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Chapter 456 - 456. Ugly Flies

They took a slow approach down the cave with non moving air. They knew there were monsters in this one since Midnight was hearing the slight sounds as they moved. The only question was what kind of monster there was. 

Gil was trying to take the lead but realized that he was not the best for the job. He let Onyx and Midnight take over since they were more experienced and better prepared for the environment. This was a move that the others silently praised him for since he could have insisted to stay up front due to his tracking abilities.

Onyx started to be the translator of the group so they could speak without alerting what was in the dead end of this cave. "Sister says that the sound is like an empty flour bag in the wind." When Onyx said this there was only one monster that came to all of their minds; sharp tongued bats. If they were in this cave then it was safe to say they were after some rock mice.

The party fell in to crouch positions and moved slowly until an opening revealed itself to them. The cave opened in to a larger area that had many places to allow the crystals to grow in the wall. This was not the focus for them though, there were three pale grey bats flapping around the ceiling. They didn\'t appear to be intimidating but for the barbed tongues handing from their toothless mouths. 

Walker used his all around appraisal skill to see what he had to watch out for and let Onyx share it with the party.

\'Sharped tongue bat

The sharp tongued bat is a completely blind monster that requires its sense of smell and earth elemental mana to move around. They instinctually can sens the earth elemental mana and fly through the caves without fear, Their main tactic is to find a large prey and latch on to it to slowly drain it of blood over time using its sharp barbed tongue. Its/ favorite predy is rock mice due to their high nutrition value compared to larger prey. When in the mating season it can hunt up to fifty rock mice in a day to bring to its\' desired mate.\'

Walker thought this was a bit much for an explanation but still memorized the information. The bat was not much of a threat in comparison to other monsters they could face and he was tempted just to have the party let them be. The only problem with that was the fact that there were small glowing mushrooms in the middle of the clearing. These were shaped like bells and Renmey had her eyes locked on them.

Onyx was still sending the messages back and forth between everyone, " Gil can shoot one of the bats down and Midnight can be ready to sneak up and attack one when it swoops down at us. The last one Su can block and I will finish off with Remey. Onyx stay on the look out for the mole. I don\'t want it bursting from the ground to surprise us." 

Walker sent out his plan for everyone but realized the only one he didn\'t get a reply from was Midnight. He searched around the entire area and wasn\'t able to find her. After a moment he felt a nudging on his shoulder and looked over. Midnight was pushing her nose against him and trying to draw his attention to a pile of glowing bell mushrooms piled in front of her. 

"Sister says the ugly flys didn\'t see her grab them and she can go get more if we want." Remey wrapped her arms around Midnight and hugged her. 

"Sister says you are squeezing her to death but that you are welcome and owe her a piece of your bacon at breakfast." Remey struggled not to laugh at the response but was very happy with how sneaky Midnight had been. 

"Well, since we don\'t need to risk anything I will just use some magic to knock them down and we can easily beat them. Especially since we have the mushrooms we need." Walker stood up and released three fire bolt spells as fast as he could. They each hit a sharp tongued bat. 

The p[op of the fire bolt hitting them caused a large echo and the bets to fall to the ground crushing some of the remaining mushrooms. Gil sent an arrow at the one that was still able to move and easily defeated it. 

\'3 Sharp tongued bats defeated 30 exp gained.\'

Walker thought this was low for experience but thinking of how weak they were and how little threat they held for any of the party he pushed the thoughts from his mind. Walker stored the mushrooms away while Remey searched the area a little more to find that there were no signs of crystals at all. She did manage to find more mole hairs which spoke of how voracious the glowing moles\' appetite was. 

Walker spoke out loud now that the bats were dealt with. "Nice job, with those mushrooms gathered, we didn\'t need to avoid damaging them when we defeated the bats. Now when people return here it will be safer." Walker helped grab a few more mushrooms then looked toward the other cave entrance. 



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