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Chapter 326 - 326. Respect

Walker returned his hammer to his storage causing a small flinch from the goblin and spider. As his frost whip melted back to water the spider started to relax a little. It could feel the threat fading since it was much closer to its instincts than the goblin. However, the goblin was not relaxing, it was tightening its grip on the decaying pointed stick. 

The goblin started to let ut small quiet screeches and hissing sounds. It was speaking to the other goblins who were responding with similar sounds. There seemed t be no rhyme or reason to the way they spoke. Walker could tell it was not an actual language but more of a feeling that was translated back and forth. 

The goblin eventually looked back at Walker and each of the other party members. It looked at Midnight with more fear in its eyes since every minster could feel the difference in strength when it came to the bloodline she had. It thrust its decaying stick to the ground and hopped from the spider. It took slow steps towards Walker and looked at him dead in his eyes. 

Walker did not hesitate and puled out four of the antidote potions he had in his inventory. This was a risky move since it caused the goblin to take a few steps back and appear to fall in to a fighting crouch. Yet when Walker placed them on the ground and stepped back. He wanted to make sure he completed the quest, but he was also started to realize that these monsters might not be a real threat. 

The goblin carefully lifted the antidote potion and pulled the cork from it. The sniffing made it grimace at the smell. It did show that it recognized what the potion was for and make some shrieking sounds at the goblins. Soon another came over and took the potions towards the grey haired spiders that had decay on their legs. The goblin started to pour some of the potions on to the spiders and the decay visibly started to recede. 

This seemed to remove a lot more of the goblins\' stress and fear of the party. This moment made Walker wonder why they needed to fight monsters like this in the first place. However., he had heard all too often of the goblins that had become powerful and lead by a hobgoblin to attack villages. It was part of their instinct to survive yes, but they were lead in a way that put their species first. They were no different from humans. 

The goblin fiddles with a necklace it had strung together of animal teeth. There were some fangs evidently from a snake and what seemed to be a forest wolf. This goblin had been very successful in its hunting and displayed this as evidence. 

It placed the necklace n the ground the same as Walker had placed the antidote potions. Walker did not hesitate to pick up the necklace and wrap it around his wrist. He used his all around appraisal skill to see what it could mean. 

\'Emblem of achievement 

This is a piece of jewelry made by an accomplished goblin hunter. Only the strongest and wisest of goblin species are able to create jewelry using their best hunted materials. They wear it to show their strength and earn respect from goblins. This is something all goblins of the world will recognize no matter their species.\'

Walker nodded at the goblin that was still looking at him. Seeing that Walker had accepted it the goblin started to walk back towards the spider and mounted it like they were meant to be one monster instead of two. Out of curiosity, Walker checked the Goblin and spider with his all around appraisal skill as well.

\'Goblin Spider Rider


This is a unique class of forest goblin that has spent many years thinking and evolving its mind. It has learned how to befriend the grey haired spiders that naturally live in the forest and work together to thrive. They stand above any other forest goblin and will often attempt to forge relations with other species.\'

Walker was surprised that he was unable to see the level or other information, but he remembered that the all around appraisal skill was not a mastery skill and could not tell him everything every time. Seeing that the goblin was a unique class that had learned to live with another species that would normally be an enemy was also very interesting. Furthermore, it was a type of goblin known for creating relations with other species instead of trying to kill them instantly. 

The other goblins started to shriek and hiss as they went to the injured spider s and started to carry them away. The goblin on the spider moved toward the edge of the clearing and stopped looking at the party waiting. "I think it wants us to go with it. Stay on alert and let\'s go, this goblin is different than the usual." Walker was going to explain what was different but first, he wanted to make sure the rest of them knew his intention.

Gil was already right by Walker\'s side ready to go but Remey was holding back behind Su. She was naturally more uneasy where su was putting her faith in Walker\'s decision. Midnight felt that she could get rid of the goblins and spiders without worry and instead raised her head to show off her might. The party followed behind the goblin spider rider.

The path they followed was easy to see, there were plenty of patches that the purple slimes had started to decay as a food source. Walker could feel that the giant slime core in his hand could cause a lot of damage if it gained a body back. He was careful to hide it away in his cloak, wishing that he could store away living creatures in his inventory. 

"So why are we following them?" Remey whispered in to Walker\'s ear not wanting to cause any problems with the goblin they were following. 

  "That goblin is a rare class and species. It is known for forging relationships with other species, that\'s why it is able to ride that spider. It gave me this necklace that makes other goblins respect it. We should be safe taking both of these things in to account." Walker did have some lingering worries but the system was about to back him up. 

\'Heroic quest: protecting nature\'s balance- completed

Join the natural monster species in defeating the invasive species of slimes. 


Defeat three small purple slimes

Defeat two medium slimes

Defeat one giant slime together with the natural monster species


200 exp multiplied to 2000 exp.

Free travel through goblin territory

Respect of natural monster species with intelligence.

1 heroic quest point\' 

The party saw this notification in their systems and felt that having the confirmation that they had respect was better. If they had not seen this they would have been so on edge that they would have jumped in to combat at the slightest sound.

Walker was watching how the spider reacted to the way the goblin moved. The two were perfectly in sync like they had been together forever. This was a level of teamwork that anyone could praise. Even if it was a monster no human Walker had seen yet was this perfect in their teamwork. 

After following for a little more time the goblins reached a small cave that they brought the injured spiders in to. There were webs all around showing that this was their nest. The outside of the cave looked to be where the goblins would rest since there were poorly made beds and even a small fire pit. It looked like this had once been a temporary adventurers camp that had been left to rot away. The goblins had managed to make it their home. 

The goblin spider rider let the giant grey haired spider go to the cave to be with the other spiders while it started to pick around the ground and move things toward the empty fire pit. "Gil, can you and Remey get some wood? I want to start a fire here." Walker had an idea that the goblins had never managed to start a fire in the fire pit, but he could start one and use it to cook some of the wide mouth frog meat. The party would not rest here but they could show their own prowess and cook.




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