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Chapter 913 - 913. Potential

"I think you are right. She dragged me on and on for hours just to learn something new. I feel like she would heal the world f she had the mana for it." The joke was still a joke but the feeling about it didn\'t change in Walker. The woman was definitely going to be able to equal or surpass the current high priest. 

"I used to do that too. Believe it or not, in my younger days I traveled for a year to heal the smaller villages. I ran in to Ibis during that time. Well, before he was known as the White Ibis. He stayed with me for some time wanting to make sure I survived the outskirts of the poison swamps. I was there healing those who had been infected by the gasses during the windy season." The high priest was no longer focusing on reality but going through memories in his mind. 

Without a single bit of provocation, a giant python had come out to attack me. Without Ibis and his little dove summons, I would have been its meal. Luckily, he was on his own adventure and saw me. He claimed the python as his won and I claimed my life. It made me realize I needed a guard. He safely escorted me back to the city and we have been friends since then. You should have seen him. Before he summoned that light elemental Raven, his hair was bright red." This was nearly impossible to imagine. Walker could only imagine a white haired Ibis sitting at the adventurer\'s guild. 

"Ah, it\'s decided. I am going to have Laura journey near you when we go to Genesis. I want her to understand the pressure of traveling so that she can learn to focus more on every action. I have the feeling that it will improve skills before we get there." The high priest didn\'t even give Walker a chance to say no. He was sure that the party would end up taking on the job anyways. The high priest had already been posted in the adventurers\' guild board and it just made sense since the party would be journeying there anyways. That did mean that the party would be the only escort group. 

After nodding, Walker took a moment to make a mental note of the skills that the healer Laura had used. She was definitely close to the high priest when it came to individual healing skills. "Are you going to teach her that area of effect healing skill? I know you have a few that I\'ve seen you use." Walker was partially interested to see them so he might learn them but also because he wanted to try and expand his knowledge on the topic of healing in general. 

"I do plan on doing some training while we journey. I have a test planned for it actually. The candidates I have will need to learn the multi heal and the multi cure skill before we get from here to Genesis. Only two of them will be able to move up higher in the church. The third will be sent to The demi-human kingdom." This was news to Walker. 

"There\'s going to be a church in the demi-human kingdom?" If this was true it would only go to unite the peoples more. 

"Oh no. I am sending them to help expand their medical and healing knowledge. Apparently, they do not rely on potions currently and that makes their healers in dire need. Until a certain guild opens there, I believe it will be a good idea to send someone trained by me. I also will send a group of ten healers that need experience to realize their potential. Just the usual things for a healer to rise up." This was a common journey to send healers on to gain experience. Very similar to how the high priest wandered village to village once upon a time. 

This was enlightening for Walker. He had not known that being a healer required so much experience. But it did make sense. A healer needed to be tough in the face of gruesome injuries. Not to mention crazed families and potential monsters. Overall, healers were hidden bosses when it came to the unexpected hardships of life. "Leader, have you finished on your end? A lot of those that visited today said they saw you and Laura." Su caught up to Walker after finishing the last task. 

"Get going. I know you have plenty of things to explore. Alice is already asleep on a pew over there again. I will tell her you said goodbye." The high priest waved to them while laughing at his sleeping daughter. Alice had yet again healed everyone until she passed out on a pew and could sleep the night there if left alone. 



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