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Chapter 1008 - 1008. Start Time

"I forced Alice to sleep and Onyx said he would rest and watch her. Their joint skill on top of the traveling did more to them than I expected. Alice is not used to harsh travel like that." There was audible worry in Su\'s voice. It was clear that she had seen more of the exhaustion than Walker had imagined would be there. But this was to be expected from constant moving with the minimal rest they took. 

"Some of the people that were injured have no way of escaping. They will be left behind. We can not let those things get in here." Based on some of the injuries that Su had seen she knew the dangers of the kraken spawn. Not only were there crushing injuries from the tentacles that grabbed at people but the injuries that came from the water they shot was too brutal. They needed to be exterminated as soon as possible. They could only fear what one of the fully grown adult kraken could do. 

"In a few hours we will be attacking them. Alma should have her seeds ready to be planted. It will take a lot of mana for her to control it all so I want you to be there to protect her. The water the kraken shoot should be blocked by your shields and your defenses." There was a confidence in Walker\'s voice that made Su want to stand there right that second and defend everyone. She knew just how valuable protecting Alma would be since it was on her to keep the kraken trapped using the razor whip weed. 

"What about Remey\'s potions? Will we use those?" Both Remey and Walker had forgotten the new potions she had made. Remey had assured that they would have a big bang similar to the potions that Trish had used. If they dropped them in to the densely packed kraken spawn then there would be a lot of them defeated. 

"Yes! I forgot about those! Where is Remey? I need to ask if we can set those up on the arrows too." Walker wanted to get them as spread out as possible. Remey had made a great many potions for their journey and they were ready to be used. The only problem was that there were limits to what could be used since this was just the start of the battle. They would need to head under the water and start the hunt for the mother kraken. This also came with getting to the new merfolk city. 

Before Walker could actually listen to Su he had run out of the chapel and was heading toward where Remey was last. He knew that she must have been with Alma and entranced by the growing of the razor whip ween. Walker was so caught up that he did not notice that Midnight had stayed behind with Su. He also didn\'t notice the flying figures in the sky. 

The water elemental mana had been growing in the sky for some time. The elder dragons had been maintaining their altitude above the clouds Current had been preparing to make it rain and increase their power before their dragonkin warriors entered and dealt with the spawn. The hope that he had was that the mother would be attracted by the commotion and there would be a chance to get her on shore during rain. This would slow the attacks and also make the mother kraken believe that it was safe on land. 

"Adair. You did well accepting that boy as a royal, he may be a baby but the events that surround him are more than many royals like myself have completed." This was high praise. Royals rarely ever told their elders such things. 

"Thank you for the honor my lord. I believe that they will accomplish a great many things in their lifetime." There was no way for Adair to bow and accept the praise but she was sure to voice it. Mentally she wanted to go down and see just what Walker had done to get this much attention from the royal she served who rarely could be found anywhere but deep inside a pool of pure water elemental mana. 

"That little champion he is raising as family will exceed any champion ever to exist within our race. She has already discovered the way to shift in to a dragonkin. I expect her to be able to take a fully human form if she desires within another year or so. Then her guardian. Her guardian is more than meets the eye as well. Even I can feel that she would be able to defend against my attacks." 

The dragons flying through the clouds almost shivered hearing this from their royal that was much more powerful than them. They may be purely focused on water elemental mana and understanding so other places suffered. Yet, they had power that surprised any water mages there were. 

The last of the three hours passed faster than anyone wanted. But it was enough for Alice and Onyx to recover somewhat. Soldiers, guards, healers, dragonkin, enforcers, and even able bodied family members stood at the ready by the makeshift walls. The enforcers that had left with Su and Alma were the only exception. They would start their first phase of the plan in moments. 




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