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Chapter 753 - 753. The New Guild Master

Walker could have thought about it more but found a staff member staring at him. "Umm, are you alright?" The staff member blinked and looked surprised. He had been spacing out starring at Walker without realizing it. 

"Oh, no. Sorry.. I was just thinking about a few things. I am new to this position and have a lot on my mind." The man seemed very apologetic and a little on edge after the rush of adventurers that had come through.

"Well, in that case, welcome to the guild...or should I say congratulations on the promotion." Walker noticed that the man was wearing the outfit of a floor manager. This meant that he had taken Claras\' position. 

"Thank you very much." The man stumbled through his words as soon as he saw Walker\'s adventurer plaque. "I\'m sorry. I didn\'t realize you were one of the heroes. My name is Jean the new first floor manager. Please feel free to ask me anything." Jean was flustered but Walker just held a smile. 

"If I need anything I will. Actually, why do the quests look to be organized differently?" Walker noticed that the boards had been arranged in a different way and it was not only by difficulty. Normally the higher earning ones would be toward the top and the lower earning to the bottom. But now, they appeared mixed.

"The guild master began changing them. She said that those who took the top quests would have a higher chance of advancing to a higher tier adventurer. She said that the qualification is highly secret but the heroes would understand if they saw it." Walker looked at the boards more carefully and began to understand just as he had seen. 

The quests that required escorting or helping those in the lower tiers had been moved up. They were also the quests that were less rewarding but also more helpful to people in the kingdom. The quests that were mainly for profit such as, turning in mined gem stones or performing at nobles events. 

"Clara was right, I do understand. They are definitely better to take than the others." Walker smirked and headed up the stairs without hearing a reply from Jean. He knew all too well that these were the quests that would give him heroic points toward leveling up. Clara was organizing the quests so that people were more likely to take the ones that would help more people. On top of that, the people that took more of them would be rewarded with a chance to advance their tier. 

Walker could hear Clara before he even made it to the rows of desks and staff members doing paper work. 

"What do you mean they are trying to hunt for a storm salamander? Those are tough for silver tier party to take down. Recall that party immediately and give them a talking to."

"Post the rat killer quest again. The sewers are invested this time of year." 

"If that party takes the cricket catching quest again ask them if they want to specialize in insect monster catching. They are very good at it and they help feed many of the tamed monsters that come in to the city."

When Walker saw her, Clara was taking a very hands on approach. She was standing in the middle of the work area with her office door wide open behind her. She would get a system notification and dole out the popper response in an instant. 

"I heard there was a stressed out guild master I needed to meet with to congratulate on a promotion?" Walker stepped on to the top of the floor completely and was in full sight of Clara. 

"Oh, finally come to see your party manager after traveling not only to one kingdom but two! And might I add, fighting in a small battle that the retired guild master had to finish with the most powerful spell he had." Clara had some levity in her voice showing that she was smiling but she was still giving Walker a hard evaluation. 

"Yes, I know it was a longer trip than expected. But we managed to do a lot. We are back for some time though. I am planning a forging trip to the mountains before the Summit though." Walker was not about to lie and say he would be around for months on end. 

"Sounds relaxing. Ice cold mountains and a forging hammer." Clara giggled a little. "I didn\'t think you would surprise me and see me in the middle of all the work. I have been trying to pull some adventurers back so that they can begin the travels and forging of new trade routes. However, there always seems to be another thing in the way. I have no idea how the old man did it all without having a system like mine that literally helps the master of the guild." Walker was shocked. 

He had never thought about what Clara\'s system was. Hearing that it was related to running the guild was a big surprise, to say the least. "I guess that explains why you\'re so good at it. My party was very lucky to get you as a manager." 



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