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Chapter 490 - 490. Prototype Arrow One

"Then what results do each of your arrows have? Are they more powerful than those crystal ones that they have in a row there?" Scylla could tell that the crystal arrows which were in a row next to the ones Gil had layed out had slightly more elemental mana than the ones that he had placed.

"Theirs have more of a punch than mine but can only be used once so they drain the resources much more. Mine can be used two to five times depending on the element they are used with. If they are used with the light elemental mana five times. If they are used with the fire or darkness elemental mana two maybe three." 

Scylla took this information with a serious look on her face. She was thinking how many times it would be applicable for an archer in a battle to call for more arrows. Most of the time they would end up needing to salvage them from the frost line of a battle to make sure that they were not running out of their stock. "In the end, it will come down to longevity versus instant power." 

"Exactly and since we have these three we can see if the elves have struck gold." Gil grabbed the three arrow prototypes and then drew a deep breath. "Bring any other prototypes to me now! We will enter the testing phase then move to mass production of successful creations!" Gil\'s shout made Walker\'s ears hurt but got his message across.

The elves all jumped in to the hustle and bustle of clearing the archery range they had made at their desired training location. Gil moved to the frost along with three elves that must be the creators of the arrows. "Sir hero, I have one more please test it for me." An elf rushed up while affixing the final bit of twine to the arrow head to get the arrow finished. 

"Alright, four arrows. In order of completion will use this one. Please explain what you used and why it should survive." Gil said this and an elf came forward. 

"That arrow is made from foxwood and spark stone. I believe it will be a reusable fire elemental arrow that we can easily carve and assemble even when we are not in the city." The elf had chosen these materials for their affinity for fire elemental mana along with their common status throughout most of the continent.

"It is well balanced and holds a red coloration so it will be easy to differentiate in battle at a glance. However, the spark stone looks like it might be brittle so we may need extra arrow heads. Lets\'s test it out." Gil drew the arrow which had already been infused with fire elemental mana. 

The arrow began to glow with a fiery mana before Gil released it. The arrow managed to travel smoothly and near the target, however, before it reached the target it burst in to flames. The large fireball spewed the shards of the spark stone which popped in their own small fireballs around it. 

The elves let out a sad sound of disappointment as they began discussing the reasons for the failure. "This arrow is successful, just not for our goals. This is ideal for large groups to burn them and tormenting them, but poor for ending an enemy. This can help break up the front line or oncoming attacker." Gil looked and saw what was left, "Just as I had feared the only part left is a singed arrow shaft."

The elf that had made the arrow was sup[rised that Gil had labled it a success. He didn\'t realize that the arrow could still be useful for a different situation than he had intended. "I will make sure I properly record the design and look to improve it. Thank you sir hero." The elf backed away and allowed for another to come forward. 

"My arrow is made from marsh log. It is a soft wood that grows completely underwater. The arrow head is made from shell stone, it is found in lake beds." The elf was motioning to the white and grey arrow that looked like it had been petrified under the water for years. 

"So water element, not easy to tell if it is water or light but It sounds like it will pack a punch with the affinity." Gil had heard of shell stone and knew it was common. However, he did not know how well the marsh log would do since it most likely was gathered from the hard to explore swamp lands. 

Scylla was eager to see this next arrow as well. She had become completely absorbed after seeing the elemental mana within the first arrow and now couldn\'t wait to see the second. Just the knowledge that there were so many options for the arcane archers made her wish she had a similar system. But that was only for a moment since she knew she could never stay far away and fight with a bow. 

Gill took a deep breath and notched the arrow, After taking aim and channeling some mana the blue glow of the arrow showed that it was ready to take off. 





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