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Chapter 279 - 279. Walker's Favorite Game

" soul bind is a rare piece of magic that only a very small amount of soul mages in the elven kingdom have been able to reach. They place a magical bind on a living being\'s soul. Basically magic is carved in to the soul putting some restriction on it. Most of the time for information or the use of a skill." The queen did not look happy about this. "Long ago a demon captured an elf with such a soul bind on them. One of out scouts watched the battle field interrogation. The results of the elf being tortured for this information were...not good to say the least. The mana in their body exploded out at once, completely dissolving the elves\' soul. The demon perished as well."

The queen looked like she had just swallowed something bitter and could not stand it. Walker wanted to think of something to say but he was coming up with a loss. This sounded like a brutal way to die and nobody deserves it. "You see why I do not wish you all to be affected by this magic. My hope is that there will be a way to get the elves to trust you all instead. Before the word of your parties upgraded systems reaches outside the kingdom you will all need to be working on the problems with the slimes in the deep sun hollow forest." The queen was basically telling them that they were fighting the clock on this. If they did not find a way to gain favor with the elves by protecting the forest they call home then they would be facing a much worse alternative. 

"Then that\'s what we will do, I believe that my party can do much better than anyone expects. You can rely on us." Walker knew that they had no choice, he refused to accept such a dangerous alternative. 

The queen nodded hoping that Walker\'s words would be true. "Now that my queenly duties are taken care of…" Her gaze fell on the three. "Care to show me anything interesting?" Her curiosity was always ready to drag out something interesting. 

"Well...I really have not learned much lately. One skill really just boosts clarity of mind and calms people but I don\'t mind showing it off…" Walker was thinking about the most recent experience. "Oh actually Midnight had learned Decaying breath. It\'s a black fire. It is really cool but super dangerous." 

The queen\'s eye lit up wanting to see it, however she realized that it would be too dangerous to try out an attack like that indoors. She also knew that it was not wise for her to venture outside without a proper way to hide herself. "Hmm maybe when you all visit the castle again." She seemed like the air had just been taken from her. 

Seeing this Walker conjured up his purple blurry orb which brightened her curiosity back. "This is a kind of light magic. Want to know what it does?" Walker kept his eyes on the ground and refused to look at the orb. However the queen had looked directly at it the second it appeared. 

"Well of course, it is a nice color but is that all it does?" She thought that he had just learned to make light orbs of other colors. 

Walker stepped closer to the desk making the guard turn their head just slightly. "I bet you can\'t give me a high five?" The queen was not afraid of this challenge and instead looked at him and raised her hand holding on to a smirk. How could she not be able to give him a high five?

The queen swept her hand towards Walker\'s raised hand and missed hitting nothing but air. "Huh?" 

"Ah, try again. Maybe it was just bad luck." Walker concealing his mischievous smile while the queen tried again. This was quickly becoming one of his favorite tricks to play on anyone. Visibly annoyed the queen gave two more tries before realizing that she definitely did not have some form of sight problem.

"So that\'s what it does huh? Makes someone miss an attack?" She narrowed her eyes at Walker and he immediately made the purple blurry orb disappear.

"More or less yes. It messes with vision. It\'s almost as cool as the black flames I learned while helping practice Midnight\'s decaying breath." Walker made a small black fireball appear in his hand which captivated the queen. He had already had his own fun so now it was only fair for him to give up something she would like. 

"Is her decaying breath like this color?" She was still dead set on seeing Midnight breath out fire. This was definitely something the king had not seen and if she had the chance she could get one up on him." 

"Yes very similar. I would say hers will be better though because she can use it to do a lot more than just make fire balls. Well if i practice with them I might be able to do other things too. But I need to train in some close combat weapons before I focus on magic again." Walker did not hide his current goals when it came to training. The wandering blacksmith was going to make him hammers so he needed to give his best effort to learn how to use them for combat.

"Actually my queen, I may be able to do something interesting. I did gain a passive skill from my system upgrading and I do need to train it. Will you help me?" Su spoke up which was rare for her when they were in a meeting like this. The queen\'s curiosity had relaxed her and made her more open to showing off. 

"Alright, what do you intend to have me do?" The queen looked at Su wondering what her angle would be.

"Have your guard take a step forward. Before they do we will guess with their right or with their left foot. However guesses right which foot they step with will win." The queen had no idea how this would be interesting but decided to humor Su.

The queen nodded to the guard who turned their head and relaxed their stance waiting for the two to guess. The queen was looking at Su to speak first since she was the one to offer this game. "Left." Su did not hesitate in her answer. She had seen the armor on the guards body twitch and adjust slightly as the guard unconsciously stiffened the muscles underneath.

"Then I shall take right." The guard started to take their step forward and the left foot made a small metallic tink sound on the floor. "How lucky. Let\'s try again." The guard moved their foot back and relaxed balancing on both feet evenly. 

Su did not hesitate and guessed again, "Left" 

The queen respond instantly as well. "Left" they both chose left and the guard stepped forward with their left foot. If Walker did not know better he would say that the guard was just moving the foot they were both guessing on. However since he knew of Su\'s new passive skill in detail he expected she was guessing which he would move before it was even in motion. 

They continued on this nearly ten times which Su guessed correctly every time and the queen only being correct four times. "How did you manage to predict first. Did you gain a foresight ability in your upgraded system?" She wanted the answers since she had slowly become more and more curious about what would allow someone to have such a perfect way of guessing something they could not control.

"Well I am not sure if you have noticed, but my eyes are a little different." Su looked at the queen in her eyes. The queen could see the slight yellowish gold glint in them now. "I can see fine details with a new passive skill that I gained in my system upgrade. Every time your guard decided what foot to step with they subconsciously tensed their muscles and then I saw the slight change in their armor. With that I made my guess." The queen was impressed. This skill was not something so simple as foresight, it actually required large mental processing to properly guess. She smiled at this surprise, she had found something unexpected. 



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