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Chapter 1056 - 1056. Disbelief

"No. It cost him his life because it said he didn\'t understand it. You are different. Your system lets you learn a lot and figure out skills in different ways than other people. I believe you can learn it and seal away Greed properly. And if you even think about giving up your life, just know that I will let Remey drag you back to the world of the living so I can hit you." Su rarely would threaten violence, however, without Remey there she felt that it was right. 

"Then I will understand it. I won\'t let anything take away the life we fight for. I have too much left to do." There was nothing more than Walker wanted than to help those in need. He couldn\'t do that if he was already passed on. 

"We have a few more survivors. One is a little girl and the other is her older brother. Apparently, the brother has some sort of weather related system. He said that he felt the mana change course and left for a walk to let it pass. It saved them both." The guard was happy that they had found someone else. But this was still far from their goal to save everyone. 

"That\'s good. I will leave a bunch of the extra tents and food here. I won\'t need too much." Walker had already set up some wood and other basic supplies. He had been stockpiling things constantly in his storage. It wasn\'t much in the grand scheme of things but for the guards and the two younger children, it was perfect. 

"We should head out. The longer we wait the worse it will get." Su forced herself to stand and flinched. Her leg wasn\'t fully healed but that was not going to stop her. She had to move and work to fix the damage that had been done. She had been unable to protect everyone when all of it happened so now she would save them. 

"Remember, keep people out of the city. And if Scylla or Alma arrive send them after us." Walker was right next to Su as they walked away from the city. Neither could allow themselves to look back. They knew if they did they would need to fight the urge to run back. 

Scylla was stepping through the air with a slight frown. "I send those fools back home early as a gift to them and they have the nerve to grumble about being tired and sore." She had trained her aquatic troops to their limits and sent them back through the river ahead of her. She had decided that she would head to Genesis because she had been notified that king Rorik was shrill there. 

Her leviathan partners had become well adjusted to having their final member with them. There was a profound connection that all of them felt and it made them exceptionally calm. Not only had they been made whole but they had also discovered the true highest of their skills which they had been missing out on by being separated. 

"Just wait until we can show off against those corrupted demons. We will be the front line. Everyone will know who we are and just how great demi-human warriors are." The whispers that Scylla shared with her leviathan were met with small hissing sounds. They all believed that they could rule the battlefield with their power now. 

Without warning a warmth began to spread from a pocket within the robes Scylla wore. "What now? I already received a communication that we should go to Genesis."

 She believed that she was being given more orders. However, when the communication crystal started to play Walker\'s voice, Scylla nearly fell from the air. 

Before the communication crystal had shattered in her hand she was already using all of her strength to move toward Genesis. The speed at which Scylla could travel in the air or in the water was incredible. It was nowhere near the fastest in the world but it was fast within its own right. The air seemed to bend slightly around her as she moved and the monsters that felt her emotions cowered. 

Scylla was doing nothing to hide her fury upon hearing that Genesis was at risk. However, she did not forget what she had heard. There was more to what Walker had said. There was Alma that had still not arrived in Genesis. That was one more person that would be able to help them. There was no way Scylla could take the aquatic forces in to the desert but Alma might be able to bring the enforcers. 

With her sharp eyes and her strategic thinking, Scylla easily tracked down the path that the forest elves would take to get back to Genesis. She pursue them as if the world was about to end. She would normally like the high energy and hot blooded travel, yet, now she felt that it was the worst possible thing that could happen. Genesis was in trouble. In such a short time she had come to love Genesis and refused to allow it to fall. 



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