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Chapter 1244 1244. Just Like Remey

Multiple guards rushed over that had been hired by the alchemy guild. The staff members were behind them. They all had keen ears for any trouble and had heard every word that had been said. Insulting the one that was called guild master constantly by the other founding members was a massive insult to the alchemy guild as a whole. On top of that, the fools that had thrown those insults were being mean to one of the angels that spent their time healing at the cathedral even though they lacked healing skills themselves.

"You insulted an esteemed founder of this guild. You were allowed mercy to think upon your actions. Proceed to the back of the merchant line or you will be banned from this guild and all future branches." One guard repeated the punishment. However, he had not expected that his fellow guard had been one that was assisted by Su.

"Furthermore, if you dare to speak ill of the one that helped wrap my broken arm after that monster Greed attacked this city, I will personally come and barricade every shop that dares sell your goods. This is guaranteed under my family crest!" The guard was a very low level royal from the human kingdom. He had seen the chance to rush to Genesis and grow in to an esteemed member of the city.

Not only had this man joined the guards of the alchemy guild. His family had also joined the other guilds forming a very powerful family of cooperation guards. They were slowly becoming known as the Green family guards. Those that would repay the favors handed to them and guard with their lives.

"It didn\'t hurt me for a second. Don\'t go so far to breed hatred. They can reflect on their actions like Remey said. Once they reach the front of the line, they should apologize to those here for causing a scene. Please, let\'s move on. If we worry about this all day then the day will pass us by." With traditional Su style, she swept the air of any brewing storms. She just wanted to see the lively positive atmosphere come back.

They could hear those praising her and the small group that had caused the trouble moved away with solemn expressions. They realized that they had just dodged an arrow about to pierce their hearts. How terrible would it be for their business to be demolished before they even received permission to build it? This also was a major lesson to those looking to take advantage of the newly formed guild. There was no mercy for those who harmed the good of the guild and those that helped to build the city which offered up a future for everyone.

"By the time they get back here, it will be nearly closing time. It is a perfect punishment for people that cause trouble. If I let that slide then there would be a rule breaking spree. Someone tried to cut yesterday and I had to send them to the back of the line. They learned well today and even helped stop others. Really worth the time."Remey felt proud to have been able to stand up for Su and help set an example for the behavior within the guild.

"Potions are for healing and protecting. You might know how to make them explode, but I believe they are for more positive things." Su was a little flustered but knew that Remey understood.

"So, what brought you here? I was pretty surprised seeing you coming toward the guild from the upstairs window." Remey was already pulling Su along and up the stairs. The main hall was becoming much more talkative again with stories of who Remey and Su were and how Genesis had been formed. It would be a whole new round of gossiping if they stayed too long.

"Well, my partner was away for the morning playing with a fire spirit. It got me thinking and I thought I would come and see you. I wondered how the alchemy fire spirit was doing since I haven\'t seen it around in a while." There was a slight silence as Remey abruptly changed the direction of where she had been headed. Su realized that they were no longer heading toward the lab set aside for Remey.

"I would say that it is doing well. But that would be a massive lie." Remey was shaking her head causing Su to worry. The look towards the ground made it all the harder to believe that anything good would be around the next corner. "I thought that it would want to rest, come home, or even try and do other things. I can\'t seem to win at all." There was a depressing air around Remey now and Su began to wonder how bad it was.

Remey pushed open a door that seemed to have a lot of heat around it. "It abandoned me for this old man and works constantly!" The alchemy fire spirit was under a much larger cauldron heating a massive number of herbs. The old master alchemist was hard at work mixing them and making plenty of notes.

"Good! You\'re back. Get over here and help me refine this as a base. It will be the starting amalgamation for the earth affinity testing phase one. Then we will make the fire version." The old master alchemist even waved at Su before returning to his work making the base that they needed.

"See? It is working hard and constantly absorbing and transforming fire in to alchemy fire. It doesn\'t even need me. I would try and beat some sense in to it but the last time I did that we both just ended up causing the room to get more scorched than it already is." A hot headed and stubborn partner for Remey. Su thought it fit perfectly.



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