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Chapter 1098 - 1098. Arguing Archers

"Don\'t worry, I will have them up to par in no time. They will be hunting just like me soon." The energy Gil had was enough to make everyone around him more energetic as well. It was a strange personality trait that came from his slightly higher charisma than most people.

The room that the five had been waiting in was surprisingly loud. When Gil came in he found that the three longbow system users were fighting with one of the game hunter system users. From what Gil could make out, they were arguing about sneaking and long range combat. The last game hunter was just sitting peacefully waiting for them to argue to their hearts\' content. He had an amused expression on his face the entire time. 

The sound of the door opening was completely ignored while Gil walked in. He was happy not to be noticed and kept his steps soft while letting the door remain open. He went and sat next to the only person who had noticed him; the sitting game hunter. "So, they seem to be having fun." 

The game hunter recognized Gil and was a little stunned that no one else had even reacted. "It\'s alright, they are going to learn a lesson about sneaking. I think that the longbow range is great. I snipe a lot when I am out in the wilderness. But, sneaking can save your life. Both are things all archers should learn. You are a game hunter, right?" The slight nod showed the seriousness of which the game hunter was taking Gil\'s advice. "Good, sniping can help you aim and preserve the materials of your target. You will be more accurate." 

"Sir hero?"

"Gil is fine, I will be teaching you all as equals. Just because you don\'t know something doesn\'t mean I am above you. Just wait to see what I mean when it comes to the ideas about making arrows and how the elves do it." Gil wanted to be sure that everyone would be comfortable and that there wouldn\'t be any divide in how everyone felt. 

"Gil…should we stop them? Aren\'t you taking us to the training grounds?" The game hunter felt that he was about to watch some intense scolding. He wasn\'t completely wrong. The girl game hunter was still yelling back to every provocation from the three longbow system users. 

"You are probably right. It\'s time we head out." Gil took a breath, "Listen up! We are leaving the city for some hunting. If you can not follow me then be ready to lose your right to learn with myself and the other instructor of the academy!" There was heavy shock at his shout. The authority in his voice was something that they didn\'t feel they could argue with even if they tried their best. 

The four glanced at each other and at the door then to the pair sitting in the corner watching them. They struggled to come up with a response just as Gil walked out the door with the other game hunter on his trail. "So, you think that sniping is more important?" Gil looked at the longbowmen. They all nodded in unison and held their bows tighter. "And you think sneaking is more important?" The female game hunter nodded as well and tried to walk without making a step. "Then your silent partner here will explain to all four of you what I advised him while you argued. Then by the time he\'s done, we should be out of the city." 

The four were not happy that Gil was not teaching them himself but felt that they had dug their own grave. They had argued right in front of the instructor that they had wanted to learn from. What was even more hurtful was that he had already started to hand down advice and they had missed the chance. 

By the time they had made it to the main city gate, the five had grown silent again. "Now, you will follow my every move and learn by watching." Gile walked out with a wave to the guards. The other followed his lead and gave a wave as well. "Don\'t forget that the guards are your best friends. Some even came all the way from Diamond to get a new life here like your families did. They will be able to direct you to the best butcher or tanner, or even seamstress that may need your prey." This excluded the adventurers guild since the guild didn\'t always look to purchase or break down regular animals. 

We are heading to those flats over there. The grass has been tall enough to stay through the snow and wind. That means we have some interesting and tough to hunt monsters or animals. Personally, I want to get myself some white hare for stew. But we might see a horned rabbit or two." This caused the five to become much more serious. 



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