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Chapter 1215 - 1215. Truce

Chapter 1215 – 1215. Truce

It was a little too obvious that Gil was having trouble walking in a straight line. If Remey didn\'t know better she would say that Gil had somehow been drinking. However, she found it hysterical that he was completely soaked. 

"What do you mean? This is training. I\'m still training." There was a long silence before the two finally got the courage up to admit that they had gone a little too far. 

Their eyes met and the two let put held breaths. "Weights. I asked for new training armor and these were forged for me. They are too heavy and I am basically a rock now." 

"The river. I was trying to learn the flow of dagger arts from the merfolk and I ended up an hour down rover. The instructor made us run back. I nearly died." 

They were both too proud to admit that they didn\'t like the training that they had come up with in a bid to get better than the other. However, it was nice for them to be getting out of their routine to do something different. "So, think you can use a dagger better?" Remey was a little curious. She didn\'t think that Gil would really leave with nothing learned. 

"Actually? Yes. I think I am starting to get the hang of how to move. Attacking is another thing but I will be able to learn more tomorrow. If I can actually move my legs. How about you?" 

"Oh, I\'m staying here. No way I will be able to move. This is too heavy. I can get stronger but I won\'t be able to do anything normally. Some condensed magma copper or whatever. This stuff is like having three plates of armor on each arm. It\'s too much." Gil had sat himself next to Remey and was attempting to stretch his legs. He reached out to see if he could pick up one of the bracelets on Remey\'s wrist. 

"Seriously!? This is too much. How did you even walk?" He knew well that if he had the same armor on him that he would be lost. Gil had his pride and would never say it to Remey, but he knew that she was stronger than him. She had the skills to fight head on and deal real damage. He only truly shined when he was at a distance. 

"Says the person who was dragged by a river. You know running back after fighting the current is dangerous. You even left Genesis a little ways." Remey was not as adept at swimming and could only imagine that Gil had been fighting the river the entire way. Just because he said he was learning flow did not mean that he was able to go against it. The river was a powerful force of nature within its\' own right. 

"Both of you seem to have found some common ground. It\'s rare to see you this way." Onyx managed to surprise Gil and Remey when he slithered in. "But I really think you two should clean up. Alice is here to eat with us since we had to order more light crystals today. I invited her back. Maybe we can all train in the morning." The reaction Onyx witnessed was a lot of eye rolling since Gil and Remey were both trained out for the day. 

"What have you been doing other than that? Anything fun?" Gil attempted to change the topic as best as he could. He knew that Onyx had been equally busy. 

"I have been. I managed to make friends with a few tamers and gained information about strange sightings involving shadows. I have a cave that I wish to investigate soon. I want Alice and everyone to come with me. I want to see if there are more of my species if possible." While the two were physically exhausted, they had not been put through the wringer mentally. Now they felt that they had been thrown a curveball. 

"You have a lead!? That\'s great. I asked around too but none of the traveling herbalists had heard anything." 

"The same here. No hunter or archer has seen anything in the forests that pointed to abyssal serpents. But I still have the flyers posted for information. I was ready to see if we should put a post up in the adventurer\'s guild." 

Between the two, they were shocked and surprised. But they were also extremely excited. Onyx had been very calm and quiet about how he gathered information. He didn\'t really want to trouble anyone and they respected it. They were always impressed by how fast he learned and how mature he was. Onyx was a league above when it came to intelligence. 

"I didn\'t want to ask for help until I was ready. It\'s a ravine in the fields that was thought to be caused by a natural earthquake. I have heard the news that some of the caves split open may have exposed strange egg shells. But no one found the monsters that hatched. There were reports of odd shadows causing those that found them to retreat for fear of ancient ruins and ghosts. There is a quest to investigate them. I want to go." Truth be told, Onyx had already accepted the quest. But he had been waiting to ask everyone to come with him. He wanted his family there if he discovered something. 



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