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Chapter 215 - 215. Future Journey

Walker was not sure what to say in this situation, the hero title seemed to have brought them to yet another intense decision. "My king-" Walker was interrupted by the king\'s wave unhappy with how he was being addressed. "King August…" The king nodded accepting this. "Aren\'t there better choices for this kind of mission? I know the kingdom should have some with emissary systems." 

"That may be true but by sending one with the title of hero we could show that we not only trusted the kingdoms to safeguard our valuable title holders but furthermore that we have the best interests of all in mind. Heroes are known for being righteous sending an entire party worth would inspire their citizens to assist us." The king looked at each of them equally. "You are all young, the future of this generation. Not only will you represent a way for those with the dreams to rise up to soar but also to rest at ease knowing that there are those who stand against the wrongs in the world." These were some hefty words that weighed on the party.

"Oh you are starting to stress them out, that kind of speech will only make them worry. Look you all are very important to the king\'s political game, a hero in name alone can spur many to action. Thankfully you have all been seen doing exactly what a hero would so far, save and protect citizens of the world. This had just been reinforced by your actions in Ordist. The king only asks you to expand your horizon and go on bigger adventures.\' Ibis looked back at king August, "Now what was the place you would like them to venture to in a few months?" Ibis had already expected the king to over complicate his meanings and patiently waited to translate.

"Ah yes, thank you Ibis. Like your guild master said I would just like to ask you to head to a specific place in a month or so. As you know we are entering spring, many kingdoms are the same. With the spring comes the flooding and rain storms that cause trouble for many." The king stood and moved to the large table full of maps, "Here is our kingdom, since we have surrounded ourselves with out fields we can see far around us without problem. Other kingdoms have other such environments. The forests take in the rain and grow intensely. The elves have many troubles controlling this intense growth but are very used to it having many nature based systems. The case is different here." The king pointed north near the foot of the mountains. "The dwarves have to worry over flooding mines and treacherous monsters that are able to thrive in the new water filled areas. This would all be the normal seasonal challenges but for some reason there have already been a few strange monster sightings." The king seemed to be worried.

"I can take it from here, my guild did the scouting for these locations." Ibis had sent a select few specialized in scouting to check this phenomenon out. "These two kingdoms have documented two new species of slimes that seem to have come from nowhere. Slimes as you know usually freeze during the winter and are dormant but during the rainy season defrost and thrive. Usually they are not a problem and easily disposed of by younger tier parties. But there were sightings of a purple slime that seemed to rot and kill any plants it came in to contact with. The thought was that these came from the swamps and moved in to the forest for food. However when the slimes were captured and brought to the swamp they immediately became agitated and left the area. Furthermore they are very different from the normal green decaying slimes that live in the swamp, we have a suspicion they were bred and left in the forest to run amok." Ibis stroked his beard letting them grasp this before continuing. "This is similar in the dwarven mines where normally grey slimes that eat metal ore survive. Instead there\'s a yellow slime that secretes acid. It is dissolving any ore constantly. Both of these locations have had strange sightings on different times weeks apart of a person with horns, a demon." 

"So you think a demon somehow managed to get two new slime species and left them in the places they would cause the most damage." Remey was standing a bit taller showing off her intellect at seeing where this was going.

"Yes that is correct, We can only fear what would happen if either slimes grew out of control. Even more since they seem very drawn to the specific areas we believe they have been controlled by this demon that has been sighted. I as king would like to issue a request to slay slimes in the elven forest. We have contacted their kingdom and received permission to send a party there, Unfortunately the dwarves are too possessive of their mines and refuse out aid, The elves on the other hand will always welcome a helping hand hunting a demon. Your party can not only carry our medal to represent our kingdom but also fulfill your hero title by helping to eliminate a threat that may destroy the sun hollow forest and even more so the elven kingdom." King August had again laid heavy words upon their shoulders, however this time Remey seemed to be immune to it.

"If we take this can we get access to any of the research done on these new slimes? I have a friend who would find it very interesting, we could make some great potions with new slimes." Walker connected the dots, Remey had a passion for alchemical potion making, she may only have made simple things but with Walker\'s help she saw the potential to do her own experiments just like she saw the old man in the alchemist building doing when she was younger.

"Of course you would be allowed to have them, we will even add in some rare slime samples from various other lands. If that would help you in your endeavors." The king saw this opportunity and wanted to maximize it, Remey had given him too much to bait her with. 

"Walker! Say yes." Remey glared at him and knew he had to accept this. Gil was sighing in relief for once Remey was not directing her anger on him at all. 

"King August we are interested, you said we would leave in a month? Is this because of the rules for who can travel in the depths of the sun hollow forest near the elven kingdom?" Walker was always curious about the elusive elves. They were much more solitary due to their longer lifespans and focus on nature based magic. Most would not even leave the forest their whole lives. 

"Exactly that, no as king I officially request your party to help in this matter." The system heard this and quickly generated a quest.

\' Royal relations: slime trouble

The king of the Crystal kingdom has asked the party to investigate the source of new slime species causing damage to important ecosystems. 


Travel to the deep sun hollow forest in one month.

Slay and investigate the new slime species.

Discover the cause of the slime invasion.

Build connections within the elven kingdom\'s deep Hollow forest territory.


Slime samples from various species.


Additional rewards determined at completion\'

The system laid out exactly what the king had intended. This quest was generated from King august requesting something, therefore Walker was surprised to see that additional rewards could be added after completion. The experience was also high seeping that the [arty would be gaining new species of slime remains and experience, They would also be one of the few parties that had experience fighting the, meaning the adventurers guild would most likely have them teach a class or fill out an informational document.

"King August, we have received the quest. We look forward to departing in a month, is there anything else we would need to know before we leave, we have a lot to prepare for now." Walker was rapidly building a plan to train, grow new seedlings, and work on everyone\'s gear in the coming month. This all needed to be started so when they left to research thus new slime species and their cause they would be in top condition. He also had the goal of unlocking the heroic leveling system at level fifteen. Remey was currently the closest to this.

"Yes, before you leave I will give you documents to share with the Elves that patrol the deep Sun Hollow forest, They will most likely stop you to warn you as you enter. My letter with the seals of both elves and our kingdom will allow you entrance. Now get on your way, I would hate to ruin your preparation, my queen and I are eager to see you grow stronger." At these final words Midnight puffed up her chest knowing that she would show up again to impress them. She was very happy being in the presence of the royalty that always seemed so interested in her greatness. Her ego was taking off.

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