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Chapter 421 - 421. First Floor Crafting

"I knew that part, but I never think about what happens after a trial. I guess not many people do in our kingdom." Walker was a little dejected but not completely appalled by this, it was something that could change.

"You wouldn\'t believe how many elves try to avoid talking about prisons and laws here. It is like a taboo sometimes. I think all the worlds\' races are like that." Bree saw that this wasn\'t a negative conversation and chimed in. 

Even the spirits seemed to want a part in it and were sending out their little waves of mana. "I\'m sorry, I can\'t understand any of you. But I will choose to believe that you want the best for people too." The spirits looked at him and moved about with joy. They wanted his attention most of all.

"They feel a connection with you since you have that skill to control all the elements. To them, it feels like your soul is closer to that of a spirits." Walker was very interested to hear this from Bree.

"Does that mean he can form bonds with spirits too?" Su was worried that Walker was going to end up having to form binds with spirits and use the skill that Bree had used when they first met. If Walker looked transparent like Bree had for any amount of time it was sure to cause everyone in the party to worry. 

"From what I have heard from the rumors and my little spirits he can learn just about anything. I wouldn\'t be surprised. But it is not as easy as you may think. Even a spirit and spirit mage that want to bond could not be able to if it is not the right time. It is related to the will of nature itself. Sometimes there needs to be a time and place." 

"So if leader and the full water spirit end up wanting to form a bond and he has the skills it could still not happen. You must have been very lucky to form all of the bonds you have." Su thought this last part out loud making the spirits start to send out more and more little mana pulses. 

"Yes yes, I know. Each bond was a lucky and special occasion. We should celebrate again sometime soon." Bree was being bombarded by the spirits to relax and play at some points. 

"Wow." Walker had just reached a large floor full of hustling elves. 

"Welcome to the main floor for the crystal craftsman of the forest elf city. My supplier is stationed here and even has a small residence. Many of the crystal craftsmen will come up to the surface once or twice a month. Part of their system makes them feel more at home when they are closer to there the crystals grow." Bree was letting Walker and Su take in the sights. 

The floor was well lit and much bigger than either of them had expected. There were many doors carved in to the wall. Some had signs saying they were shops while others had residential markers. The high elemental light crystals in the ceiling let off a vibrant glow almost replicating the sun. 

"Are those high elemental light crystals crafted so that they look like that instead of white light?" Walker thought he already knew the answer but assumed he could glean more information. 

"Yes, they are specially made for every floor. They are set up with a special rune formation that allows them to have higher and lower mana influx. They will set at night and rise in the day so to speak." Bree was enjoying showing off to someone. She rarely had the chance.

"That is very amazing, I could never imagine someone crafting an artificial sun like that." Su was in awe. "Oh, and it looks like there are work areas over there as well." 

"These are the general work areas. Many of the younger craftsmen use them before they are established. Once they find a master they will work at a specific shop or they will open their own. This is where they show off their talents." Bree walked them over and pointed out the array of tools available.

"So, you offer all these tools and resources for someone to grow and learn for free?" Walker had a hard time understanding this since it was most likely a huge draw on the elves\' financial state.

"Of course we do/. If the crystals are broken or ruined they can be made in to other things. We would never waste a single thing. It is rude to throw away something that nature had provided us." Bree reprimanded him a little, but it was just a small lesson and meant no cruelty. 

"Look, leader. That one is making a sword like the spell swords have." Su pointed out a younger elf that was struggling to carve runes on to a sword that had a fine crystal blade grafted ion to a solid metal body. 




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