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Chapter 721 - 721. Weird Feeling

"Calm down. The fires are out and we are moving toward the kingdom as fast as possible. It looks like we went right through the same path the demons did. Su, stop and let Walker down." Gil was the first to notice that Walker was awake and struggling with confusion since he wasn\'t sure what was going on as he read all the system notifications. 

"Are you feeling alright? We can all feel the mana leaving you but it doesn\'t seem to be making you ill. We used some mana potions to get the color back in your face." Remey was the most concerned. She has a better sense of the mana and could tell that Waker may have replenished it but he was leaking it as he absorbed it back in to his body. 

"I...gained a skill. It lets me have fifty more mana but comes with some drawbacks. It feels like the mana that I replenish naturally leaks away so I will take longer to replenish. I need to be a lot more careful in the future. It may have been a poor decision to try and put that fire out all at once." Walker was regretting it a little. The flooding rain skill was a lot of mana at once but could be very valuable in droughts. But the drawbacks of the leaking mana was risky while out adventuring.

"I am sure that we can find a solution at some point. But I do remember you mentioning a bracelet that may do that?" Su was clearer minded than Walker at the moment. He had totally forgotten the Gift for Alice and the ability it had. However, he didn\'t have another and refused to use it himself. He bought it for her so she could have the opportunity to speak whenever she wanted. She wanted to be able to with her own power but a bracelet as a gift might be acceptable to her. 

Before he could speak on it je was gripped with the worry for Alice. For his family. There were demons coming to wage war along with a sing demon title holder. "Where are we? Have we discovered what the demons look like and where they are?" He became serious as the adrenalin was clearing his mind.

"Not yet, I have plenty of traces and we are following in their footsteps. I wish we could see them but they were ahead of us. I do know that it looks like the kingdom called all the farmers inside the walls." Gil looked a lot more relaxed having seen the evidence of hastily left farmers. They had evacuated in time leaving no one injured or hurt that Gil could scout out. 

Midnight and Onyx were still very on edge but had relaxed more now that Walker was back. He may have been unsteady on his feet at first but now he was getting used to the strange feeling of leaking mana. "Don\'t worry about me. Let\'s keep moving. We have some corrupted demons to take care of." The elemental spirits that had been holding back from him heard his words and moved back to their positions clinging to him. 

The party was reinvigorated with Walker back up on his feet. Every single one of them was worried that the hour he had been passed out was too much and that the drawback of his new skill would be too much for him to deal with. However, as they watched him move they noticed a strange occurrence around him. 

"Leader, you know that every movement you make has mana within it now. Your steps and your body. It is very different." Su had felt it around Walker since she was still closer to him out of worry. 

"I sort of noticed that too. I\'m just not sure what to do about it. I think I might be able to use it to develop new skills and maybe even manipulate more of the elementals around me since my mana is around in the air too. It\'s mixed with the elemental mana and it feels odd. But we have way more to worry about now." Walker pulled the moldable crystal ball and began to change its shape in to a spear. He had just sighted the nearest demon. 

"Why does it look so...perfect?" Remey was shivering. The demon was just too perfectly balanced and even. It was unsettling just how exact it was while holding two swords in hand. The two wings on its back were moving in unison and Walker swore that it moved its legs faster to even itself up every step. 

"They are demons under the pride title holder, right? What if they take pride in their appearance and actions? It could be some strange way to look perfect?" Su felt the discomfort and deemed it unnatural. However, she also knew that this couldn\'t be something done of the demons\' own volition. 

"Don\'t tell me you are saying that the two hundred demons will all be exact replicas of this sin demon…" Gil wasn\'t ready to face two hundred of the same powerful demon. 

"I would say they have to be modeled after it at least." Walker could see that the demons were only in a small group. Some distance ahead closer to the walls in the distance were the others of the demon of prides\' army.




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