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Chapter 883 - 883. Today In The Village...

The potential for nature magic and natural mana to flow with more strength was too high. It was clear that every single day the potential rose. However, there was more to it. This gave the elves a chance to step up and educate the other kingdoms about their main fighting styles and bonds with elemental spirits. I

On top of all of this, there was another chance for the dwarves to showcase their new methods of crafting using the assistance of elemental spirits. The true methods of spirit crafting would show themselves along with the strengths of the items created through them. There would be a revolution of new and improved items along with the new trade routes appearing. 

"So tomorrow, Remey will spar and show off her elemental knuckle attacks and Gil will work with water elemental arrows. I might as well try both too. I want to see what you do with the blue koi scales. But the testing of the elemental knuckles will be pretty cool." Walker was already torn as to what he would do the next day. 

"Leader, we have the entire day. Let\'s just have the tea I made and eat for now. Recover from today first." Su was right and everyone knew it. That was why they followed her lead and began to cut in to the roasted horned rabbit legs and pour the tea. The rest of the night passed by peacefully even with the wind picking up on the mountain. 

When the sun rose again, the party was sure that they had somehow gotten to another mountain. A Single cloud had moved in and dropped a thin layer of dusty snow on the entire mountain. Even more, the wind was showing its true face and creating snow drifts everywhere to impede their movement. 

"I\'m glad I used the earth walls. If we hadn\'t we would have been buried by the snow and wind." The temperature was a little cooler due to the snow but it was still mild compared to real winter. 

"I bet snow golems and ice wraiths will start to come out now that the snow fell around here." It had been a little while since the party had battled the snow golem, but Remey still remembered it clearly. 

"I think we could beat that snow golem much more easily now. But I also think that we might destroy it and get nothing from it. My new brutal winds arrow would tear it to pieces and we would have trouble finding all of it." Thus was a fair point. The snow golem had been a tough opponent and Gil had struggled the same as the rest of the party. Now, with their higher levels, they would need to hold themselves back slightly to avoid destroying it completely or they would lose all materials. 

"You\'re heading out already? I will come." Onyx saw the wandering blacksmith grabbing one of the slices of bread Walker had warmed by the fire and turn to go to the forge. He could no longer hold himself back since he wanted to start working on a few things. Today he wanted the centennial ice hammer done before Gil came knocking for help making the blue koi scale arrows. 

"I guess that\'s a sign I should go for a walk and see what I can find for some more materials. I want to make a few more arrows before I work on the water arrows. Walker, I will be at the forge after noon." Gil lept up and was on his way. Zephyr was already darting about behind him since she had gotten back from a night time exploration in the breeze. 

"Alright, introduce me to the martial artist you met. Su started to talk about it last night but she said it was better off as a surprise." Remey had not forgotten what Su had started to say about a draconic martial artist that could use kicks and punches to do the same things as her. It would be an interesting match because they might have some of the same skills. 

"Her name is Shay and it should be a good match. I just wonder if today will be a little more smooth than yesterday with that guy with the ax." There was a bit of worry when it came to this since Walker didn\'t feel like proving himself with Midnight every single time he needed to do something. "Come on Midnight, you\'re going to be left behind." Once she heard her name, Midnight left the embers of their fire and ran behind them. 

The four of them made it to the training area without much issue. The dragonkin that had seen then on the way nodded politely and even smiled showing them a bright morning. The sound of clashing metal and hard work was already echoing around. The other draconic warriors had started their training earlier. The party was a little late, but as they arrived so did Illia. She wanted to watch more of the skills that the party displayed. She was too curious now that she had been hooked. 




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