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Chapter 871 - 871. Fly Away

The wind was whistling past Midnight as she fell. She had not expected this and a guttural growl was escaping her maw to curse Illia. It was fair that she would want to get back at her but she had to remember that she was falling. 

The feeling of the air hitting her scales was not at all unpleasant. However, it was calling her. For some reason, Midnight was feeling calmer by the second. Walker was shouting for her but the more she fell the more she was ignoring his voice. She could feel her blood boiling. 

Another second passed and she felt her body begin to move without her will. Her wings flung out and a pain caught every single muscle on her back. The resistance was more than she had ever felt from the speed she had been falling. However, the drastic change in speed caused her to glide forward at an incredible rate. 

"Midnight! You're- oh holy lord. You are gliding!" Walker felt his stomach flip flop as he realized that Midnight was no longer falling but instead softly gliding down toward the village. It was the first time she was doing so from such a height. Feeling his connection with her, Walker began to pick up his pace and sprint through the air using his wind ripple skill. 

When he neared Midnight he found that there both had come to the ground. Walker stepped down to the ground as if it was a normal walk in the park. Midnight, she lost her control and made an extra close relationship with the ground. She had not flapped her wings as a normal dragon would to slow their landing and softly set claws on the ground. 

The thud that came from behind the pair was Illia landing. Midnight was too dazed to hop up immediately but Walker was already glaring at Illia releasing the royal aura skill he had only used once before. Illia felt it come from him and she immediately began to compare him to the royals she had once seen. It was an extremely strange thought to have when looking at a human. 

"That was not too bad. You felt your instinct and opened your wings. I would have said you would break some scales but you don't even have scratches. You are tough. But you did not land with grace. We will need to repeat that seven or eight times more today. I will have someone heal your wings so you can regain your strength." Illia was already moving on to the next practice flight when Walker realized that Midnight was not moving her wings and had lost a chunk of her health points. 

The pain he felt through their connection was enough for him to start to cast mid heal on her over and over. "I'm sorry. I didn't know she would jump in to it like that. We will show her and make sure that she knows you are even better than she imagines." Walker knew that Illia had not done something ridiculous. However, this did not mean he supported the methods of teaching she used. 

The response that Midnight gave after being healed and standing up fully was a slow calm growl of determination. No one needed to have Onyx around to translate. The feeling Midnight had was to prove her strength so that she could not be taken advantage of or even looked down on in any way. She would be the most powerful dragon there was in the world. 

The thought of Onyx caused Walker to realize he did not see him at the gardens. A quick search of the mountain steps revealed Onyx curled up in the perfect little cliff side. It was being hit by the sun as it angled down again toward the ground. This was a good sign for Walker since he wanted to keep tabs on everyone while they were in the unfamiliar and dangerous village. 

Midnight nearly dragged Walker to the cliff steps. She was going right back to the top to prove she was better than Illia believed. Illia had already headed up with her own ability to fly. Remey was still standing at the top of the cliff. She had seen what happened when she glanced up and rushed over in worry. After seeing the gliding and the rough landing she went back to her herbs. "I swear. They will give me a heart attack. Oh, winter buttercups. How rare." She was easily distracted again by the herbs. 

The commotion was nothing much for the village. Yet, many dragonkin stopped what they had been doing to watch the champion rush up the steps only to be thrown from the cliff again and again. Walker would always run after her and heal her at the bottom. Then he would drink a mana potion while being pulled by the champion again. They all believed that a champion was a crazy existence. This was perfect proof. 

The respect for Walker also grew. They knew now that he was technically a royal which broke many of the histories they knew. But they also now knew that Walker was extremely determined to remain at Midnights' side. It painted him in a valiant and powerful light. 



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