey's words throw him off or the pain to show on his face. He could easily give in to his emotions and go wild. The gorilla traits he had wanted him to give in this way. Instead, he remained calm and watched Remey circle to the right. She suddenly sprinted forward and ducked under his left arm which was already moving to jab.

Since she saw a jab coming, Remey jabbed as well while moving to a higher stance. She made contact but saw that her opponent was going to put space between them to wind up for a harder hit. Her reaction to this was simple, the answer was alchemy flames.

The alchemy fire spirit emerged from the spirit mark. This caused the alchemy fire to surge around Remey with much more strength. So much so that the elite guard couldn't even consider attacking. He had to retreat from the sudden heat. "Now that's how you warm up."

The alchemy fire was wrapping around Remey in strange ways. It was as if it couldn't decide on a proper form to take. Remey didn't appear to be able to guide it further either. However, this was a massive leap forward since it was no longer able to burn her.

The push off of the ground had a slight burn mark left behind by Remey's feet. She was already pushing the elite guard toward the edge of the arena. In a last ditch effort to escape the loss, the gorilla trait elite guard tried to grapple Remey and throw her over his shoulder and out of the arena.

Unknown to him, this was a terrible idea. The moment his hands stretched out to grab her, she slammed her arm down to knock him off balance. In a simple spin, Remey's heel struck his ribs right where her punch had before. With his balance thrown off and the additional pain, the elite guard was sent out of the arena on his butt.

​ "Next time you and I will use more of the attacks we have worked on." Remey immediately promised the alchemy fire spirit this. She didn't want to get all fired up for another easy battle. Yet, this didn't feel easy. She just felt that she had been able to better manipulate her opponent with her hard trained moveset. "That was a good match, come fight me again." Remey gave a nod before walking away.



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