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Chapter 1382 1382. Grandpa

Causing a commotion was exactly what they had done. When Ignus\'s son landed he had aimed for the largest crag tree he could spot. It was also near the largest patch of dark stones without any lava flowing nearby. "Little elves, I have brought you those who wish to meet you." Ignus\'s son roar outward which added to the stress.

"And now I think they are all hiding." Gil shook his head while stabilizing himself. He felt that his legs had partially turned to jelly after being in the air for a while.

"They will come out. Just wait until we are alone." Ignus\'s son flapped back in to the air leaving the six behind. He didn\'t have any intention of staying in one place. This was a dangerous area to explore.

"We are from the city of Genesis. My name is Alma, future queen of the forest elves, representative of the elves on the Genesis council. I come to speak with the current elder in charge of the flames elves to welcome you to Genesis as equally represented citizens." There was still no movement from any direction.

"Alma, I am going to give this a shot." Gil wanted to help and knew that the flame elves would be worried that they would fall under the pain of another banishment. "We have punished the foolish king and his attendants. You will have a home within Genesis until the day you die. We do not believe in banishment, nor do we care for purity. We ask one thing, equality above all else no matter the race."

Gil took a deep breath, "I swear this on my title as hero, my title as educationist, my title as friend to the goblins, my title as the avatar of wind!" The system reacted and so did the world. Swearing such a thing on his titles was powerful. It spoke to every being that could hear him. It was more than just a pledge.

The mana seemed to freeze around them for a split second until everything returned to the calm it was before. The sound of a single pair of footsteps approaching revealed a tall and skinny elder flame elf.

"Forgive me and my fellow flame elves. We had to maintain some defensiveness to protect ourselves. We are already living in a rather dangerous place." The man smiled softly. "Please, come and sit with me for a while, I am the grandpa here. Or at least that\'s what everyone calls me. I used to be the right hand of our king before he became obsessed. It pains me to see it happen but I believe the lava flows that way for a reason."

The calmness in the elderly elf\'s speech was radically different from the flame elf king. There was acceptance and openness where the king had been brutal and hateful. "I find myself surprised that you would seek us out. We were ready to remain here until nature decided to take control. But since the grand fire spirit is here, we followed. It was all we could hold on to. Even if it is within the heart of the volcano sleeping."

"We had gathered that much with our allies. The dragons are somewhat close to Genesis since we have a royal dragon as a friend and family." Alma flowed in to the conversation easily. "I don\'t want to waste your time but we have come to extend a hand. Especially after you have survived being thrust out of your homes."

,m "I see that. It has been some time since that happened. And the older elves with children have been pushing for us to move to a safer place. But we have yet to find it. Elderly elves like me are still stubborn." The crag trees became more lively as the elder led them to a large table made of black stone out in the open. "Please feel free to sit. We have our meetings here in the open so that any can listen if they so desire. It helped many accept our situation.

A few flame elves approached looking at Gil and Alma carefully. They were cautious until one with a bow and arrow caught Gil\'s eye. "I like your bow there. I can tell you made it yourself. But the arrows need some work. The feathers on the edge are off, making your arrow fall to the left. Try to copy this." He handed one of the basic arrows he had made to the flame elf.

"The one with many titles. He is kind like his titles would suggest he is. But the way you act and speak he is not the only one with titles?" The elder that referred to himself as grandpa was asking for the singular purpose of information gathering. He was not ready to risk the people he had helped save for one person\'s words.

"Yes, he is one of five hero title holders, the others are an alchemical brawler, draconic guardian, true dragon champion, and master of none. I do have to admit, they are all human except for the true dragon champion. She is an actual dragon. But the master of none is the royal dragon. It takes a lot of getting used to but they are the reason my new home exists. The reason the elves are uniting again. I want you to join us. Help bring our race back together as it should be."

The firmness in Alma\'s response was one that the elder felt to his core. Since he and everyone else had been banished from their homes over the years, they had felt empty. But those that heard the way Alma spoke were immediately filled with a new hope.

"Alma, I think while we are here I will go and see about that grand fore spirit. I can feel that I need to." Gil said this but he wasn\'t standing alone. The other elemental spirits were close around him watching and waiting. They could feel the mana around Gil. They knew about his title.



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