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Chapter 1373 1373. Cooling Stones

"Ignus, bare with the cold." Ignus was unsure of what Walker meant. He just knew that Walker was extremely angry. It was easy to see, but unexpected. From what Ignus had seen, Walker was calm headed and balanced.

"Walker, don\'t force yourself to deal with this. The elves-"

"Alma, you have burns on your arms from the trees here. Gil will be unhappy if you don\'t heal up quickly. Have your enforcers help you. I will handle this while you rest." Walker\'s words seemed sweet, yet they had a dark lining.

The mana condensed quickly around Walker. He considered attacking and defeating the flame king while the coyote would have to be handled differently, but looking at the attendants picking themselves up caused Walker to change his thinking.

The entire royal flame elf court had hateful eyes. They looked at Gil passed out on the ground after defending the person he loved with disgust. The hatred the flame elves had grown for everyone was too great. It was the same form of poison that the demon lands were infected with. The corruption that should have no place in the world.

A single flame knight attempted to walk toward Walker but was too slow to do anything. "I may not be able to freeze this place, but I can remove the warmth of your pure flames." There was a domineering tone in Walker\'s voice. It was the same tone a dragon roar had. The same tone that demanded attention.

Walker did not have a small amount of water prep[ared for this journey. He had brought multiple barrels in case they were needed. The entire terrain was water poor. How could they have found water in this place? The question had prompted Walker to store a lot of it for whatever need he had. This time, his need was not for drinking or sharing with others.

The sizzling of water starting to evaporate on the black stones was followed by a simple few words. "If I had more water this would be a proper ice dragon\'s domain. Count yourself lucky that you are not frozen fully."

Walker\'s hand touched the steaming water causing a radical change. The ring around him became frozen and ice crystal covered. But further, the stones began to rapidly cool. Cracking sounds rang out as this spread through the flame elf city. The entire city soon felt the change. Even without the cooling feeling being strong in every spot, the warped stone had a chain reaction.

The opposing forces caused stones to crack and the crag tree roots to shift. The deep lava beneath the rock was also cooling and creating pressure. The entire flame elf main hall was being broken in to cracked shards. The flame elf kin could only collapse looking at the price he had to pay for threatening Genesis and its people.

"Ice dragon domain…. The wrong path to use here. But effective." Ignus mumbled to himself watching this happen. The reaction that the small amount of water elemental mana was having on an entire area of land was wondrous. Ignus rarely brings his fire elemental mana in relation to other elemental manas to mind. He focused on fire elemental mana purity. But not to the degree that the flame elves did. Walker was able to cause reactions in other elemental manas using all of this which presented itself in the very ground cracking through a city.

The elite enforcers had already moved to keep Gil on their shoulders. The other two were assisting Alma. One had run to grab Gil\'s quiver of arrows since they knew the value it had to him. "Ignus, I will make a statement. Then I can return to what we were doing." Walker was still using some mana to hold the area beneath his feet together. The cracked stone was trying to burst apart in a jumble since it was under pressure.

"Take your time and make your point. This is a fitting punishment for ignoring respect." Ignus was partially glad to see that Walker was willing to punish those that offended him. However, there was also the fact that Walker had done so with a skill that every dragon could use in their own elemental form. It was something that made him wonder what Walker could do with a nature dragon domain.

Using the wind ripple sill, Walker moved high in to the air. "Those of the flame elf city! You have insulted the city of Genesis. You believe in your purity and standing above all races. You are wrong!" Walker used the wind elemental mana to carry his voice to the entire city.

"In Genesis people are all equal disregarding race. If you wish to leave your way of life here for equality, you may take the journey there. If you dare to bring trouble to Genesis or other races, you will be punished!" With this, Walker released his hold on the earth elemental mana.

Stones cracked further being released from their pressure. The elemental manipulation Walker had done to create hot and cold spots was minimal in the scheme of things. Yet, it highlighted his understanding of elemental mana and what a small change could do. The city had lost its foundations and the crack trees had shifted. It was easy to avoid being harmed but it would cause a lot of trouble to put back together. Walker had damaged the entire city with one move.

But this had freed the mask from the city\'s face. The painted statues lost pieces of their color showing the rugged and burnt exterior. The market that Gil had seen lost the fabrics hiding the rotting crag tree wood. Everything had been ignored. The city was on its last legs and the flame elf king had let it all happen.

As evidence of all this, a few flame elves were cheering. Something unusual in Walker\'s ears until he heard the hatred born for the flame elf king and his attendants. This was all not as simple as it had appeared. "Time to leave." Walker moved through the air following Ignus who was leading back to the village. He was doing his best to hold himself together since he had abused his mana yet again. His body cried for him to stop and rest.



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