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Chapter 830 - 830. Unique Training

"Hahaha, you two thought you were here to train? No! You are here to be my entertainment after I reached immortality as the best alchemist in the world!" Remey was continuing her act as she jumped in to a flying kick that Walker had never seen her use before. 

Since she had targeted Walker first he was forced to react and block with his arms. "You just couldn\'t let us be? You needed to come and see how weak your potion was. Ha! Elixir of immortality. What a joke." Feeling that the fin was just starting Walker gave in and began to join in the act. Gil in the meantime just looked at the two as if he had just been transported to another world. 

Unfortunately, the three had forgotten about a certain dragon and serpent pair that was also in the training field. A pair that had access to the fire spirit which dwelled within a dragon style golem. 

There were two roars and a large serpent hissing at them from the other side of the training field. "We come to crush puny humans. We are the mighty scaled trio!" Onyx delivered this line and slithered ahead of Midnight and the golem. 

"See what you two started? Now we are battling for our lives." Gil held back laughter as he drew an arrow and finally accepted the game they had made their training session in to. While they battled it out, Su had moved outside to sit and casually sip her tea with the wandering blacksmith who had been forgotten as soon as Walker had a goal to get everyone ready. 

"We will leave tomorrow if that is alright with you. I know Walker will say that too but all of them might end up too tired to properly plan." Su knew that this was the final result they would reach. Walker wanted to get his weapon done soon and the wandering blacksmith was promised a fogging trip. If it was earlier there was no issue in going since the party had the connections to get it done properly and efficiently. 

The wandering blacksmith smiled brightly and sipped a tea he had chosen from the table. "This is the best." They were small words but after Su looked at the tea she smiled and knew that it was the same in her cup.

"Remey and Hilda worked together for that one. The lemon zest and fresh raspberries were from the kitchen and the blue clover is an herb used in mid tier mana potions but can be reused due to their toughness. The majority of regenerative properties are gone but they give the tea a slight boost when it comes to regenerating mana. I think it will be a wonderful item to sell for the alchemy guild." The two enjoyed the show as they drank the tea that was easily deemed their favorite and warranted a second and third cup. 

"Watch out for the flame breath!" Walker aw the fire build in the golems maw. He knew that it had a lower temperature than the golden flames that Midnight could muster when given time but they could still cause significant damage. The fire elemental spirit was also able to manipulate the flames to be more accurate adding to the threat. 

Remey charged anyway toward the golem only to be met with a black tail swinging towards her. She barely managed to jump up and over the tail as it swept under her where her feet had been. "Onyx! I swear I will punch you if you sweep my feet again!" She charged at Onyx anyways and managed to kick out to push him back. 

"Sister Remey, you kick hard but not hard enough!" Onyx was playing it tough. He had felt the force of her kick and it was concentrated by a lot of time and effort training. He had always wondered why humans were able to beat monsters when they were not even close in statistical strength. However, after watching the group he came to the conclusion that it was experience. Humans battled and learned constantly unlike monsters that normally could not or would not do so. Onyx and Midnight were a rare case along with Stella and the other sentient monsters out there. But again, they were rare. 

The second kick was heading towards Onyx when Midnight tackled Remey to the ground. She had not used her shadow wrapping skill because she did not want to rely on it. Instead, she used her wings to give aburst of speed and knock Remey away. It was a sneaky trick but one that did its job well. 

Their "Training" continued for some time until Su finally walked over and looked at the exhausted party members. "Well, all of you look like you had fun. Care to come inside and help with dinner? And maybe clean yourselves up a little?" All of them looked at Su and did not argue. They had fooled around enough and were exhausted. Su had taken the role as a mom for the moment but they all knew she wanted them to straighten up a bit. 

"Oh yes, we have tea to try. Everyone needs to get cleaned up and try the teas so I can know what three I will sell first." Remey jumped up pretending to have the main goal in mind. The others followed her lead. They all tried the teas and gave evaluations while Su guided them to rest early to leave for the mountains. She had managed to speak to Elise while they "Trained" and they would borrow some of the giant hawks to be flown to the base of the mountain paths. 



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