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Chapter 615 - 615. Leg Up


"Of course. You have been a savior here so far. You may not have a nurse system or a surgeon system but you are sure to be remembered as one here." One of the dwarven doctors Su had been assisting for the last few hours was already reliant on her. He had found Su was there with every tool or bandaging material needed. 

There was a loud movement as one of the royal guards rushed in, "I am looking for the two hero party members!" The royal guard had been shouting this through most of the medical area since the king of the middle had ordered him to find them as soon as possible. 

"Yes, is everything alright?" Su knew that if anything happened Walker would have contacted her and Onyx as soon as possible.

"The king requires your presence as soon as possible. There have been developments that would require your presence." Su had a feeling that this was directly related to the slimes change in behavior and was a little more relaxed to hear that there wasn\'t an ongoing emergency. 

"Please lead the way." Su made sure Onyx was firmly on her shoulder and headed out of the medical area. She still wanted to help with the many that were suffering from the slimes acid burns but she knew that those working on the tasks now were the best the dwarves had to offer. 

She followed the royal guard out of the medical area and back to the main section of the building where the king had returned and was checking various orbs that gave him sight in to what the golems were doing. "Good, you made it back. I received a report that your fellow heroes were returning. They are also returning with the king of the deep caves who has called a meeting of the three kings. That cave rat never calls meetings so it should be important." 

Su could only think that Walker had found something incredibly important and convinced the king of the deep caves. However, as she began to formulate her response she saw the party chat function flash and give her a message from Walker. She quickly read it and understood what had happened along with a few details. 

"My party is returning since they were able to defeat the slime controlling the yellow acidic slimes. Remey also has joined with the dwarven fire fighters to create a way to consistently battle the slimes. However, I recommend that some are detained to be materials for alchemy potions since they will help immensely." Su knew giving this information to the king would put her in his good graces even further. 

"That sounds like a very good idea for our merchant district to make new alchemists our acquaintances." The king was glad that the hero would share this with him. It was a gift that he could use to rebuild many damaged parts of the merchant district and the entire city. It would generate a massive amount of gold from other kingdoms. 

"The king of the surface will be down here shortly. We will meet at the table of diamond and have our meeting. I have received a quest to prepare the room and listen to your words first." This was a slight surprise for Su and she began to believe that there was the kings\' ploy to get information before the other kings. 

"I can request a few things but you already know the overall goal of the party. We want you to join the Genesis alliance and make amends with the elves through any means necessary. That would be the ideal situation for everyone." Su didn\'t even flinch after realizing that the king wanted to have the leg up on the other two kings. However, only she knew that Walker and the king of the deep cave had a world approved deal. 

"Then follow me. They will arrive within the hour." The king moved toward a wall and lightly tapped his hammer upon it. The wall started to click and groan as it opened up to reveal a normal entry way. 

"See I knew you would be trying to steal away one of the heroes. If I had not had one of my golems carry me down at the fastest speed I would be left in the dust. Where is that miner? He called a meeting interruption my new patrol plans. I have slimes to destroy on the surface." The king of the surface arrived at the same moment catching the king of the middle in the act. 

"Of course you rushed here. Well, he\'s not here and neither are the other heroes. We don\'t know why the meeting is called and the slime sare in disarray now. Apparently, their controller is defeated. Now we can meet. Hurry in." The look of annoyance from the king of the middle was clear. It was easy to tell that the three kings governed different parts of the city for a reason. 

"I knew gambling on your party was with it. You have some respect. But if this meeting is not worth the time I lose I will have to ban you from the entry to the city." The king of the surface said this in a monotone voice. 

"You ban so many from the city every year. How do you even keep track." Su had the feeling that this was going to be the normal bickering from the kings for the entirety of the meeting. 




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