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Chapter 1332 1332. Scroll After Scroll

While the thoughts of monsters gaining their chances to be their own respected races swam in Mordant\'s head. Walker guided him upwards through the tower. Not a single person researching the runes could even look up. They were completely trapped within their focused studies. It was a good thing to see so many experienced beings hard at work to find answers and push themselves to a higher understanding of something.

"What is this?" Mordant stopped. He could feel the mana in the next floor; it was dense and unlike what he had expected. He believed that the elemental floors would be records of runes or runes that simply brought elemental mana to the floor. Not an insanely dense floor full of a singular elemental mana that could be used and experimented with at will.

"This is the start of the elementary floors. They lead up to the floor that I used to mix elemental mana in a balance. Overall they are perfect for studying, manipulation, and in your case, absorbing elemental mana." To see a dragon stunned by information so many times was something that not many would expect. Now that Mordant was witnessing this he truly understood why Genesis was continuing to grow. So many discoveries and perfect things happened.

"It\'s as if fate is constantly showing you the path to greatness… There\'s a darkness elemental floor with dense mana like this!" Mordant was already pushing through the elemental floors to reach the darkness elemental floor. His question was more amazement than it was a question.

Calmly following, Walker found that Mordant had found the center of the darkness elemental floor. The dense dark mana was hard to comprehend for most people but those that understood it or had the affinity. Walker was easily able to feel it around him and traverse the room with ease. The strange part was that Mordant was like a ghost in this room. He walked without making a sound.

Sensing the movement around him, Walker could make out the darkness elemental spirit. It was flitting about the room with plenty of energy. It had never been somewhere so dense with elemental mana perfect for it to absorb. Normally, Mordant would find himself plenty of darkness elemental crystals to surround himself with. Then he would meditate with the darkness elemental spirits\' help to absorb and refine the mana. It was a very long process that took a lot of work for both of them.

"Go ahead, use the scrolls. You should hear how happy your partner is." Walker was listening to the cries of joy from the dark spirit. It was not hiding a single thing. It would usually remain silent or quiet spoken. This was a trait similar to the earth elemental spirits which were silent and seemingly stubborn. They both didn\'t have much to say until they were genuinely happy.

Without any hesitation, Morant opened scroll after scroll. He heard the words as soon as the first came into effect but he wasn\'t going to give up. Walker saw that he was dead set on gaining the skill from the scrolls he had. Noticing this, Walker moved down the tower again with a few words of where he was going. It was better to leave Mordant to his attempts and bonding. Walker would also send more scrolls up for Mordant in case they were needed. At the rate that Mordant was trying to get the skill it was very possible that he might properly earn the skill to at least speak to darkness elemental spirits. His affinity was high enough after all.

While descending the elemental floors, Walker felt Fleur stir for the first time in a little while. She was clearly absorbing some more elemental mana but had no intention of revealing herself just yet. She was still becoming stronger and reforming her body after the last endeavor in the tower. One thing was for certain, Walker could also feel his connection with natural elemental mana becoming closer.

"Walker!" Gil was rushing towards the mage tower. He seemed out of breath and was red faced. "I swear, you could have been anywhere this morning and I found you in the last place I looked.

"Alright…? What\'s going on?" The way that Gil was acting didn\'t seem that there was a problem. It was more that he was excited to find Walker to tell him something.

"The flame elves sent a letter! They sent a letter using a red talon hawk. They want to invite Alma to the lava fields to meet and discuss joining Genesis!" There was unspeakable joy in Gil\'s tone. He had helped research the other elves and where their cities had moved. Along with that, this was another elven form of dagger usage he could learn. Not to mention any forms of archery he might be missing. Not only could Genesis improve, so would he and Alma.

"That\'s amazing! Congratulations. Is there a plan yet? When are we going? Do you need me to go?" Heading to the volcanic area where the flame elves lived was not a simple journey. Where the party could take a flying tamed beast to the mountains, they could not to the lava fields that came from the volcanoes. Acrid smoke and hot temperatures would prevent them from nearing the destination. That meant a dangerous journey through a very carefully mapped pathway.

"Well, we are planning it now. They said in the letter that they would have a guide for representatives. I wanted to see if you and Midnight wanted to come. I know that it is near the volcanoes and Midnight might want to try and see fire dragons\' territory."

"Gil?" Walker saw Gil grow confused. "You are brilliant sometimes. That\'s the best idea yet. Midnight will surely want to go to Ignus\'s village and see it. Let me try and speak to Mordant about it when he gets out of the tower."



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