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Chapter 1378 1378. Taller

"We will get it to her, don\'t worry." Walker stored the letter away while Su started t fuss over the fact that Barry had not bandaged any of the small wounds on his body. She was showing a lot of the reasons behind her being in the cathedral. Barry didn\'t fight her though, he calmly took the salves and healing potion from her after Walker had pulled them from his storage.

"How have the battles been? A lot to deal with?" Walker wanted a little bit of insight on these things. It would help him explain to the other dragons if they were not pulling their weight.

"Not as many as you would think. But I have only been through three territories now. I am told that there are some that are worse than others." Not many of the royal dragons had said much but it was very clear from the things that had been said that there were worse territories than what Barry had seen already.

"I know if you get to the light dragon territory you may have a hard time. From what it sounded like in the royal dragon court, they are strict. Extremely so with their hatchlings. I would not be surprised if they have the rogue dragons unrestricted around their territory. I am unsure if they will actually bring hatchlings to Genesis either…" Walker felt that the light dragon would prove to be the hardest to handle since he had seen the attitude in the royal dragon court.

"I will keep that in mind. But I don\'t doubt that I will have help along the way. The dragonkin warriors have been fairly welcoming even though some are a bit too prideful." Barry had easily dealt with the few that thought of him as weak. He couldn\'t just let them stand over him too much. "I should be a bit stronger by the time I return to genesis. I just wonder who I will fight in tournaments.\' The arena had been something on Barry\'s mind for some time now.

"I will let Scylla know that you want to enter. Maybe she will fight you herself." The possibility seemed to make Barry more excited.

"Get on with it. I will see you again in a little while." Barry shooed them away after that though. Su threw another bandage at him as he tried to walk away. Midnight just growled softly in parting. She had been too occupied with her current training.

"You seem to have a better grasp on the fire elemental mana." Walker could see that Midnight was working on her flame breath. She was holding it in her chest but it was clearly there. Controlled and waiting to be released.

"That\'s my fault. She was attempting to train in the hottest spot but I wanted to watch her bring in fire elemental mana to breathe flames. I want to be able to utilize the changes in my body sooner." Walker was a little surprised by Su\'s desire to breathe dragon fire. But it made sense, she had changed due to her bond with Midnight. And she had the potential to breathe flames. She even saw the skills as there in her system.

"If you manage to breathe fire you might be able to do some interesting attacks. When you have an opponent right up close during a shield bash you could add fire damage. It could be a very strong tactic against tough opponents." The potential that Su had before her was great. Walker couldn\'t say he didn\'t see it clearly.

"The real question is, will you be able to breathe flames?" Su wasn\'t sure if Walker would be able to. He had learned monster skills but none that augmented his body. He was still human from what Su could see.

"Well, I can\'t say I am totally human with how I have bonded with Midnight, elemental mana, and Onyx. To be fair, I also have a unique bond with Fleur that might change things. I feel like I am more of a mystery than I want to admit." Walker was clear in the fact that he wouldn\'t be able to speak in depth about this. He had to wait and see what he learned as he grew.

"One thing is clear though, you are hitting your own growth spurt. You are getting almost as tall as me." Su was the tallest in the party. It came with her general standing as the tank that protected everyone. She knew that she had always been taller because her parents were fairly tall. Yet now, she felt that she might end up shorter than the others. Everyone was growing while she was becoming tougher.

"I have been noticing it a little. It\'s about time though. Every day I get older, right?" Walker laughed a little while glancing at Midnight. She had also grown again but he had been avoiding the thought process.

Midnight was a dragon. Compared to Ignus in dragon form, she was minuscule. But she would be that size eventually. Therefore, he needed to keep preparing for such a time. There was the fact that Midnight Had been taking her dragonkin form more often. She was getting used to it. So much so that Walker thought she might need to start some battle training while in the dragonkin form.

"Midnight, when we get back to Genesis and settle down, do you want to train with me? Train in your dragonkin from? Maybe you can learn to use a weapon too. I\'m sure you can make one just for you if the wandering blacksmith needs help spirit forging." He knew that the wandering blacksmith would never say no to Midnight who added her dragon flames to his forge often. Midnight responded with a short roar of approval. She would always train with Walker.



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