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Chapter 1178 - 1178. A Protective Mother

Chapter 1178 – 1178. A Protective Mother

"Just breath slowly and stay there. Stay with your cubs and I will heal you then leave. I won't even need to touch you if you let me come a few steps closer." There were no lies to Walker's words. He let his actions and words speak for themselves. The warm feeling he had on his back resonated with the calming waves skill. 

Fleur made herself known and moved to rest atop the stoney bear's head. She was pulling at the natural mana around as well which seemed to be enhancing the effects of calming waves. "That's right. You will be ready to be on your way soon." The soft voice that Walker used was similar to the way he had seen and heard Alice sing. 

For many years Alice had taken the time to learn how to sing better and better. She could add many emotions in to her words that would move many. Not only did her songs heal but they provoked deep emotional responses when those who listened allowed themselves to resonate with the words. When Walker copied this he felt the mana flow through his body and in to his words. 

'The skill soothing tones has been taken from the songstress system. The user had experienced the skill soothing tones many times and learned the skill soothing tones through actions. 

Soothing tones- 5 mana cost per hour

The user is able to smooth their mana flow and meld it with their words. This skill is highly dependent on emotions and the state of the user. Those who hear the words infused with the user's mana will be affected by the mana. The user will be able to assist in the calming of those who hear their tones or words mana. If the one hearing this is in an enraged state there is a very high chance for them to be brought out of it.'

"Just hang on, I will have you healthy and up to keep moving soon." The slow steps were painful to watch for Su and Midnight. But Su would have been doing the same. She had calmed children when they were hurt and afraid of everyone around them in the same way. Midnight was crouched and ready to leap out with all her might in a second. 

As the stoney bear slowed its breath, Walker knew that it was losing the energy to resist even if it was not calming down. He pushed himself to take another step even closer. He moved just barely in range of the stoney bear to use his healing skills. The green tinted glow of healing caused the bear cubs under their mother to try and growl. They whined quietly making their mother lower herself over them in protection. However, she did not try to resist Walker's healing. 

"Just a second more. Just stay still and you will be fine." The stoney bear appeared to have clearer vision and looked at Walker right in the eyes. For a moment they could feel something tugging at their minds before Fleur leapt up and floated back over to Walker looking at the bear herself. The feeling of natural mana in the air became dense as Walker finished healing the stoney bear as much as he could without harming it by forcefully healing wounds. 

He stepped back while still holding the gaze of the stoney bear mother. Before he could blink the cubs dashed out from under their mother in the opposite direction and the mother followed while glancing back growling. They left the larger razor clawed badger where it lay after she had fought it off. "Never again." Walker fell to his butt breathing heavily. He had not been taking full breaths out of fear that he would scare the mother and cause her to attack again. 

"It's fine. Everything is fine. It's healed." Su reassured Walker while she caught her heart beat and tried to calm it. She had not realized that she had not breathed either while this went on. 

"I didn't want you to rush forward and try to heal it. I don't know what would have happened if I needed to come out with a healing potion. But those little cubs didn't deserve to lose their mother. They were a bit too cute." The laughter between them broke the tension while Midnight seemed interested in the razor clawed badge on the ground nearby. 

"It's safe to say that one is related to the other that we found. The smaller one is the male and this is the partner it had. They must have been hunting together," Su knew well since she had read about the razor clawed badgers before. But she was still stunned to see the damage that it had caused to such a powerful monster above it. 



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