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Chapter 1199 - 1199. Will Become

Chapter 1199 – 1199. Will Become

"And that is why I leave it up to the keeper. I assure you that he was able to make an informed decision well beyond what I would have. That is why he has access to the history." Ignus made his case again but Walker was not looking at him. Instead, he was focused on Terron. The words about Terron being the most accepting stuck with him. 

"I hope that the first to visit Genesis would be the earth dragons and their dragonkin. I feel they will find a bond that they already have there." Walker spoke honestly. He knew that Terron was stubborn but would need to accept him because of the keeper. It also made sense that if Terron was already so accepting that after Walker got to know him, then there would be a strong bond. 

"Is that right? You want me, the one that nearly denied you a seat to journey off my mountain first? Is this a challenge?" The ground rumbled and the space that Tarron had damaged before shook slightly. It was the earth elemental mana already stirred up reacting to him. 

"Not a challenge, but you can watch some and have your dragonkin participate. Genesis is attracting new talent and challenging many sections of its people. Alchemy, battle, magic, and a few others. In the coming months, there will be many competitions. You are all welcome to come and watch. I expect you will all have your favorites though." 

"Alchemy? You have enough knowledge to hold alchemy competitions…you did say something about an alchemy guild. I can bear witness to such a thing. My dragonkin are very interested in that as a healing medium with their light alchemy techniques." Rise felt that she could bring her dragonkin to show off and teach while they also learned to true spirit forge. 

"I will have one of my party members who founded the alchemy guild prepare for you. They are a unique system holder who is also a title holder. She is very passionate and will not be afraid to beat down anyone that harms her herbs or family. That is a small warning." Walker smirked knowing that dragon or not, Remey would punch them if they messed anything up. But he also wanted to make sure Rise knew she was on thin ice with him since he found out about the rogue dragons coming from her villages were in high numbers compared to the others. 

"Not many people would throw a punch at a dragon. How interesting. I spoke with Current and he said that she developed some form of affinity potion? Is this true? If it is then I will also come for this alchemy competition. I may dabble in alchemy when I have free time." Ventus cut of Rise before Rise could respond. She smirked seeing that she had gotten one over on the light elemental dragon for once. 

"Then I will prepare for you as well. If any other takers decided to come, you can witness the colosseum that the demi-humans will be so proud of. Or explore the mage tower which came from ancient ruins in the desert. There are many ancient runes being discovered and used. It could advance your rune knowledge greatly." Walker felt as if he was dangling bait in front of a fish to attract them. It felt a little dirty but very fun. 

"So that is how the runes have come to be. Imagine the incorporation of more draconic runes. I will gladly help you understand those runes. My dragonkin are very in tune with ancient ruins. My village can be considered on." Mordant spoke up and gladly volunteered. He wanted these runes more than anything because he already noticed how good they were compared to what his village already had. 

"Then please join the effort. Many are working very hard to do just that. Now, we might as well get back to more important topics. The rogue dragon problem that all of you cause and can not solve due to your pride. Or should I say, the downfall of the dragon name? That sounds about right since that is what\'s happening when you allow offspring to fall from grace and become monsters without a mind." Walker had found that using the good and splitting it with the bad was more than enough to keep the royal dragons on their feet. He made it unexpected and put them on the spot. Something that no other often did but themselves to each other. 

"You are too late on that matter! It was decided while you met the keeper. The welps will be sent to you and you will prove the arrogant words you spoke. We will also send the unwanted dragonkin who have no place in our villages." Ignus spoke as if it was all beyond Walker\'s control, however, it was exactly as the keeper and Walker had thought it would be. 

"Then that is exactly as it shall be. I will welcome them personally and ensure that they have more than enough space to live beyond what any of you believe them to be able to achieve. And when they break the mold of what you believe them to be, I will show them what they almost became to compare to what they will become." There was arrogance in Walker\'s words now. He knew that these hatchlings and dragonkin would go well beyond what was expected. 



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