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Chapter 1130 - 1130. Count Is Up

"Come pon." Walker and Midnight moved with speed to get to the main hall. They saw a group of demons falling from the balcony as Gil used arrow after arrow to take them out and freeze them in ice. The ones that ran toward Neil were completely dazed from the constant effect of Lust\'s poisons even though they were her spawn. But what caught Midnight and Walker up was the appearance of Lust. 

Sitting on a blue throne made out of water elemental crystals was a demon that could not be seen as a demon. Walker would say she was the most beautiful human he had ever seen. But his mana felt disrupted in his body. The natural mana he had stored within the spirit mark and himself rejected what he was seeing and what he was feeling. He used his all around appraisal skill to see what the issue was. 

Lust- empress succubus demon

This is the title holder of sin; Lust. She has manipulated many with poison and illusions to climb higher and higher in the demon lands. Armies have thrown themselves from cliffs just so that she could have what she desires. Her unique skill, perfect illusion, causes everyone that looks upon her to see what they find attractive. It works perfectly with her poison production skills. Therefore, those that see her fall to her will and would do anything for her. Only those with powerful bloodlines and resistances can see her for what she is. Beware the tails of Lust, they carry extremely potent poison that is not made to lull one in to her grasp; they are to kill.\'

The mana within Walker reacted the moment he saw this appraisal. He could not allow Lust to take control of his mind. What resounded from him was a roar of pure resistance. Midnight was the same. She saw what she thought to be an elegant dragon able to rival her. Yet, she knew that it was a lie. There would be no dragon allowed to face her head on. She would be the greatest true dragon champion the world had ever seen. 

The perfection that the pair had seen fell away in a mist of pink and purple poison. What was revealed made their skin crawl. The demon sitting upon the throne has three sharp scorpion like tails waiting to stab at anything around them. The features were sharp and pointed just like a quillfish. They would carry poisons with them everywhere. What was even more terrifying were the needle like teeth that threatened to stab in to whatever made its way too close. The purple and pink coloration didn\'t feel warm either. They both knew that it was poison and evil. 

"Gil! Stay focused and don\'t look down here!" Walker feared that Gil would fall for the illusion. But when Gil responded Walker couldn\'t say anything in response himself. 

"How could that ugly thing measure up to Alma?! It\'s just a monster waiting to be defeated." His look of disgust was visible from the floor while he fired another arrow at a spawn of Lust. His heart knew who he cared for and Lust could do nothing against him. 

"Just come and sit beside me. I can show you endless pleasure. A world full of power and desire. You will never want for anything as long as you are with me." Unknown to Lust that her skills were not working nor the poison, she attempted to make them bow to her. But when she noticed another of her demon spawn fall she clenched her jaw. 

The sweet voice disappeared as if it had never been. She clenched her jaw and stood. "Come and defend me, my children! There are ugly things here to harm me!" The vicious growl that came from her mouth was nothing close to what she had just sounded. Her quills seemed to flax and the three tails started to rock side to side waiting for a target to come near. 

"Avoid the tails and try to cut them off. I will draw her attention." Midnight used the shadow wrapping skill and Walker changed the eternal orb in to a staff form yet again. He was going to first burn up the poison mist around Lust so that Midnight could more easily approach and tear the poison tails from her. 

Meanwhile, Gil was dealing with the increasing number of Lust\'s demon spawn coming in to the room. "Gil, Hold on! It\'s time!" Walker reached the one hour count in his head. Without further waiting, they felt the entire castle vibrate. Leon was using his skill and they needed to be ready. 



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