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Chapter 232 - 232. Decay

Wanting to beat Midnight to the punch Walker focused on condensing some shadows even more, this time he was going to try and use the flames to send only the pure fire elemental mana to the shadows. This seemed to be working a little at first. The flame elemental mana was heating up the shadows so much that Walked felt the at the shadows could actually burn him if he were to touch them. The problem was that the second he tried to change the shadows and fire element mix shape it split apart again in to two separate elements again losing any semblance of fusion. 

Taking another shot at it he repeated the process but this time thought that he would let a little light element rotate around the shape of the flame he wanted to make. If it was really so much so that the light and dark elemental mana chased each other would it work that the light elemental mana would help to hold the darkness and fire together? This was what he asked himself while the shadows started to mix with the fire. The two mana had reached the same hot shadows and before  but not some of the light elemental mana from the fire was being pulled in a thin membrane around the ball shape Walker wanted. 

The shape was holding up so far the heat was still there. The light element was not being completely sniffed out by the dark. The fire elemental mana was not being dragged by the light element in to the ball of shadow more and more. Just as Walker thought there would  be a breakthrough and the darkness elemental mana would become flames the light elemental mana was pushed away by the darkness elemental mana. The two had become out of balance and caused the ball to fall apart. 

Walker took a second to breath and found that Midnight was almost in a meditative state birthing in and out very slowly. It looked as if she was practicing using the mana within her breath. She had given up on mixing it with flames for now since she realized that she had no control over the strength of the mana she released. Walker could tell that she was taking great effort to slow the flow when she built the mana up. It took her entire body\'s strength to make the mana flow the way she desired it to. 

Not wanting to be outdone in terms of effort Walker tried his experiment again. This time he acted more carefully like Midnight was doing with her mana. He was consuming more of his own mana to manipulate the three elements this time by taking longer. However when he got to the stage where he had the light  elemental mana flowing around the heated shadow ball everything was more stable. The heat was being drawn in by the light elemental mana but at a slower rate. The balance was in check and the shadows were heating up to higher and higher temperatures. The feeling of being burned as coming stronger and stronger to his exposed skin. 

With a burst of flame the ball had turned in to a pitch black fire. He had succeeded in controlling the three elemental manas to create a black fireball in his hand. The fire elemental mana was the joining factor between the light and dark mana. The light mana was mixed in with every lick of flame making the darkness mana stand out. The two were dancing with each other in a perfect balance, when one element would push the other would push back.

\' The user had gained a triple elemental skill due to their use of the elemental manipulation skill. The skill black flame creation has been learned.

Black flame creation- 2 mana cost

Black flames are a fusion of three elements. They are very hard to extinguish in the night and in the daylight. They not only can purify the darkness but also corrupt the light. Burns left by these black flames do not only cause damage to the opponent but will also leave a longer term decaying effect.\'

This was what he was after, he had succeeded in blending the three elements together to create his skill. This black flame was not to be messed with, it was similar to his other flame skill evil consuming flame. This black flame could purify darkness as well but in a different way. The difference was it could also harm light elements as well by using the darkness element it was made in to. The fact that the burns would leave a decaying effect was very scary to think about, if an enemy escaped after being harmed by these flames they would slowly have their injury decay way until their death. This was both good and bad, it could irritate and anger a strong opponent that could handle the first attack. On the reverse it could also help deal with opponents that ran away after being harmed, with Gil tracking them they could find the opponent and collect the defeated body or finish it off. 

Midnight had stopped her controlled breathing as was staring at the flames in Walkers grasp, she was not moving a single muscle. Walker almost said something but realized she was having some kind of breakthrough of her own. Midnight stayed like this for a few minutes before cautiously stepping towards the flames in his hands. She hesitantly brought her face close to them and breathed out very slowly. The mana she breathed out reacted instantly causing a s,all flame to wish out. This was the start of her own goal.

Walker did not dare to extinguish the flame but instead started to work on keeping control of it while using the least amount of mana possible. He started to develop more and more control while Midnight slowly breathed in and out practicing the soft woosh of black flames again and again. Neither of them noticed the wandering blacksmith that had leaned up against the wall of the mansion to watch this spectacle.

The two of them maintained this for a large amount of time, Midnight had started to release more and more mana at once making the small woosh turn in to a foot long black fire blaze. The fire Walker had started previously and had completely turned black with their control. Midnight took a larger breath inwards preparing to release more of her own mana than she had done before. Walker swore he saw some for the black flames be inhaled when she was breathing in. To test his theory he extinguished his black flames before Midnight could stop herself.

Midnight breathed out with force, there were not wisps of darkness mana but instead full on black flames. The were very spread out but were indeed what she wanted to do. Midnight jumped around seeing her success and tackled Walker to his back. The two rolled on the ground in excitement before waves of exhaustion started to overcome them. They had been at this for hours practicing. 

The two were breathing heavily feeling rather pleased with the work the had put in, the sun had risen and started to fall all the while. The sound of clapping brought them both back to a sitting up potion. The wandering blacksmith was smiling widely still covered in coal dust but seemingly more energetic than he had been the precious day. He came over to the two of them and patted Walker and Midnight in the back. They realized that he had just witnessed their accomplishment.

Walker felt a bit embarrassed but Midnight straightened her necks a nit glad that she was being recognized for her efforts. The wandering blacksmith gave them both a nid and headed back towards the forge, after a little time the sounds of hammering could be heard. No smoke was leaving the smoke stack from the forge leading Walker to believe that the wandering blacksmith and started to make some modifications after witnessing the kinds of flames he would be forging in. They had really found a strange blacksmith to help them out, but he was extremely dedicated.

Now that the two had gotten  an understanding of their skills Walker took a look at Midnight\'s learned skill,

\' Decaying flame breath- 5 mana cost (Changes with duration)

The blacks flames expelled through the natural flames within carry a strong decay that eats away at the body of those damaged but it. The user can extend the duration of this breath attack by taking a deeper breath and infusing larger amounts of mana. The flames can burn hot enough to leave severe burns.\'

Reading this out loud Walker had spurred Midnight to stand up and prance about in victory, she was waiting for Walker to praise her. " Congratulations on getting your fire breath skill! Now we can practice the next few days before the VIP auctions and master it." This made Midnight more excited since she was one step closer to being the powerful dragon like she had met at the tamers guild. 

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