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Chapter 1197 - 1197. Statements

Chapter 1197 – 1197. Statements

"Leave them be. The keeper always chooses the proper decision. I for one look forward to the return of natural mana. It has been some time since we have done anything as a race. Now, what else does this Genesis stand for?" Rise had taken an interest in this. She liked things to be pure and the idea that Genesis was already fighting against corruption when it came to the demon race was enough to catch her. 

"Should we focus on Genesis first? Or should we focus on this?" Walker waved a hand and the body of the rogue dragon fell to the ground before them. The looks of stunned horror and disgust upon the dragon\'s faces was all too real. "Do you not like seeing those that are cast out from your villages? Can you not accept that this is a form of dragon too? An avoidable monster that could have found a home elsewhere and built up the pride of the dragon name even with their downfalls in purity? You don\'t realize it but I can tell this dragon had earth and water affinity. It was mixed but was that really a reason to kick it from the nest as a hatchling? You did nothing to breed hatred and create a monster." 

Looking at them, Walker knew the royal dragons were both angry and hurt by the words he threw at them. But he was not going to let up. He had yet to make his point. "This is an avoidable corruption and evil that every village commits. There are some like the parents of my champion that leave the villages. Skeletal dragons, some darkness dragons, and even some death related dragons abandoned their villages for their own reasons. They maintain their sanity though, don\'t they? But these rogue dragons are tossed out without any guidance and lose themselves to rage and madness. They are victims that should not exist. So I will offer a solution that I assure you my champion and guardian are already discussing." There was a pause as all of them watched Walker return the rogue dragon body to his storage.

 "Send them to genesis. They will have homes and a chance to grow. They can become part of the races who see all as equal. They will still bring esteem to the dragon name and will not foster hatred. They can be more than just a monster." In the last few words, Walker made the move toward the back hall where the door to the keeper was. He held a hand out to his eternal orb which changed shape and returned to his hand as a staff. He was not going to humor any arguments and knew it better for the royals to speak to themselves about this instead of arguing with him. He was done with them for now. 

"I told you that he would fit right in. He doesn\'t even have a single fear to throw something in our faces. It\'s a lot like a flame making dragon we all watched grow up." Current was older than Ignus and found it more and more fun to make that known since it irritated Ignus. 

"I see it as a good way to solve that growing problem. We have had to deal with many rogue dragons around our mountain-" 

"We know that is because you kick out too many. Yes, you need pure light elemental mana for the best healing and the best condensation of light. But you are too strict with it. Your rogue dragons spill in to other mountains and other dragon\'s territory causing too many problems. I rarely kick from my villages and that human finally said something worth listening to." Terron was as he said, one dragon that kicked hatchlings from his villages the least. The earth dragons did not have the same belief in purity due to the fact that they saw how the earth metal veins melded together. They were more accepting of mixed dragons within their villages. 

"Oh. if only he could hear you now. That human that we so readily just accepted, other than you two, has a good point. I have the issue that Rise does and feel that a change in the wind stream would do us good. If you remember, our founder had similar ideals. We may have strayed too far in past years…" Ventus recalled the history and offered it up as a reason to support Walker\'s change. She also did not want to be in the position of ignorance, she too caused this problem and would not pretend a solution was not possible. 

"That is fine. I can send the welps to this Genesis. But if any of you think I will welcome a human in to our court without the keeper\'s blessing then you are blind. It should not even be up to us in the first place." Ignus looked out and saw that Rise was slightly cowering. She was the most pure but caused the majority of this problem. 

"Hmm, we will change. Just like the shadows through the day. I like this change. I feel like I have watched the world tick by for too long. Let\'s take ahold of the future for once instead of watching it on high." Mordant clinched the subject so that they could begin discussing the change properly. Genesis would have a few new residents come the next few weeks. 



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