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Chapter 1148 - 1148. Invite Dragons!

Chapter 1148 – 1148. Invite Dragons!

"Ah, you have returned to us. Scyla sent a messenger to tell us what you had said. We have received word before King Rorick left for his home. It is good to know things went well. But we would appreciate the proper details." King August seemed less surprised that Walker\'s group had returned than Walker thought. They had just shown up but Walker had the sneaking suspicion that some had seen them gliding down to the ground and rushed to report this to the representatives. 

"Another demon. Lust. But we managed to get rid of the poisons and the control. They will be arriving in a day or so to come here and speak with us about joining. Alma will be acting as the representative. Even if they arrive and bring the topic up they made it clear that they would be nominating her." Walker did not beat around the bush he was honest with what the water elves had in mind and Alma had already strengthened her mind to accept it. 

This was something that they expected. Yet, as Walker went in to detail with what they had found, the faces of everyone there became darker. "Even the worst monsters in the deepest caves are not so terrible. To force an entire city to bend and put those who resist in dungeons like rats…You are lucky that I did not send every golem in control there to squash that demon!" The king of the deep caves found it despicable. He had long lived in close quarters by choice and knew the struggles. To force so many elves in to a dungeon was bad enough without the poisoning. 

"Now, there are good things to it. Alma is living up to her future and has brought them this way to genesis. As Walker said, the water elves seem to be radically different than we know of. They accepted the demons who had been tortured in the same way as them. That means Genesis will grow and offer homes to the demons as we free them." The first elf queen saw more positive linings and was trying to distract from the pain that everyone saw in the past. She knew that having a positive mindset for the future with the water elves was the best practice in this situation. 

"My people will help the water elves as much as possible. I will send a notice ahead. They gave us a lot once upon a time and we will return it in bulk." Leon spoke as if it was all already decided. But this did straighten things up a little since Genesis would not have to expend as much manpower toward the water elf lakes. 

"That being said, can we change topics?" Clara was waiting patiently to bring things to the competitions.

"I know what you are going to say and I have no problem with the competitions. They should be in progress when I return from the dragon royal court. But I don\'t want things getting out of hand. We need more guards. More signs for rules and regulations. Then we also need the merchants to be regulated strictly." Walker was not going to let things get out of control. He could see things going awry if there was not a lot of control when it came to these events. 

"We already have that planned. The elder adventurers will step in and act as guards at a specific location where people will come to watch. There will be many recruits as well that will get their feet wet with these events. Speaking of the dragons though…" Barry was acting a lot in Genesis which threw them off since he should be back in Diamond already. "You should invite them to see the races come together. We can set up a special balcony seating for them to watch. We already learned a lot about how to show respect to them if they visit." Barry was very careful. He had asked the two other dragonkin for advice to learn their culture. It was something that the dragonkin would be specifically mentioning to Adair to report back to Current. That showed a very positive interest in the dragons and how they could fit in to Genesis. 

Since it seemed that everyone was using their intellect to make the right decisions here, Walker was more apt to approve of everything. "Then we can also invite the dragonkin to participate in their own small tournament. I think inviting one dragonkin warrior from each village would be respectable for them to show off how they live and battle. It could be educational." Walker said this and saw Neil\'s eyes grow wide. It was a wonderful idea in his opinion. 

"I will personally report that ahead of your visit to the royal court. It would be an honor for dragonkin to show off our strength to the world and grow the respect of those we serve." There was excitement spilling from Neil through his words. 



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