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Chapter 1246 1246. A Little Stress

"Midnight, do you see Su and Remey anywhere?\' Walker knew that Midnight had been looking too but they were still at a loss. Gil had just arrived outside the Genesis building along with Onyx and Alice. They had all been at the mansion changing and getting ready but none had seen Remey and Su.

"They are here!" Onyx found them much more easily. "And they smell like fruit." He was the first to pick out the herbal scents of fruit and tea leaves. Remey and Su had changed in to their best armor and clothes to show match the rest of the party. However, that did not get rid of the stubborn herbal tea scent that stuck to them from two hours of tasting and testing the tea blends.

"How did all of you beat us? We were so quick too." The pair seemed incredibly relaxed and aloof which struck everyone as odd.

"Should I guess that you met the tea trader that came from the forest elf city to set up a shop through the alchemy guild? I heard he even wants to bring over a farmer to make a small plot of Genesis tea leaves." Walker had heard this in passing while walking earlier in the day. A couple of housewives had been chatting about it and how the teas would even be good to freshen up their homes when their family returned home from working as guards.

"What!? You didn\'t tell me that they might set up a shop here! Remey! You need to tell me these things." Su shouted slightly at Remey who responded by jumping away from Su\'s hand that came to catch her.

"Oh? And you want to grab me like that? I might still have my training armor under this but I am still faster." The two were like children. All in all, the rest of the party was amazed that they had found the two bonding and so relaxed.

There was no problem in this though Walker felt it was best that they had the time to bind and relax before a journey. It helped keep them from going a little crazy with tasks along with just lightening the mood. "Perfect, you are all here. I was worried that we would be running behind. Let\'s go inside and find the dwarven smiths that set up their magic device crystal water light thing. It\'s going to be interesting. I look fine, right? Right???" Clara was the exact opposite of Remey and Su. She was high energy and obviously stressed.

"I think I need to use this skill really quick." Walker wasn\'t really sure if it was the best decision but he used the calming waves skill to send a few pulses of calming mana out around him. He saw an instant change in Clara along with everyone rushing about around him. The street which had been busy became a little slower causing a slight delay in movement but no real issue.

"Ehm, thank you for that. It has been a long day. Let\'s go up to the room set aside for announcements." Clara had recovered some of her normal personality but was still a little thrown off in comparison to how she normally was. There was still stress visible in her eyes and Walker wondered if he should use the calming waves skill more often. Unfortunately, it was a skill that would cause a lot of notice within the wild and in general slow some peoples\' progress. Sometimes a little stress and pressure were needed in the world.

Many of the dwarves and mages were in the Genesis building preparing for the announcement. The council of representatives had also gathered to represent all races of Genesis. It was a good way for them to unveil the new magical rune technology that had come from the elven runesmiths and the dwarven runesmiths coming together.

The room set aside for the announcement was on the larger side. Many runes were carved in to crystals holding different elemental manas. Fleur found it intriguing and explored them all while the entire party took the diode in. "Good timing. I need to let you know how this will all work." A dwarf with uniquely made metal and rune gauntlets came over and began to speak. "The magic runes we added to these works using light and other elemental mana to project the images we capture using over seven hundred rune carved crystals across all of Genesis. That means everyone will hear and see what you say. It takes a large amount of mana to make this happen so we will keep the announcement short and easy to understand. Then we will have you, the guild master, release your quests directly after." he rushed off to start organizing others.

"So, we stand beside you and just represent you?" Walker wasn\'t sure what else he needed to do for all of this.

"Yes! Just stay here. The other representatives are here too; they will be right beside us. Everyone here is known in Genesis by just about everyone. Wait, where are you going? Alice, you are a huge figure for the healers and the minstrels that come here. You are staying here too." Walker wasn\'t sure if Alice would actually stay but she had come to watch with them. Now she was fully involved as well.

"Ha! I knew that I was a big deal. But if you say that again I might need to make sure you all don\'t get too full of yourselves." Of all the people to say this, it was Remey. She got a rise out Of Midnight immediately and soon Gil had jumped in teasing as well.

"Or you can all stand silently and look your best so you don\'t stress me out!" The look Clara gave them sent chills down their spines.

"And we are starting. Everyone in position now!" The shout caused a small amount of chaos.



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