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Chapter 668 - 668. Second Room

"I see. So those traps protected the tomb of the flame mage. Then we have more to see up here." This was a pleasant surprise since most ruins that she had explored were just a burial chamber and maybe a small room with writings or pictures directly attached that detailed their life. "I hope that we discover some documents too." Zenith almost ran forward but Su had stopped on the upward stone steps yet again. 

\'This step has less dust around it. I think it has air moving around it." Walker decided that with Su\'s input it was best to give the all around appraisal skill a shot to see what was what.

\'False step

Basic trap set by many trappers. The step will fall away to a pit underneath after a certain weight is put on it.\'

"That is a trap and we will not be stepping on it. We do not need to deal with whatever is down in the pit below." There were nods all around. Midnight gracefully lept over and Onyx found a home on Walker\'s shoulder to avoid it safely. "You know, you could have just slipped in to my shadow like the dark spirit is doing with Su." Walker scratched Onyx\'s head knowing full well it was just because Onyx loved to sit on Walkers\' shoulders and wouldn\'t admit it. 

"Leader, we are at the top. It needs your input." Su had reached the top of a small square room. There was nothing to note of the room but for the walls and ceilings. They were carved walls in much better condition than the others of the ruins. 

"Oh my, bless the caves and their presents. Do you know what this is!?" Zenith was extremely energized when his eyes rested on the walls. Seeing that Walker and Su were lost along with Midnight and Onyx just ignoring her and glancing around she felt compelled to explain. 

These are walls that hold information important enough that the most complicated earth rune we have even found was used. These are runes that can last millennia without fading away." Zenith started to attempt to sketch the runes but found that every time she did they would be slightly off. "They are the hardest to replicate without the proper system. I can only ask for a master rune mage to come here if we can recruit one for work." The dwarves had hired rune mages who were known to travel the world. Unfortunately, they rarely passed through and they were very rare. 

"That\'s a little sad. I guess you will just need to settle for me using my skill to translate and read you what\'s written on the walls." Walker was glad he could be useful. He felt that he wouldn\'t be able to do much with the runes since he lacked knowledge in general about them. However, he could easily read and let Zenith record what was written. 

Seeing Zeniths\' eyes almost glowing with joy Walker started to pull out some snacks for Midnight and a few promised elemental mana crystals. He also made sure that there were light elemental crystals from Onyx to wrap around. "Leader, I am going to rest in the corner with the earth spirits." Su wanted to get better acquainted with her partner in the last battle and make sure she and the spirit were on the same page. 

"Sounds good. This might take some time anyways, so it\'s better to get some rest." Walker was happy to see the earth spirit and Su starting to bond more than just in the last battle. He was sure that the two would be getting along in the future. 

"I think this is the start here. There is a mark of a flame here with another on the opposite wall spelling the end." Zenith had located the start of the words on the wall. The strange shapes that made up the writings were translated in to words that Walker could understand by his skill. He soon realized that this wasn\'t just writings but a full story. 

"It says in the first line, beware, those who curse the world will have their curse fall upon themselves." The ominous feeling only increased as Walker scanned the wall. Zenith had a brand new scroll out to write it all down as he spoke. 

"Keep going. I will write it word for word." The excitement that Zenit had did not take away from the ominous tone Walker had in the least. He wasn\'t sure exactly what would be written but since it began with a warning about the world he felt he was about to learn something dangerous. 

"Life may be hard and pull one\'s heart to the ends. Never betray the world and curse the gifts it has given. The world can see your soul and dreams. The gift is the ideal it gives you to shape those dreams and guide you to your happiness." This sounded a lot better, yet, Walker lost the relaxed feeling in the next sentences on the walls. 




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