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Chapter 1006 - 1006. Head Merchants

Excuse me. Sir Walker. How would you lure them in?" The man that asked was one of the ones that Leon had been speaking with. 

"Before that. These are the six merchant heads that own this town. They are responsible for the order and the trade here. They upkeep everything. There are no taxes here since everything and everyone is part of the effort to make a living." It was clear that everyone took pride in this too. Even those that seemed fearful and injured sat up straight when they heard these things. There may have been injured and fearful people around the leaders of the town, but they were still ready to show their pride. 

"It is nice to meet you and just calling me Walker is fine. I plan to use food. They have been attacking shops for food. I was told that they even killed off their fellow krakens to eat a ship with cattle on it. If we have more food and start to attack them we will start a frenzy. We trap them and we can slowly pick them off until we are ready to march on the merfolk city to back them up." Walker was sure it would work and he looked forward to seeing the new merfolk city.

  "Just take our food to feed those things? That sounds great. We will have the children eat the water and drink the air. That sounds right, doesn\'t it?" The woman that was part of the group was furious. She didn\'t see it as the overall greater good to defeat the enemy. Instead, she saw it as taking from those in need. But Walker was ready for such an argument. 

"You\'re right. It would be a shame if there was a small, investment in this [port town\'s future. Who cares about the value of hundreds of trapped kraken young that could be sold for food and ink used for other things." There was an exaggerated shrug from Walker before he turned to pretend and leave. He had played his card perfectly. 

"Now, don\'t let one rude merchant ruin a good deal. The young kraken bodies are perfect to fund the rebuilding of the docs and boats along with many other things. How about I give you my personal food stores? That should work and I will deal with the bodies." This was the first falling piece that knocked over the entire tower. The merchants started in to a furious debate on using the bodies for rebuilding and money making. 

"It\'s always like this when we have sent my people to make deals. Just give it a few moments and there will be an answer." This was a normal occurrence for the group of merchants. They wanted the rights to sell the kraken and supply their stored food. But they also needed to hod some food for the people left behind in case this didn\'t go well and they needed to flee.

\' Chain quest: Kraken menace- link one 

The kraken have taken over a small portion of the ocean. The merfolk came to ask the other races who have joined together for assistance. The heroes have answered and brought themselves to the port which is the most dangerous. 


-Defeat the kraken spawn responsible for destroying the docks and countless ships.

-Create a safe area within the port to progress the mission


-Second Link

-9 heroic points

- 15000 experience-

The quest that Walker had known would come appeared as soon as the merchants went silent and looked at him. Walker had expected the quest sooner but saw that there was a part about the heroes making the journey to the port. This could mean that the quest really had not begun until they committed to saving the port and had met with the people that lived there and were in danger.

"We accept your terms and will equally hand over food from our stores. But we will require you to abandon your attack on the kraken if it appears the battle will be lost. We lack the carriages to evacuate everyone. If the heroes can stand up and escort them on foot there should be a chance to save everyone while we stay and hold the kraken spawn off longer." The resolve in the merchants\' eyes was more powerful than Walker had noticed before. Each one of them was willing to bet their life on this. 

"That s what we shall do then. Gil will get the dwarven golems. They will carry the food and throw it in to the water when necessary. Please prepare the guards that will join the attack on the walls and with long range weaponry. I will get everyone else on the same page. We will attack in a few hours when everyone is properly prepared." There were collective nods as the merchants called over their head guards to begin the preparations. It had finally made it to their time to act. 




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