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Chapter 582 - 582. Building Morale

When the little golem guided them through another set of gates they were welcomed with another very large space. The difference here was that there were many more buildings that appeared to be homes and other crafting buildings. "Look, that should be an adventurers guild building. I wasn\'t sure if there was a branch here or not since it is all underground. I bet they deal with most of the cities\' needs and some of the monsters in the mines." Gil was glad to see something familiar. 

"I have a feeling that the large building in the center is where we are headed." Walker could make out a large building carved from stone and turning gears. It was clear that this was the focal point of the area. 

Many dwarves were sitting idly in front of homes or large crafting buildings. It appeared that many had retreated to this section where there were many golems and a lot less evidence of yellow slimes. "I feel that these people are unhappy with being cooped up here. Many are pacing or fidgeting with their hands." Su noticed the common traits that the dwarves had. 

"It is to be expected. They are being kept from their work which I am sure they are used to doing in all of their free time. They went from a busy life to a complete stop." Walker felt bad seeing the many who were looking a lot less proud than the dwarves were spoken of by merchants. 

"I am glad this area seems safe. That means I should have some peace to experiment." Remey was still thinking about what she may need to make a poison against the acidic yellow slimes. Her entire being was becoming dedicated to this since she knew that she would be unable to help in battle against the acid in the slimes\' body. If she were to punch one she knew it could spell her end. 

"How\'d ya get in here humans?!" A dwarf sitting on the steps to a home called out to the party wanting to know how they managed to make it to their area safely. 

"We came to assist your people and offer a new future. But first, we will start by getting rid of the pests that plague you. So far we have dealt with six. We aim to deal with many more." Walker\'s words attracted a great deal of attention and soon there were many dwarves following them toward the main building. 

The party could hear phrases like slime slayers and wannabe heroes being thrown around. Yet, there were also those that recognized the plaques, pins, and travel medallions on the party. They had begun to gossip and inquire about their purpose. 

Walker wanted to push their morale a little and turned before them once they had reached the main building, "By my title of true hero my party and I will be assisting your kings to free you of these pests. Please rest easy. We will be by your side." He knew this was not much but it caused a murmur through the crowd. Walker wasn\'t sure that his words had caused so much commotions but he realized that some had started to move much more. 

"Leader, some appear to have gained quests after your words. I believe that we have already begun the process to free them." Sui could hear and read the lips of some dwarves. There were many that had become active and said the word quest and heroes. She took this as the beginning of their moves to deal with the slimes. 

"Please proceed within the administrative building. The attendant will guide you." The little golem gave this last message before rolling off on its wheels. 

The party climbed the many steps to the entrance which was already open. They found that a female dwarf was waiting for them. "Welcome to the administrative building. Here is where all major decisions for the people and the race are made. We are honored to have ambassadors here from the newest Genesis alliance and we hope that despite the current state of the city, you have a pleasant time. Please follow me to meet the acting king of the middle." 

The attendant walked through many of the open doors which lead to a grand hall. The floor itself was made with a layer of gold and the pillars were intricately carved stone inlaid with various gems. The ceiling was host to a great many paintings of dwarven history and discoveries. The party could see that the craftsmanship of the dwarven people was more than any story they had ever been told. 

"So these are the ones that have come to invite us to the new alliance. You have made my people some very big promises, especially the one just now. Even I received a quest to allow your alchemical brawler access to our herb stores and alchemy devices. I believe you have a lot to explain." 

Sitting upon a large throne made from a patchwork of many different metals which showcased the many things the dwarves had used to create their goods, was the king of the middle. A larger dwarf with artwork for armor and a very large hammer at his side. His words were filled with steel, but Walker knew that they were full of hope as well. 





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