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Chapter 1280 1280. To Be A Healer (3)

"High priest! Teacher! Teacher!" The priest ran and nearly fell over the cots in the small home to reach the high priest. "I know what happened. I know!"

"Whoa whoa whoa, calm down. People are healing here and resting. Breath first!" There was worry but also proudness in the high priests\' eyes as he saw the priest he had been guiding come up with an answer so quickly.

,m "I\'m calm. But we need to use a purification spell. It\'s frost moth scales! That\'s what caused this. The frost moths must have migrated in the mountains making it seem like it was snowing here. The kids said the snow blew away." The face of the high priest went from proud to deathly serious.

He put his hands on the priest\'s shoulders. That was some very good work. But It was not frost moth scales. Their poison would paralyze these people. It\'s an illness that sticks to their scales. Its goes after people that are weaker and older. Children have a lot of energy and replenish their mana faster enough. That means that they can escape it better. You know how to heal and purify them. Go outside and take them outside to do that. Alright? I will do that here." The high priest pushed the priest away with a smile. "And take my bag with you. There\'s something you will need in it. Actually, wait one moment."

The high priest ran to his bag and started to scribble down notes. "There, I added some notes for you to use the skill better if you have trouble. But get all the children outside first." The priest didn\'t miss the fact that the healers started to act differently and stop their healing. They all took out magical scrolls and began to gather the ill. But the priest trusted the high priest and rushed away.

"Come on! We are going to do a purification skill. I have to get everyone together outside the gates!" The children and the teenagers came as fast as they heard. There was a tone in the priests\' voice that told them they were about to see the solution to their problems.

"This is everyone!" The teen that had been mostly leading the children was panting after they had gathered them all.

"Then stick close and relax. It will take a lot of my mana to do this." The priest pulled out the scribbles of guidance and prepared himself. But he dropped it as soon as he read it and turned toward the center of the village. However, he was too late. He had followed the order too well and gotten everyone to the gates.

Flames burst up from the main building in the village. The children screamed out but the priest just fell to his knees. The letter had read a few simple sentences…"This is an illness that will spread from one adult to another. It will kill anyone that it infects and we are already falling prey t it. The children and you should be safe because of your age. Find a place to bathe on the journey to the diamond kingdom\'s cathedral. Tell them what has happened and remember, the day I met you was the day I saw the true light of healing bless this world. Live well. I will wait for my soul to meet yours and hear how high you flew."

The letter had torn the priest\'s heart in two….But he was not so weak. He had his beloved teacher\'s final words. The two had healed each other, bonded, and learned together. Their journeys shaped the dreams the priest had even as a young boy. That orphan that had wandered in to a village chapel after losing everything had become a healer, and priest. Now he would become more. And aim as high as he possibly could.

The arrival of over thirty children with a single priest shook the church\'s world. It had so many that gossiped and raved about how a priest had managed to guide them to safety. Yet the church had also learned that it could not resist the fame earned by the priest. Therefore, the youngest high priest ever was initiated and given the cathedral that the former high priest had once represented.

The newly appointed high priest had dedicated the next ten years to rescuing those in small villages and healing them. Wherever they went and whoever they met were given healing regardless of race. It was a fervent desire to protect and give homes to those in need. The orphanages built sometimes faced resistance but the high priest found a way. Even if it meant they would leave before it was finished.

Those that had been given new life remembered him and those that had been given a roof over their head heard stories of him. Even in his older age when no one recognized him as the young priest written and sung about, he would find ways to make everyone and everything around him better.

Eventually, his body began to feel the age he had grown and the unruly healing methods he had used caught up with him. But the day that he heard a small baby crying was the day he had found another light to protect. He had heard it late in the night when he could not sleep. The sound brought him to the front steps of the orphanage to find a small baby girl wiggling in blankets unable to sleep.

The first glance was astonishment then immediate love. There was just something in the little baby\'s eyes that said it had found its home. The high priest couldn\'t believe how fast she had stopped crying and cuddled in to his arms to sleep the rest of the night away. At that moment a single name he had long since forgotten resurfaced. The name of his mother, Alice.



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