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Chapter 1140 - 1140. Fan Club

Chapter 1140 – 1140. Fan Club

"But will that be allowed? Gil\'s a human. It\'s not-" 

"And you are the representative for Genesis. You are part of a city that stands to unite races. If you choose a human and that human chooses you, then that\'s how it will be. If anyone makes a problem of it I will deal with them." The steel in Walker\'s voice could have made many seasoned warriors flinch. The values that Genesis were formed on would not be bent or broken so easily. 

"Then I will tell Gil." Alma still appeared worried but the fear she had was a little toned down.

"Tell me what?" Gil had just walked up to them after noticing that the two had found a good place to rest. Midnight had managed to find her way to Gil after showing the young half elf half demons the world. Some elders had taken over the duty of watching them. 

"Nothing much. Midnight and I are going to grab some food. You two can chat for a while. Just let me know how it goes and stay safe. There are still some things around the ground that need to be swept." Walker pulled Midnight with him and handed her one of the dresses that Lisa had made after seeing that she was using a ragged curtain as a dress. "We can let them talk some things out. But what is with that dress you have there? I know Lisa taught you how to make sheets look like a dress for the worst case scenario…You could have found me though." Walker did feel a little bad about this. Yet, Midnight was completely distracted by the promise of food. 

Hours passed by as the group split up to get the jobs they needed done. It was a busy day and by the end of it, there was a very convincing group of water elves that would be heading to Genesis with them to report and begin some conversations with the leaders. As much as Alma had tried to avoid it, the water elf elders had decided to nominate others to be in charge of everything. They felt they had wronged their people and needed to step down to repent. Therefore, they put the brunt of the work on themselves while younger water elves took Alma as their representative. She already had her own fan club since she was the forest elf that came to the waters. 

Gil was even more popular. At first, the water elves had been amazed that a human had an arcane marksman skill. But now they were nearly worshiping him. He had shown off his skill and been handed an ice arrow made by one of the mages. They had jokingly challenged him to fire it at a piece of drifting wood fairly far off thinking that he would fail. Yet, in a split second, Gil had fired the arrow without looking and hit the target named. After doing so he had become a favorite. 

Now Midnight was a similar story, she had managed to make many of the half elf and half demons her friends. They had heard of dragons and knew that they were powerful. Upon learning that one was there and it was actually kind, they had run to her. Now she was the one they banded behind to explore the edges of the castle and lakes. She was their powerful protector along with Neil who had scared them at first. It was clear that the younger generations would always find friendship with Midnight. Walker couldn\'t even fathom how it had worked out that way. He did ponder the idea that booth elves and dragons are long lived races so they are childish longer. It could be a connection. 

"Leon, you really need to stop thanking the water elves. I think you have told every single one how much your people have benefited from their teachings. You saved them this time, remember?" Gil had been messing with Leon all morning while they prepared to bring them back to Genesis. They were going to return to the outskirts of the demi-human city and attempt to fly back. 

"Just because they needed saving does not mean they don\'t need to hear how revered they are still. It should fill their hearts." Leon was a lot more like Gil than Walker realized. The two seemed to have a back and forth banter that made him wonder if Gil should give up the bow for a spear. 

"Alma, are you sure that the water elves will be alright if we send some flying monsters here? They will be able to make the flight?" Walker gave one last check with Alma before they left. 

"Of course, they will be. The healers that Scylla brought are outstanding. Every single water elf has gotten color back to their face and some even swear they feel like their old selves. I can\'t say that\'s too true though. But you saw it. Their magic has returned even more powerful than before." Walker did notice that the elves had risen to the challenge of rebuilding their castle. It was going to be an impressive sight. 



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