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Chapter 1367 1367. Lowly Positions

"Walker, what\'s that sound?" Su heard a distant noise of air blowing harder than usual. Her words caused Walker and Midnight to look up and behind them.

"I would say that\'s Ignus. And what he had in his mouth…a rogue dragon." The sight of a very large deep red fire dragon carrying a defeated rogue dragon was powerful. Enough for Walker to wonder how on purpose this was. "And I would say that he is about to land right here."

The thundering sound of cracking stone and sizzling lava was all the three could hear for a moment. Ignus came to a crashing landing while dropping the large rogue dragon. "Midnight, that is why you should practice landings. If you do that in Genesis, people will be very unhappy." Midnight responded with a slight growl. She took careful mental notes to avoid landing destructively.

"An uninvited visit. I hope you have proper gifts to make up for that." Ignus\'s voice growled out while Walker stood calmly.

"It sounds like you may have met the others?" Letting Ignus know what the gift was right away would be too easy. Walker also wanted to see what else Ignus had to say since he had suddenly come toward them with a rogue dragon to show off.

"The elf and archer had the nerve to stand up and speak directly to me. If the human warrior had not spoken up I would have flattened them without a thought." Now it was Walker\'s turn to be confused. "His name is Barry. Your village sent him to help with the clean up effort. I can not say it makes a difference. Yet, he can handle the small ones." This was as close to praise as the party would hear from Ignus.

"Yes, that\'s right. I didn\'t think that Barry would end up in these lands at the same time as us. I hope to see him before we leave. It\'s a good thing we decided to come with Gil and Alma. They are meeting the flame elves to speak about the flame elves coming to Genesis. And I am here to speak to you about that."

Walker\'s words seemed to Make Ignus shuffle. It was all too clear a sign that he was unhappy about them coming to invite him to genesis. "I have already been told that Mordant has already ventured there. I was told he encouraged you to come here, is that true?" it was unknown if Ignus was happy or angry about this. But his eyes narrowed while waiting for a response.

"Well, he wanted you to see the first iteration of fire affinity potions we created. They are the gifts I brought. He is currently using the darkness affinity potions along with a floor in the mage tower to better understand darkness elemental mana. I believe he is improving very fast." Saying this little tidbit was enough to make Ignus feel that he may be falling behind a younger dragon than himself.

"Explain affinity potions and why I should care?" Ignus spoke but had less annoyance in his voice. He even began to change his form to dragonkin form in a burst of flames. It appeared that his curiosity had been piqued by this.

"The alchemist guild produced potions that work using specific materials. These fire affinity potions are low tier but can boost your affinity for fire elemental mana temporarily. It will be great for training. Remey actually came with us, I suspect she is hunting for rare high tier ingredients to make a high tier fire elemental potion." Walker watched this sink in.

Before Ignus could speak, Walker continued. "Mordant promised to trade with the alchemy guild and Genesis in general. This will help him get affinity potions, true spirit forging materials, and even build new buildings in his village. He really liked the style of the mansion I live in. He\'s staying there. Although, he said that he enjoys the food. I have to be careful or he may steal a chef from Genesis." This too was another temptation for Ignus.

"I see, so you have lulled him in to practically living there. And what of the hatchling she brought. How many?" Now Ignus was prying in to what Mordant had invested for this information.

"We can talk about this while we walk to your village. It will be easier for you to ask all your questions while getting home right?" Ignus just walked with Walker ignoring Su ad Midnight. He wanted answers so he could decide his actions. His fire had not died down in the least. The heat was very strong around him.

"He brought three. One weak affinity to darkness elemental mana. But that hatchling has incredible physical potential. He will be the guard of the alchemy guild. It helps keep an eye on the affinity potions that will leave. Also protects the herbs being brought in that Mordant supplies." Ignus glared at a dragon being a guard.

"The second is somewhat of an assassin. But very weak body. They will be the perfect map maker and scout. We have very high hopes for her. She should be able to help every merchant in the entire country." Still, Ignus wondered if a dragon should do such lowly things.

"Lastly, a unique hatchling with weak affinity and body had the gift of small appraisal. She is currently at an auction house appraising the most valuable relics. I believe she will become the best talent for appraisal the world may ever see. She has many years to master it, and then some."

"Lowly positions. Dragons should show their power. Not this." Ignus looked down at Walker.

"No. They are not. They are positions that they can exceed in. they will stand at the top of those positions where everyone will revere them. People will come to them for guidance and advice. They are equals who will use their skills to rise to the very top." Walker held Ignus\'s gaze. Neither moved.



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