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Chapter 1423 1423. Healing Journey (4)

"None of them seem able to wake up due to enormous exhaustion. Their mana is still low along with their residual injuries draining their health. We need to move them with us back to a safe place." The healers had all reached a decision. They were just reporting to Alice what had to be done.

"It\'s not right to leave them. We will bring them to genesis." The decision was exactly what was right. It had only been a short time since they left on their journey, however, the lives of others were much more important. If they did not return and help those in need, it would be a tragedy.

"If I remember right, we can move to the village with the pearl grapes. They have merchant carts for their produce. That should get us back faster." Alice nodded in agreement with this. She would be glad to ask this of them. They could even pay the village for the assistance.

Along with this, they would be able to warn the village that more demons may be fleeing the demon lands for safety. It could become a direct trail for the demons to come and find safety within Genesis.

Without any other hesitation, the healers did what they did best. They began to find small pieces of wood from nearby bushes or trees to make quick cots. They always had additional fabric to connect them which was just common sense in their line of work. With their knowledge and speed, they had a long cot that they easily fit the injured demons on. This way they could use all of their strength to move as one and carry the injured.

"We push on then." The healers echoed this from Alice and began to move. The time it would take did not matter, Alice had already started to sing to increase the speed at which they moved. Her hoarse voice did not matter. She could still make a sound which meant she could still sing.

Covering the same distance as they had taken more time. Took more of a toll. Where Alice was losing mana and drinking mana potions constantly, the other healers felt the strain on their bodies.

Healers were tenacious. They were used to many hours of hard work healing and fighting off mana exhaustion. They would never become true healers without pushing themselves to the extreme to help others. Yet, this was harder than they knew. Carrying the weight of multiple people was a strain that went against the normal magical focus of healers.

Before long, the sound of hooves coming behind them. The energy that they had was low and for a moment they all thought they were hearing things. "Halt! State your business along this trail!"

The soldier on top of the horse looked down at them and realized they were healers. Instead of the stern act he had before, he jumped down to look at them. "I can help, let\'s tie that stretcher to my horse and we can move faster with less weight." Just because the soldier was coming from the border did not mean he was heartless. He did not see enemies now that he had a clear view.

"I am delivering a message to the Genesis council, I will ensure you make it to the nearest village on the way." The soldier was not going to leave the injured alone. He would do his best to maintain his mission while also helping others. He had seen Genesis and knew what it stood for.

"We are going to Genesis too." Alice\'s voice was rough, but it had a clear purpose. The slider could only nod in response. He was beginning to recognize who she and the other healers were. He had seen them before. He had been to the cathedral and heard Alice sing.

"I know you…I will get you back to the high priest. He helped my mother and I can repay him by helping his daughter." The additional determination that the soldier had realized this was spectacular. He spurred his horse on while lifting the cot and walking behind it. This removed a large amount of the weight from what the healers had to carry, making the journey easier.

Alice drank down a healing potion for her throat then began to sing again. The addition of the soldier brought them to the farming village in less than an hour. The day had begun to turn to night by now and the villagers were returning to their homes. Many of them spotted the lantern on the slides horse while approaching.

"I apologize for the inconvenience. Please ask the head of your village for a cart and two good horses. We must return to Genesis as soon as possible." The villagers did not recognize the injured or the soldier, however, they recognized Alice and the other healers.

"What happened to our guests! You were gone less than a day and come back like this! Go and get that cart. Get water and food. I want them to be comfortable!" Miss gave orders in an efficient manner. She was no stranger to such situations.

"I am returning from the border, I happened across these healers saving what appear to be refugees. We are going to Genesis. I must report more detailed information while they must return to the cathedral to administer better care." The soldier didn\'t let any of the healers take the burden of explaining. He knew they were weaker at the moment.

"Then we will give you the best. These healers helped us and we want to help them. I look forward to another visit soon." Miss gave Alice a smile before rushing to help prepare the cart. This kindness had no hesitation. It spoke to how a small deed like healing their village could blossom in to something much more than anyone would expect. Exactly what Alice imagined Genesis could be.



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