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Chapter 737 - 737. Harpy Feelings

Stella smiled and nodded a few times to show that she was doing well. He pointed at Walker with one clawed finger and turned her head. "I am doing well too. Glad to be home and I can\'t wait to see my family." Walker wasn\'t really sure how he should ask his question but it was nagging at him and he knew it may be an important step for a harp. 

"I hope thi isn\'t offensive. But, as you may have heard, my party became friends with some goblins striving to become their own race. I was curious how you felt about that and the fact that the demi-humans have befriended a harpy queen with intelligence that is trying for the same goal? I know that gaining the recognition as a race is a very big deal for anyone, not just a monster." Walker held a calm voice and face only mirrored by Stella. 

Stella held the calm exterior for some time. She was not very worried about the question Walker would ask and she was thinking about how she would reply to him. After staring at everything around her, Stella pulled Walker close. He was very surprised to hear her whisper in his ear. "I have always been the same as Elise. Nothing changes." 

Of course, this shocked Walker. He knew that a harpy that could speak was usually one much older than Stella. He could only guess that due to the fact that Stella had been around humans who spoke all the time that she had managed to learn speech mush sooner. This meant that she would be able to use the signature lullaby skill that harpys\' were famous for. 

"I understand. I guess that does make sense. You have never needed to be anything other than her sister. I hope that if it does come, you can guide them a little. You are kind of a harpy human relations expert." Walker laughed a little and was glad to see that Elise was too. "I assume you have only just got your voice since you whispered. I hope you can use it well. I have read that the skills harpies can use their voice with are very useful and beautiful to hear. Especially the lullaby skill." 

Stella nodded her head so many times that so many times in a row that he was afraid her head might fall off. After the two watched for some time more, Stella saw that Elise\'s eyes had fallen on her meaning that she wanted Stella to come and help. She gave a wave to Walker and Stella went to Elise. 

"Leader, what were you two smiling about?" Su was curious about what had made the two so joyful while speaking to each other. Su couldn\'t really stop and speak to her healer friends because they were caught up with their work. The healing may be done but they still needed to return the cathedral to its natural state. 

"Oh not much. Just asking Stella how she felt about a harpy queen working towards their harpy monsters becoming a harpy race. She surprised me a little and whispered in my ear. She\'s pretty ahead of any harpy I have ever heard of." Su was also surprised. 

Her face showed it for a split second before she put on an approving look, "I wouldn\'t expect anything else from a harpy who has always grown up on the same level as humans. She is even thought of and treated like a sister. Even if they become a race, I doubt it will change anything between the two." Su hit the nail in the head. She had not considered Stella just a harpy and was not planning on it. Knowing that Stella was getting along well with the knowledge that there may be a time other harpies were the same as her, was pleasant. 

"Now what will we do? Everything is calming down here. The demi-human kingdom has sent supplies with the tamers, and the demons appear to be branching out. Although, they may stay in the cathedral for some time before they can venture out comfortably. I believe that they will be out to explore for their quests sooner than anyone expects." Su also had an eye on the king who was still speaking with nobles and even the high priest. 

"I think we can stay here for a little while longer. Midnight looks like she is having fun playing with the children over there. It\'s always funny how dragons are said to be fierce and powerful but as soon as Onyx and Midnight get to the cathedral and child around decided they are their best friends and playmates." Walker wanted to comment on everything Su had asked. But at the end of the day, they were watching it all unfold. 

"You\'ve got that right." Gil joined the conversation with three demons behind him. "These three are the ones from earlier. They are interested in arrow making and archery so I invited them to come to the mansion with me. I also promised them some clothing that isn\'t given by their former general Pride." Gil rolled his eyes speaking of the demon and the three demons behind him didn\'t even flinch. They had fully accepted that Pride was gone forever. 



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