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Chapter 564 - 564. Thrown Blade Strategy

"There will also be the benefit of the light thrown blade bleeding away mana. That will hugely weaken a monster." Walker wanted to focus on using the light thrown blade over the darkness thrown blade. It was mostly the aversion to the decaying effect that he had seen plague the forest. 

"It looks like it was making that injured orc much weaker. I didn\'t see it use anything other than its fists. No charging attacks or grabs. I wonder if that was due to the mana draining away?" Su had already seen the pattern that was different from the other orcs she had watched tear each other apart. 

"That makes sense. I think it will make a huge difference in the future. The only problem is that I am pretty sure that it won\'t always work. Especially on a light affinity monster or one that has skills to absorb mana." Walker was thinking this due to the fact that there were skills that helped absorb anna faster such as Gils\' and the sin demon of greed skill. 

"That is why you can use other attacks." Su was flat when she said this knowing that Walker was worrying over nothing. When she saw him nod his head she returned to her walking pace and waited for Walker to resummon the luring orb. 

The two traveled ahead on the path without much attention. Every so often Walker released the luring orb so that the attracted birds would flu off and he could resummon it safely. Having the birds was nice to attract nearby orcs to the sounds they made, but too many had become a nuisance. 

They managed to proceed down the path for hours without seeing another orc. Walker was sure there were more in other directions but for the time being, it seemed that there were none that would pose a threat anywhere near. This was perfect as they reached the split in the trail. The split in the trade touts had a large open area due to the high volume of traders and travelers that would pass through and rest here. 

"We will stay here for the night. It should also give us the time to say goodbye and part from Herder and the shepherd." Walker wanted to make sure he said a prepper farewell since he had enjoyed seeing a new way to use the frost whip along with meet another system user he had not before. 

Walker claimed a spot near the perimeter of the wide space so that the party could easily patrol at night. It also gave them the ability to leave in the early morning without disturbing anyone. "You seemed to take that orc down in an interesting way." Gil was the first to arrive before Midnight, Remey, and Onyx made their way to the camp Walker and Su were building. 

"I thought you would have something to say about it. I know you can see from pretty far away." Walker knew that Gil would say something as soon as he made it to the resting place. 

"Of course I would. Hearing all the new skills you get is kind of a ritual now. If I miss it I feel kind of left out." Walker and Gil laughed over this before they received a glare from Su who wanted help setting up some tents. The two did not hesitate to jump in to the camp set up as the herd was rounded up in to a resting space. 

"You all did very well today. I was about to deal with that last orc but your dragon party member was quicker than anything. Before I knew it the orc was on fire and fallen to the ground." Herder hopped off the white bill and laughed while offering Midnight a slice of dried jerky he had been snacking on while setting up the herd for rest. 

"Wait, you guys had another orc attack you?" Walker had not even realized it. He was worried that they had struggled without Su there to defend them. 

"It couldn\'t even be thought of as a threat. There were two ballista bolts in one leg and the other looked like it wasn\'t even attacked to the body properly. I have no idea hope it didn\'t die." Remey had also seen the encounter and felt pity for the orc. 

Walker relaxed after hearing this. He had also looked Midnight over and seen that there were no visible injuries so to speak of. He knew that she was capable of defending herself but he would always worry. 

"Are you up for another horned rabbit roast?" Walker made sure to offer this to Herder since it would be the last night they would be on the same p[ath. 

"If I ever say no to food I have been taken by a body snatching spirit," Herder sat down as the while bull walked around the herd to patrol it. 

The shepherd walked up and also sat down after settling the sheep. Onyx was quick to slither over and start up a conversation. The shepherd was overjoyed to have a conversation partner and was not holding back at all it seemed. Waler couldn\'t help but be amazed at hope well Omnyx always made friends with someone when they went somewhere. It was a surprising skill to have. It made him feel even worse for having to leave them to another path. 





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