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Chapter 403 - 403. Crystal Sword

Walker took another chisel similar to the one the crystal mage was using and started to copy the small tapping that shaved off slivers. The slivers of crystal piled up little by little as the two worked. One of the other earth mages used his own earth shaping magic skills to fuse them so that there were no accidental slivers. 

"See how the blade had a point but isn\'t sharp at all? This is the best time to use some earth shaping skills. The point can be reinforced and sharpened without damaging the structure." The crystal mage ran a thumb and finger along the blade while using his crystal shaping skill and made the blate sharper. Walker could see the visible change. 

"I will give it a try too." Walker found that his high earth sculpting skill worked very well with this action and he made the blade sharper with ease. He kept checking the balance and tried his best to make it smooth. "Can you take a look at this too? I need fresh eyes." He handed his sword to the crystal mage. 

"Things look very good for your first try making a sword. Let me just smooth this out and this." The crystal mage made a few taps here and there to fix some minor points. If Walker hadn\'t asked he could have missed them and caused a failed attempt. "Let\'s focus on the grip and hilt. They need to be made more dense so that they can hold the majority of the water and light elemental man from some elemental mana crystals." 

Walker could see why the handle and hilt would be the best place for the elements to rest. It was the safest because they would not have the chance to be attacked directly often. There was also the close relation to the one holding it so that the elements could be guided with ease. 

The crystal mage made the hilt denser with his crystal shaping skills along with the handle. However, he also used his rounded chisel to make its grip better. The blade had biome much more refined in the last hour while they straightened and sharpened it. The overall shaping was even better as well because the hilt and handle parts were matching the quality of the blade.

"Now for the hardest party of the entire production. We can easily add a space for the elemental mana in a round shape, but for the sword, we need to make it run from the hilt all the way through the blade. Imagine a much smaller blade on the inside." Walker chose to watch the crystal mage first.

The crystal mage slowly channeled his crystal shaping skill and started to open up the space inside the crystal sword. Walker saw that there were not thin little passageways but instead a hollow space inside. This was the reason the crystal blades wouldn\'t ever reach the same strength as solid forged items. But it would allow for a magical attack. 

"I can\'t let this collapse and shatter, I need the water and light mages to start adding some of their elements. Please use the crystals provided." The crystal mage called for the light and water mage who had a handful of the elemental crystals in their hands. 

The elemental mana was channeled from the crystals and through the mages bodies. This helped them control the flow and slowly add the balanced light and water elemental mana to the crystal sword. 

The crystal mage was making sure that there were no weak points in the crystal while also sensing the changes that occurred within. He felt few points where the crystal was too thin and adjusted the strength in those areas. The space in the center was easily filled and would need t to be topped off with mana in the future because the word wouldn\'t be able to absorb mana like a regular sword with runes carved on it. 

"Stop!" The crystal mage had the two mages stop adding elemental mana and suddenly started to condense the crystal sword a little more. The two elements were not fighting each other but actually mixing in the sword. The hilt and the handle gained a soft sky blue color and the blade looked to be made of a clearer crystal than before. 

Wiping the sweat from his forehead the crystal mage looked at the crystal sword in his hands. "This came out a lot better than I thought it would. The elements are compatible so they aren\'t causing any disturbances, the crystal was of good quality even though it was older, and the process was smooth. All that is left is for you to test it and show us if it can handle the strength you want t to have." The crystal mage presented the sword to the dual elemental spell sword who took it gingerly.

"I\'ve got to say it is very beautiful. I feel like I am holding a glass that could break at any second. but I can feel the elemental mana inside and it is almost like an extension of my own arm." The spell sword was very pleased with the feeling so far and was looking forward to the next step.




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