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Chapter 218 - 218. Orbs

Hilda looked happily at Walker, she was proud that her son had been thinking so much about her and her dreams. "That sounds like just the kind of things I would like to do." She ruffled his hair, "Should I test the spicy peppers I found in the market? They were too strong for my clients but now I can give them a proper attempt. They have been dried for a while but will be excellent roasted with a stockā€¦" She became lost in her plans, she had memorized many recipes and wanted to start writing these new ideas immediately. Walker could only imagine how many cookbooks would be written and added to the library, he made a mental note to add a new shelf for her to place them on. The library would be gaining a cooking section next to its potion making section. 

"Walker! Get over here and eat! Your mother baked an apple pie!" Garret dragged him to the food, with out any hesitancy her 

The night went on fairly calm while the party told stories of the outbreak and how many horned rabbits they had seen. Lisa refused to leave Walker alone until he had told her every detail about their stay with the rabbit tribe. Walker had the feeling that she would have been telling Otis he had cute ears to his face. Garret was much like Lisa but he insisted about knowing all the details to what the tamers headquarters were like and what new beats he had seen there. This was definitely where Lisa had gotten her love for stories from.

Before they had all wen their separate ways to sleep Walker asked Su if she wanted to head to the alchemist building with him and Remey the next day. She was unsure why until Walker said that Remey would be going to the orphanage after so he and Su could go to the cathedral to help out. She had agreed easily wanting to go and be of use, Walker also explained the uses of some of the seeds soon to be grown in the garden and that made Su even more excited. She could not help but wonder how helpful they would be to those injured and brought for healing. 

With that the morning came quick enough, they weren\'t planning on leaving early so Walker chose to head outside and practice his elemental manipulation. With the knowledge that he could better manipulate the elements with clearer imagination and focus Walker wanted to make a breakthrough on the light element. Partly because he had promised he would have more to show Alice when he saw her next. Also because he had realized just how far away he was from properly using it .

Maria had shown another use for the light element which was to bend it around a person and make them invisible. Doing this was a lost concept to Walker who did not even understand how it was possible. He had barely even used the light element to try and blind an opponent. This being said he thought he may be better off trying to find an alternate use. The forest was most likely a shaded place that required some light, using a fire bolt there would be a very poor choice as it could cause a massive fire. This reasoning made him want to have some form of light creation or spell to keep their surroundings lit at night or even during the day.

Walker first used some mana to create the little rainbow he had done before. Using it as a a guideline he memorized the colors and tried to make them form in to a sphere. He imagined the rainbow forming a circle of color that spread light around in all directions. His mana started to be consumed a bit more by this and when he opened his eyes next he saw a fluctuating mass of rainbow the size of his fist. It was much too unsteady and was pulling at his mana too fast. Walker released his elemental manipulating and closed his eyes again to think more deeply. 

Feeling that he had tried too hard to direct every single color of light in to one source Walker tried to remember how the shapes Alice created with her song moved. They were indeed a rainbow color but he could remember that some were more white or red. The hue changed as they danced in the air. Even the flowers she had created were not completely one rainbow color but many in each individual one. This thought brought him to a conclusion, If he focused on one aspect maybe the light would be more stable.

Walker used his elemental manipulation to again pull at the light mana but this time imagined only a bright yellow ball of light forming. Noting that only a single mana seemed to be consumed in this he opened his eyes to see a marble sized ball of yellow light floating in front of him. He tried to add mana to it but instead of growing bigger it split in to two little yellow balls of light mana floating in front of him. This strange action was not at all what he wanted it to do, it seemed that the light elemental ball did not want to get bigger at all but instead only wanted to stay that size. 

Testing this theory Walker poured five mana in to it and watched as five more balls of yellow light joined the other two. Each single mana was making another yellow light ball.

\' Through the repeated use of light elemental manipulation the skill yellow orb has been learned.

Yellow orb- 1mana cost

Used a single mana to breathe a floating ball of yellow light. This ball will follow the user around and light up the immediate area they travel. The orb will fade over an hour as it consumes the light mana it condensed from.\'

Well reading this Walker was kind of happy, it was not something amazing to show off with but would serve his purpose very well. He felt Onyx wrapping around his shoulders as he woke up and left his tattoo form. Onyx sprain forward and swallowed one of the yellow orbs. Walker was not sure why he had just done this.

"Brother, thank you for breakfast." Onyx spoke immediately after and then sprang for another of the orbs. Within just two minutes Onyx had swallowed every single orb. Curling back up around Walker\'s shoulders he seemed very happy. Walker could only think that because these were made from the light mana around them and it was condensed to last an hour that these were basically the same as the light crystals. They definitely were much weaker than a crystal would be but they only cost a single mana for Walker to create. Not to mention that with his cloak he could regenerate mana faster and make a large amount of them. 

Making more of them Onyx ate a total of six more before returning to his tattoo form and sleeping. It seemed that he had eaten his fill. Walker was much happier knowing that he himself could provide Onyx with a stable source of nourishment. Walker decided that he wanted to try doing the same thing as with the yellow light orb but with the other colors. Before he realized it he had started to create a purple ball of light the same size of the yellow one before. This one was nearly the same but had a weirder feeling.

The light was making it harder for Walker to focus his eyes on, it seemed that the more he looked directly at it the fuzzier his vision became. There was also the difference that two mana were consumed in creating it out of the light elemental mana. Walker created five more to try and get the same result as last time and found that now surrounded by six of the purple floating light orbs he could not focus at all and his vision was completely blurry, it was like he had splashed water in his eyes.

\' skill blurry orb has been taken from the illusionist system. The skill blurry orb has been learned through users manipulation of light element.

Blurry orb- 2mana cost

The violet light emitted from the orb created is much stronger than the eyes can absorb. This affects the view of the orb making their vision unfocused and blurry. Making it tougher to aim and hit a target this orb can only last about ten minutes.\'

This skill was definitely more useful to counter ranged combatants. If someone was trying to target the group their vision would be blurred and their aim would be affected. Walker was much happier with this skill since it could potentially protect the party from attackers they could not even reach or see. This was still not enough for him though, he wanted to try one more form of light orb.

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